To Utahrapho,Utahrapo, or whatever he calls himself: Some Helping Hints

Posted by Flashtalon on 26 January 2000 at 01:20:13:

If he isn't banned by now, I would like the crazy one to see this. Maybe it'll drive some sense into his head, but most likely he'll take this is an insult, being far to blind to see anything other than what is biting his nose, if he even sees that...

Mr.U, as I shall call him,
seems to be a very sad person.
Apparently he's trying to impress us with his knowledge of BIG WORDS, and theories and such, trying to confuse us and make us think he is important.
He is not. He is simply lonely, lost, a child seeking attention of those who shall give it to him, in whatever form the attention may come.
He's trying to impress himself and others...and ends up failing.

His words, whatever he strives to communicate, usually fail utterly--
and it's not just because of his horrific spelling (I admit I, too have horrific spelling, yet I manage to get my points across more or less).
They fail because of his condescending, rude tone. He tries to act important because he feels so insignificant. Poor You, Mr.U...
Also, he gets his facts wrong, and this makes others doubtfull of him, and far less trusting of Mr. U; for he has 'gotten things wrong' so far, and has shown himself all but incapable of 'getting things right'.
Another thing is his use of curse words. You know "Fuck you, Shithead you are so stupid"; phrases like that. People do not like being cursed at. Cursing does not make one seem better, older or more important. If at anything, it does the oposite.
It makes Mr.U seem to be childish, perhaps in his early teen years? 12-13? His quick and almost unchanging reliance on such words to try to get his point across fail so misrabley it's not funny.
His entire writing strategy tarnishes and blurrs any intelligence he may seem to have and make his orriginal mesage indecipherable to all but himself.

In the future, I suggest if he tries to post he
a) Cut the cursing and name calling- it makes you look and sound stupid and juvinile. Besides,
Personal attacks are uncalled for and are the marks of someone who can't use language effectively
and make it clear that he is utterly unprofessional, with no respect for anything, not even
b) Try to have a point to a post; or make sentances that make sense. -We can't understand
what you're saying if you write things like "And he we our was this that purple green orange yeah".
c) If you are unsure of spelling, try to get a dictionary or a spellchecker...
or type it in word, than post-- that helps.
d) If you disagree with something and it isn't going anywhere and you know it won't,..
AGREE TO DISAGREE. This means you say basicly "I understand you feel ____ but my feelings/
opinions differ..knowing that we cannot agree we agree to disagree" and you DROP THE SUBJECT.
and have a nice day.


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