Posted by Swyndle on 01 January 19100 at 01:34:23:
In Reply to: What's New posted by Gremlin on 31 December 1999 at 17:39:30:

So, I'm a little put off by this whole "millenium" thing.
I understand the mechanics of everyone else in the world being an idiot at this point- and therefore behind a bit on their payments-- what I don't quite grasp (pardon me for lack of knowledge here, I was too busy being a terrorist in school), is why it's even called "millenium."
When one counts a thousand bytes, they become a kilobyte. Makes sense, I've been metric for awhile I suppose. Don't ask, Gremlin knows.
The point I'm getting to I guess is, since kilo means thousand, shouldn't milo stop trying to get me to smoke up in history?
Er, wait, sorry, wrong year. At any rate, I always kindof assumed--not that I ever cared actually-- that a millenium would be a million.
They both seem to be derived from the same base.
I think we should call it the third killenium.
never mind, I think I get it now all of a sudden.
Though, you can't really fault the name, it kinda makes a twisted, Swyndelian sense.
~Swyndle (Now with riboflavin)