How fucking stoopid...
Posted by Swyndle on 11 February 2000 at 07:11:35:

... Do you have to be?
Lets look at a case I recently studied.
Subject is a male, age 25.
Subject is adamant that one day he will get published and therefore should never have to work.
Subject has the physique of a cumquat(Did I spell that right?) and the attention span of mayonaise.
Subject, interestingly enough, shares many traits, smell for instance, with mayonaise.
Subject refuses to admit when wrong, proven though this fact may be.
He terminally insists that he is superior to his peers when it turns out, he hasn't got any peers. Not even vegetables rank that low on the intellectual food chain.
Subject has been observed still living with mommy.
Subject has been observed locking himself in the basement and only letting people down there once he has managed to cut power to the monitor of his pc.
Subject is without license to drive let alone an actual automobile of his own.
Subject is a lethargic waste of electrons and should in the opinion of this observer, be put down in a fashion keeping with the likes of most loose, rabid dogs.
Subject is stoopid.
Subject is slovenly.
Subject is feckless.
Subject is obstreperous.
Subject makes me nautious.
Subject is Utahraptor.
Subject is finished.
These findings are true to the best of my knowledge and were supplied by a reliable source who wishes to remain anonymous.
~Swyndle -}