Just a couple quick thoughts

Posted by The Imp on 27 January 2000 at 01:03:28:

In Reply to: Why God Loves Gays Over Heteros posted by Utah Friend To Gays Raptor on 26 January 2000 at 08:06:48:

: Murders, rapists, theives, embezzalers, etc have alwasy been straight.

Could you site your source of information here? I'd love to see the, ahem, intellectual who came up with it. Oh wait... I'll bet you made up this "fact".

........as sinners (plus it's a way of lfie you're born with. You can't change it),

Oh, oh, I reconize this. This is one part of the whole why people are gay debate. I believe there's evidence pointing either way still.

: And the Bible never once mentions gays are bad.

Flower can give you the exact book and verse where it does. Sodom and Gamorra come to mind.

: One basher went in to ahev a tumor removed from his, er, brain (hint of true badness there), and suddenly he's gay. He claims the doctor screwed up and made him gay (a scientific impossibility),

So what you're saying is that tumors/cancer is punishment for evil..... A little Dark Ages there Utah. Also, that whole imposssible to make some one gay thing.... It's not proven impossible, the technology or proper technique just haven't been found. A mistake in brain surgery could very well cause something like that, it's just not proven or very probable.

: So, love your gay brethern (not neccessarily make love to), for if you don't, you'll spend eternity paying for your closed mindedness.

Utah the alien-something-or-other, converts to mysticism. News at 11.

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