Good (place deity of choice here)...
Posted by Swyndle on 03 January 19100 at 13:40:24:
In Reply to: Re: LOL posted by Utahraptor on 03 January 19100 at 09:23:59:

Sure I live in the land o' llamas and don't get out much, but is this guy for real?
I hurt. I hurt alot. You know, it recently dawned on me that had the Des Moiniacs of a few years ago not gotten me off track with the Pandora nonsense, I could have applied myself better. I want my hour back dammit.
Literally, an hour I spent attempting to decode the words of the previous post, and then form sentences out of the words I got.
To Vigo. I am truly truly sorry for the bullshit that went down. Well, of course i can't be sorry for that which was not mine, but you get the drift.
What could have caused the Swyndle of all people to reverse his philosophies you ask?
I answer: This twit. no really, after the initial head ache wore off, I realised it was a crime against humanity to lump any other soul into a category with this guy. He is one special idiot.
Not because he attacks my friends with hard to annunciate rhetoric. not because he's particularly intelligent.
Simply because I have never encountered before, the sheer pain I have just been through as I attempted to read that thing.
I assume he was trying at English, or at least American. Any other language and he probably woulda made it.
My god, how does this guy tie his shoes? I have to hand it to V, you were never, EVER, this annoying.
Has anyone here ever beaten Tetris on Gameboy? I did once in high school. The reason I mention it, is that afterward for like a week, everything and everyone looked like a Tetris piece to me. I actually started rearranging furniture at other peoples' homes. And occasionally I got pissed off when nothing would disappear when I'd connected stuff.
At any rate, I can't look at the screen right now, because I read that, that, good grief, words fail me. Since reading it, my eyes have this sortof glazed over, Matrix sortof vision. I think I may be going blind.
I wonder if I can sue him for corneal assault or internal vandalism of a privately owned cortex.
After that whole thing, all I could actually make out, was something about there being a largish cheese in the gazeebo of his uteras.
I have no idea what he meant by that, I'm taking it at face value.
I even thought about copy-pasting, and writing a new Xmas about it, but alas, my spellcheck would probably end up causing that whole meltdown of all technology all these idiots were on about.
Speaking of which, hey, Yuts, you notice that everythings fine and none of the computers had a problem?
This is just my opinion, i may be able to get a doctor to help me sue for libel.