Re: Why God Loves Gays Over Heteros
Posted by Gremlin on 26 January 2000 at 09:08:43:
In Reply to: Why God Loves Gays Over Heteros posted by Utah Friend To Gays Raptor on 26 January 2000 at 08:06:48:
: It's amazing how many people stand there insisting that God hates gays, and would condem them simply for being gay.
Until you consider how many people are really very dumb and will believe whatever they're told.
It is really the hetero people losing face.
Is this a standalone assertion, or does it somehow relate to anything else in this post?
A gay person does not go around attacking heteros.
Actually, some do. Perhaps you've heard the term Breeder.
There's never been a report of a hetero bashing.
Not true. Or, more accurately, it wasn't called that.
Murders, rapists, theives, embezzalers, etc have alwasy been straight.
An assertion and a lie. History is replete with homosexual tyrants.
Hate crimes have never been caused by gays.
You might wanna put some thought into the term never. Sweeping generalisations are rarely [though perhaps not never] accurate.
It's the heteros doing these rimes, and these sins.
Define sin. Sin seems to be going against the dichotomous will of a fictional character.
Add to it the Hetero judging of gays, and the Christian leaders trying to convert gays because they have judged their homosexual brethern as sinners (plus it's a way of lfie you're born with. You can't change it), and you see the great "saviors" are destroying themselves.
Okay.... heteros doing these rimes ...nope. I'm not seeing the accuracy in that formula. Please leave math to the experts.
Hetero judging of gays
+Christian leaders trying to convert gays
Selfdestructing saviours
Sure, stereotypically, gays are great decarators, are great with colors, and can remembrr every show tune around. Very friendly and happy people, really. Quite a moronic reason to hate them.
Which reason? The decorative attributes, or the happiness? I'm not much for shiny, happy people in general, regardless their *sexuality.
And the Bible never once mentions gays are bad.
Except for that bit where it's a sin to become intimate with your own gender, you mean....
Every reference to it is by someone claiming that the passage about going forth and being fruitful implies (or they infer) that not doing so is a sin.
Where every is as dangerous to your argument as never.
Specualtion doesn't count folks.
Hey Host: found one for your wall....
Add to it the fact that God killed off the human race before, is ready to let humans annihilate themselves soon, and you can clearly see that by not reproducing, you're in good with the Big Guy In The Sky.
It's clear you haven't been told about facts. A fact is a declaration which can be proved true or false. No proof exists--or, according to the assertions of theists, can exist--by which to prove or disprove the existence of a god, its extermination of the human race, or its preparedness to allow the selfdestruction of the human race. Moreover, it's not at all clear that the failure to reproduce will elicit any reaction--favourable or otherwise--from this fictional character you claim to have so many facts about.
Gays also help control the overpopulation problem, and give orphaned kids a better chance of finding a home.
Which is a non sequiter. Homosexuals have been known to reproduce, because civilisation implores that they act 'normal'. Civilisation also condemns the practise of homosexuals adopting orphans.
All heavenworthy acts.
This requires a definition as well. Since heaven evidently doesn't exist, it's impossible to determine what sort of acts might be worthy.
: Of course, gay abshing leads to problems of its own.
And then you failed to produce any sort of explanation to this assertion; the next bit has nothing at all to do with gaybashing.
One basher went in to ahev a tumor removed from his, er, brain (hint of true badness there),
What is 'true badness'; how is a brain tumour a hint of 'true badness'.
and suddenly he's gay. He claims the doctor screwed up and made him gay (a scientific impossibility),
You might get further with the term 'improbability, since no one is utterly certain that the process is truly impossible--least of all you.
a nd when the new gay on the block demanded money compensation, the doctor laughed his ass off,
A standard response from intelligent people who become confronted by really dumb assertions.
thus pissing the idiot off even more.
Which will read better as 'and the idiot became pissed off', since that's far less subjective.
Had he been nice to his gay bretehrn, he'd have no tumor, or sudden realizaation that he was always gay to begin with.
How many walls have we got left at this point....
: So, love your gay brethern (not neccessarily make love to), for if you don't, you'll spend eternity paying for your closed mindedness.
Another No Proof Required assertion, brought to you by BangBang.
Now, this is interesting--that Banger here would return to the board as the little Bluebird Friend to all homosexuals. For those few who haven't seen through this yet, Banger is setting up yet another marketing ploy. It's actually kinda clever for someone of his disability. Those who agree with him that gaybashing is a dumb, selfhating act will 'prove' him correct and intel--sorry: erudite. Those who disagree will become nazis who can be nazis for disliking one 'jew' [who appears to be neither judaist nor Israeli] who are also homophobic gaybashers. And, while I suppose you could trap a few dumb people into leaping into one of his two premeditaed categories, most [but not all] dumb people rarely [but not never] come to this board.
Personally, I don't like gaybashers. Or nazis. I actually see a lot of similar traits in both parties. Those who read Homophobia in News of the Stoopid [formerly online] will already know that; those who haven't read it: it's in NotS, which will be released in a few weeks.
Still, Banger is correct about very, very little in this post. He may believe what he's posting, or he might not. I'm not concerned about his beliefs--the majority of his publicised beliefs are deplorable opinons based on inaccurate data. But this political manoeuvre, designed to categorise us into ProBanger or AntiGaySemite factions is insulting and demented.
Get used to it,. I suppose; I'm sure he'll try something similar to it in the future.
- Re: Why God Loves Gays Over Heteros
posted by Swyndle on 26 January 2000 at 14:13:54