Re:After You And Everybody Asked Me To Stick Around? Never!
Posted by Utah Friend To The Gays Raptor on 26 January 2000 at 08:41:37:
In Reply to: Let's hope he changes message boards... posted by Mephistopheles on 25 January 2000 at 12:03:10:
Now, who shall I have the pleasure of addressing my next reply to? Your alter ego, or one of your friends? I wanna tailor my reply to them. I like to make it more personal, don't you know? Wll, of course not. Expecting you to show any signs of overwhelming intelligence, let alone even underwhelming, is just too big a miracle to occurr. Oh well, Gorgon. Keep at it. Maybe one day you'll get amalgamated with a fly. Hope you can handle the intelligence rush of a fly's brain, my cognitively challenged mythological Greek chick. I'll be watching. -}