Dumb Wars: Stoopidity Strikes Back
Posted by The Host on 05 July 2000 at 04:11:41:
In Reply to: What's New posted by Gremlin on 01 July 2000 at 11:35:09:
Bet you never thought you'd hear from me again. Figure old Gremlin would
offed me by now. Putting a hit out on someone usually does this sort of
thing. But not against me. I didn't survive Gremlin's first murder attempt
in October. . .
What? He didn't?!
. . .to die at the hands of the military soldier and Canadian lackey's
threats against my life.
Oh, wait, I see, I get it. Damn. Wishful thinking. I guess I'm the Canadian lackey. Ooooh, that's what you call 'blazing wit.'
Nor their precious god's attempts threats either.
So he's heard of Gremlinism. Apparently, he's not a potential convert. . .
No. His server remained down long enough for me to learn what it'll take to
Let's see -- you take air in, you let it out, take it in, let it out. Good, good, BangBang, you're getting the hang of it. Now just keep that up at a regular rate. . .
Now, with it's being ready this June, well, to you wonderful idea
revenge, I will strike first.
WARNING: Reading the above sentence more than three times may cause your brain to implode.
I tried to be reasonable. I asked for help.
did everything I was supposed to, even to offer the most amount of help
possible. I tired to get them the mental help they needed. They did this to
15 year old boy before. Now they try it on me. Who's next? Any kid or
Mental help we needed? Scoff, scoff. So, we've done this to a fifteen year old before. Who could he mean? Alan1? Well, what did we do to Alan1? We, um, told him to go away because he was acting like an idiot. We happened to begin a soon-abandoned story about a geeky kid who (by total coincidence) sared Al's real-life first name and hometown -- both pieces of information readily available on the internet. So what, pray tell, is Utah worried about?
Seeing as how the Grempire, as they like to call it, is a cult
against the idiots of the world. 96% of the populace fall into
you all.
We're a cult? Cool. I'll get the Kool Aide.
Hence my trying to help save their minds, or what's left of it.
'Hence.' Arguably an anachronism, but certainly a literate word. So DumbAss has found the thesaurus button in his word processor. . .
However, no one would help me. You all just laughed at me and gave me the
Hey, we thought it was a joke. Come on. Seriously. YOu're not really that stoopid, are you?
So be it! If you will not help protect me from the Gremlinites,
I'll just have to make sure you must protect them from me!
And my heart goes black with fear. . .
By your command. I'm going to do to them what they plan to do to me this
What we plan to do to you in June? Waitaminute! You mean to say you're gonna . . . do nothing?
I'm going to hunt them down like animals, and I'm going to destroy
them. That's right. Not kill them. Destroy them. Killing is something you
people believe in. Not me. I'm going to do the worst thing a human could
possibly have to endure.
Do you mean to suggest there's something worse than your inane messages?
Death will only end their agony, and silence their
shame. So instead, I'm simply going to break them. Thanks to comic book
violence, I have learned never to kill. Nobody gets off that easily, least
all after threatening and stalking me.
Come one, come all: BangBang attempts to be eloquent and ominous simultaneously. Results hilarious.
Not to mention, Gremlin's previously
failed attempt on my life in October.
Let's get this straight, Yutz: there was no attempt made on your life in October by Gremlin or any of us. If there had been, I'm sure it wouldn't have failed. But we're smarter than that -- and anyway, you're not really intersting enough to be so infuriating. Gremlin the false idol, shall be No, just idiots like you. He's in Denver, CO, now. See, I can easily find out about him, too. I don't Hold on, I've read the book, and haven't come across anything yet about a pie bomb. . . . . .and I'm going to be in Denver on any given day. Where will That sex is bread? Huh? Oh, Utah tries double entendres on for size. and then Okay, I must admit, he may have a point there. . . Plus, a Gremmy's most precious. And it was a birthday present, no less. Literary reference. Nice. But -- let me get this straight -- ClapTrap has a penis, given to him for his birthday, that Gremlin cut off? Is this the sort of thing one wants to admit on the internet? Then, This is about the point where things stop being stoopid and enter the realm of the truly bizarre. . . Then there's Let me guess: They lose the ability to type and spell coherently, they ramble on about aliens incessantly, and they threaten to do things to other people in emails sent to online law enforcement agencies? You're going to slice up Hunter, pull out her eyeballs, and cut off her penis? Oh, my. Yes, thanks to medical incompetence, I now know This guy would be a rapist if he wasn't a lazy loser. The interesting part is how two members were kids when I need to be institutionalised. That's funny. But you decided my life was I think that was pretty much decided a long, long time ago. . . You called it two guys going back and forth on a Cyber stalking? If you define 'stalking' as 'two guys going back and forth on a message board.' Crime? If pointing out someone's stupidity is a crime. . . Diagnosis: paranoia. They want me to die, now they'll spend Diagnosis: redundancy. You Diagnosis: stoopidity. You see the penalty My faith in these places is growing. Guess all you so called Don't really have much of anything to say here. Just thought that last sentence sounded funny. And get off scott free, thanks to you Delusions of grandeur! Two can play at that game: am I a supervillain now? Can I be Dr. Freeze? Then you can She's still in the army? News to me. Then of course try her for treason and conspiracy to kill. So, by your estimation, insults and arguments constitute conspiracy to kill and treason? Do you even know what 'treason' means? She did sneak Gremlin a gun and some biochemical weapons. Germs. Now, she And from bizarre to plain funny. He can't be serious . . . The scary part is, he probably thinks he is. . . See, it's all just a game Is it just me, or does he sound vaguely like a Baptist preacher? America isn't Here we see he attempts political commentary. Results: stoopid. So, what, our spines are going to be taken from their relatives at gunpoint and eventually shipped to Cuba? Huh? We are. We probably will be for a long time to come. Now there will be much suffering for your crimes against You're comming after us? Is that slang for 'communicating,' or does it have something to do with Star Trek. . . ? See, Amercians don't liek Big Brother putting Another literary reference. Ooooh. But how, pray tell, does one liek? I thought that was some kind of vegetable. . . So, I'm gonna have Why not? Gremlin: this boy's cracked. 'Nuff said. Good night. -Host
(he actually considers himself a god, as is indeed worshipped). I already
have two addresses on him: Gremlin CO Rainbow Ridge Publications, 1990 150th
Avenue, Indianola, Iowa 50125 and Gremlin PO Box 440393 Aurora, Colorado
80044. He looks exactly like Jeff Goldblum. He's like 6'4, and very very
skinny. He hangs out at restauants like Bills and Perkins, with his Sony
laptop and digital camera, smoking away and belittling everyone who comes
need to ask "his" friends for help, like he did of mine. I also know one of
his many weak points. His ego. All I have to do is e-mail
gremlin@gremlin.net and say I have a copy of his book, News Of The Stoopid
(which does contain pie bomb building instructions, as he himself brags
all the time). . .
be so I can meet you and get an autograph. Once he tells me, I'm there.
Think of all the fun I can have with him. I can easily
debobbitize him (You know, off with his head, down with the stalk). . .
castrate him. Trust me, it's best he never has a begotten child.
only fair that I do. After all, he took away my most precious, and it was a
birthday present no less. Only fitting I do the eye for an eye, a tooth for
tooth, a nail for a nail, a most precious, for a most precious. So good-bye
following in the eye for an eye bit, I'm going to do to him, what you humans
did to me. You cost me my right eye, so now he loses his.
plenty of body mass to slice and dice. Slashing is so much fun nowadays.
Arms and legs to massacre and amputate. Backs and bones to break, necks to
snap, paralysis to induce. And of course, home made lobotomies. Right
through the left side, specifically, the speech center. You do know what
happens to people who get brain damaged there, don't you?
All I'm saying
big surprise. Of course, this will happen to all the Gremlinites. Even the
few females in this cult.
to hurt women. Off with their breasts. The emotional damage alone is the
most fun, yes/no?
joined 2 years ago. 1 still is. He lives in Arizona, uses IP -
1Cust5.tnt4.phoenix.az.da.uu.net UU.NET e-mail addy
and his dad works for a high-tech audio design firm in boulder. This is who
you allow to be corrupted, and will go down, as well.
Had you bothered to care about me, I'd have simply had Gremlin, Imp, Hunter,
Host, and Swyndle, the main offenders, institutionalized, where they could
the help they so badly need, as stated before.
worth squat, not even.
message board (the wave of cyber stalkings/crimes of the 21st centurey,
Said I wanted revenge. No. I wanted them healed. But thanks for the idea.
Their minds can never be healed. No one wants them institutionalized for
their/our safety. So if I can't help heal their minds like I want to, I'll
things your way, and damage their bodies just as badly as their minds are.
must protect myself. It's do or die.
lifetime begging to die. However, I'm going to make sure medical science
them alive and in agony for a long time to come. A very long time indeed.
For the promise of a little mercy, Gremlin will help me track down his
followers. And you inspired me. Thanks > : )
You see, you really should have helped me out. Instead of ignoring me, you
should have worked with me. For I'm the second. A mere child was first.
see, they go after kids AND adults. Which means more youths are in danger.
And you're helping them. So I must stop them alone. You'll of course be
thanking me, because Americans don't like child abusers. If you think I'm
bluffing, remember, I was with them for 2 plus years before I learned they
were dead serious and escaped their cult brainwashing.
for escaping. I even asked http://StopNetAbusers.org for help but they
refused to even acknowledge my existence.
are all talk, no action. To scared to venture past baby mild tiff chat
The big boys play on Message Boards.
and your kind. So, go ahead. I'll do what you all are too scared and
powerless to do. Stop the Gremlinites, and save the world.
explain to the world why you let this happen. Course, Hunter (AKA
Tabitha)shall be dishonorably discharged from the army. Which you should
had done anyway.
and her fellow fools shall all suffer the fate. And the Army can explain why
they're training soldiers to kill innocent civilians. But hey, I'm sure the
American people, as well as the world, will understand.
Maybe they'll blame me for stopping the blood shed. After all, if you think
what happened at Wendy's was bad, or Columbine, well, these folks have
analyzed their mistakes, and what they plan to do to me and others is far
Go ahead, think Gremlin's not planning this. If you ignore it, it'll go
All thanks to me. By the way, Gremlin was right about one thing. Our
psychotic, unstable, insane fiend did figure out the truth about me. I am
alien. So anything I do is all nice and legal. Besides the fact Universal
Law dictates I do this to them (your country is in our universe), I have
Diplomatic Immunity by your own misbegotten laws.
to me, too. While Gremlin studied me like an animal, calling me his hobby,
and playing a game where he collects info and stores it in a text file, I
a very different game. In my game, I damage molecular structures on a life
altering level. A paralyzed paraplegic isn't a fun thing to be. A know
about, oh say, 12-15 who will have fun being so. They have no choice.
To think, if you would have helped me out when I asked, maybe none of this
would have happened. But you didn't. So it will. It must. My life and
the lives of the children and my fellow adults must be saved.
designed to handle people like Gremlin, and so I will stop them, by using
same tricks those before me have. Like I said, I'm doing to them what they
will do to me. You thought Coloumbine and Wendy's was horrible? Wait until
go all INS on their bodies. Their internal organs shall be treated exactly
Eilan Gonzalous was.
I do not want to do this. You are making me. I must
this. To protect the world from devastation. To unite all peoples into one
nation. To promote the beauty of truth and love. To extend my rules to the
stars above. I will protect the human race from the Grempire, even if I
do it alone. I hope you're happy and still laughing.
Nobody wanted to
me when I asked.
and all peoples of this world. And when Gremlin posts my info, I'm also
comming after you allas well.
their personal specks on the Net for the world to see.
breaking fun with your bodies as well. Not that you can stop me. You're
little tricks for teaching people how to stalk each toehr are quite useless
off a chat room (baby land). Heck, you couldn't even track down my personal
info with just my credit card number. Here, try and find out lots about me:
5420969100031840. I know that you can't Not even an experation date.
Why couldn't you have helped me when I asked for it? Why did you try and
me for. Why? WHY! - hlfx38-59.ns.sympatico.ca}