Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Ick.
kysoti28 says, i wish
brngreenback says, You just left, hunter?
posey7655 says, i got scared for aminute there
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I don't care if I can't see certain people; they're probably idiots, anyway.
posey7655 says, hunter, can you see me?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, posey: yup.
kysoti28 says, coffee, is anyone not an idiot in your books?
posey7655 says, then you're fine
kysoti28 says, no
PX_Charon says, Kyso: Umm, Me, Gremlin, Chainsaw, Baron, the cat...
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: In what books?
PX_Charon says, Wow, it is a short list.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Getting around the really annoying 'figure of speech' - YES, there are people who I don't think are idiots.
kysoti28 says, books? coffee? you fucking hate everybody, admit it
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: I have no problem admitting that I hate people in general. There are a few
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I'm not ashamed of my misanthropy.
kysoti28 says, none coffee
kysoti28 says, admit it
kysoti28 says, who the fuck did you ever agree with?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Why should I lie, just because you want me to?
kysoti28 says, no
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Gremlin, for one.
kysoti28 says, i stand corrected
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I don't hate him. I'm sleeping with him. I have been for two years. I don't sleep with people I hate.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I don't sleep with /anyone/, really, though. Just him.
kysoti28 says, 1 out of???????????????????
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: There are more.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I'm just not sleeping with them....
kysoti28 says, uh huh
kysoti28 says, name another
PX_Charon says, Hunter: There was that time... Nevermind, I forgot about the Roofies...
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Charon. Baron. Swyndle. Chainsaw.
kysoti28 says, oh, never mind
blueyes_78374 says, I have typed things that she agrees with.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Jurassosaurus, when he's around....
kysoti28 says, really?
ondoher2 says, hunter sometimes agrees with me
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, ondo's cool.
kysoti28 says, odd that you find so much time to be contentious
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I have to like ondo; he's hosting my site.
ondoher2 says, hunter ;)
PX_Charon says, Kyso: It comes from not needing 4 hours to think about how to pick up a fork.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, posey's alright; she's cool. She told me about Byberry.
kysoti28 says, have to likely plays a large part
blueyes_78374 says, I think so.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: You really suck at detecting sarcasm....
ondoher2 says, nah, hunter and i got along before i started hosting gemlin's sites
kysoti28 says, oh?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, ondo: Yeah, I know. I was *kidding*.
blueyes_78374 says, lol hunter.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Damn.
kysoti28 says, yeah
PX_Charon says, Ondo: It's okay not to like you?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue's okay too.
PX_Charon says, Sweet.
kysoti28 says, here's a tip
kysoti28 says, i don't employ sarcasm
ondoher2 says, charon: no, everybody must like me, dammit!
kysoti28 says, only skepticism
kysoti28 says, maybe
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Would you care to incorrectly assume anything else, and 'demand' that I 'admit' something I've never hidden in the first place, or are you finished?
kysoti28 says, ojkay cof, i resign, i though you hadn't posted a single positive utterance since doomsday....but i'm not 24/7
kysoti28 says, thought
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Think what you like; you'd be wrong.
kysoti28 says, maybe sos
kysoti28 says, so
blueyes_78374 says, feels the love.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: Ew. Sticky.
ondoher2 feels blue's love
blueyes_78374 says, lol hunter.
Fastillion says, bend over blueyes_78374: I want to feel the love too.
PX_Charon says, What? Blueyes is sticky? I missed it! NO!
kysoti28 says, though i must say, you ride the edge of iffy, all the way
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Clarify.
kysoti28 says, that is okay
kysoti28 says, well
blueyes_78374 says, iffy?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Define the phrase 'ride the edge of iffy'. Explain.
kysoti28 says, you're contentious to the max, in my experience
kysoti28 says, maybe that's good
brngreenback says, Iffy the rhinoscerous?
kysoti28 says, if so
brngreenback says, I wouldn't want to ride the edge of that...
kysoti28 says, then i'm glad to have made you aware of me :D
kysoti28 says, 'cause i'm a bugger :))
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Quarrelsome; argumentative. Perhaps, but only if that applies when people do nothing but try to start fights with me.
kysoti28 says, the wonderous awe of?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, And I really don't see how that's even applicable here. This is, after all, a debate room.
kysoti28 says, cof
kysoti28 says, ^5
high_ly_rical says, what is all this talk about proof of gods existence
high_ly_rical says, you ignorant human beings think u made the sun and earth too
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: no
high_ly_rical says, thats just a way america got most of you on lockdown
kysoti28 says, u made the sun and the earth?
kysoti28 says, who the fuck is u???????????
high_ly_rical says, there isnt no proof that america is the most fucked up country but hey im sure we'll all agree on it
posey7655 says, i don't think america is the most fucked up country
high_ly_rical says, then your living in denial
high_ly_rical says, just like you are about god
posey7655 says, no, actually i'm not
ondoher2 says, i think afghanistan is likley the most fucked right now
kysoti28 says, then you're fucking stupid posey
posey7655 says, there are plenty things about america that could use changing
posey7655 says, but i am very glad i was born here
high_ly_rical says, well then i come from the most fucked up country in the world
high_ly_rical says, and i feel like the richest why?
Fastillion says, I would say Columbia or the other cocaine nations. They are truly fucked.
high_ly_rical says, by fucked up i mean doing every little single act of inhuman activities out there
PX_Charon says, Kyso: Idiot: You've got alot to learn about sociopolitics if you think America is the worst you can find.
golconda2.rm says, mike in that case, you're referring to a very bitter, vengeful, rather childish supreme being
brngreenback says, The list goes on and on...
posey7655 says, highly, no place is perfect
PX_Charon says, Hmm, Cuba anyone?
high_ly_rical says, heaven is perfect
kysoti28 says, ross perot financed 20+ armed invasions of loas and cambodia to "find m.i.a.s'" none were ever found
high_ly_rical says, no one said you will be happy in this world
kysoti28 says, he was a terrorist
Fastillion says, With billions and billions in drug money going to corrupt military, government, and mafia people down there, no force on heaven or earth will clean up that mess.
high_ly_rical says, doesnt mean turn ur back on god
kysoti28 says, kill him
posey7655 says, high, i am happy in this world
kysoti28 says, asshole
bul_sht_er says, it seems like the people who dont like the usa have ether never been here or never been anywere else........
high_ly_rical says, dont worry this mess in america will get cleaned up
high_ly_rical says, if the aids your government sent out doesnt get to every one of you, im sure something else will
kysoti28 says, address me, fuckwad
PX_Charon says, Let's not ignore people waiting for 3 hours for bread in Russia. India? Fucking Afghanistan?
brngreenback says, kysoti, we live in a nation where the LOWEST economic class, the homeless, have a life expectancy that rivals the total life expactancy of someone in Ethiopia, Somolia, etc even if the second person were disgustingly rich.
posey7655 says, my government sent out aids?
high_ly_rical says, cuzz gothich was raised to believe that, brainwasyed
posey7655 says, i thought it was the queers?
high_ly_rical says, oh yea, sure right here
kysoti28 says, yes brn
Fastillion says, I admit those nations have serious problems but they have problems that can be fixed.
high_ly_rical says, i got proof of everything i say
high_ly_rical says, but the question is, are you all able to handle it
brngreenback says, Iunno, that doesn't seem half bad...
kysoti28 says, i'm more agree with you than not
kysoti28 says, :|
high_ly_rical says, you are all lost
posey7655 says, the queers and the gov't they're in it together!!!! they are just trying to hassle me and bring me down!! everyone is against me!!!
high_ly_rical says, go to india, and find out that aids was discovered in 1950's there
brngreenback says, I think a country is screwed up when an eight year old can get a job as a sniper, and not live to see nine.
bul_sht_er says, your government this, your government that, name a government that isnt corrupt is one way or another......
kysoti28 says, kills gb
Fastillion says, Right, AIDS is older than the technology to make it.
high_ly_rical says, as a chemical warfare from america
high_ly_rical says, the reeason for the rest of the governents being curupt is because those are american based government
fzzybelly says, high they have samples of tissues from the early part of the last century that had aids
kysoti28 says, kills gb
brngreenback says, Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to have been a sniper at age eight, but...
high_ly_rical says, i dont give a shit
high_ly_rical says, dont believe live in denial
blueyes_78374 says, Who is gb?
high_ly_rical says, all i know is aids is specificly made for the human immune system
Fastillion says, Japan is not very corrupt being new and their unique intersocial loyalty. Switzerland is also nice.
fzzybelly says, high LOL
posey7655 says, umm, high
bul_sht_er says, proove usa made aids?
kysoti28 says, i couldd've shot kennedy, if i was just 10
high_ly_rical says, i dont have to proove usa made aids
high_ly_rical says, i dont have to proove there is a god
high_ly_rical says, open your eyes
fzzybelly says, LOL
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, high_ly_rical: Okay, Banger, yeah, you're right. The US government is run by Nazis, who are really the Illuminati, who are really space aliens, and they released HIV /just to get to you/.
high_ly_rical says, look at the stars... look at the oceans
posey7655 says, high. can you prove to me you aren't insane?
ondoher2 says, my eyes are open. i still don't see god
kysoti28 says, noo high, you don't
blueyes_78374 says, The United States made aids, rofl....
fzzybelly says, high you are funny
high_ly_rical says, no actually america is runed by jews
kysoti28 says, so, have fun
blown_the_clown says, You're wrong.
high_ly_rical says, u were close tho
Fastillion says, SHHHHHHHHH! Hunter. You are giving it all away golconda2.rm says, high why should we believe you then, if you refuse to provide proof to back up your wild theories?
posey7655 says, blue, they made it so they could spend money trying to get rid of it
fzzybelly says, far from it high Hunter_the_CrazyChick dies laughing.
high_ly_rical says, you can all live in a fake world
posey7655 says, it's so simple, why did i not see it before??
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, high_ly_rical: And you're a Pleadian, right?
high_ly_rical says, the movie world
kysoti28 says, <-----buries coffee
high_ly_rical says, it doesnt matter what i am
ondoher2 says, so, the government made aids so that we could attack africa?
high_ly_rical says, i am human
PX_Charon says, High: No, it's not. It's highly tuned to the typical immune system in most primates, but there's also a feline specific HIV. Can you possibly imagine what purpose there would be in manufacturing a virus to kill off cats?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Fastillion: Hey man, I didn't spill it. This Kevin Stern guy who wanted to cut off my tits did....
posey7655 says, facts are the facts
bul_sht_er says, yea, and we made the black plagg too
blown_the_clown says, Wrong again, bucko.
fzzybelly says, high that is just as stupid a comment as the belief that the media is liberal
high_ly_rical says, if u want me to give u the scientific reason why aids is american made just asm me
high_ly_rical says, ask** golconda2.rm says, high YOU are the one positing wild theories and refusing to provide proof and you call US in denial? LOL
fzzybelly says, high too funny
blown_the_clown says, YOU'RE IN DENIAL
posey7655 says, high, what is the scientific reson usa made aids?
kysoti28 says, kevin stern? sounds like a contradiction in terms?
posey7655 says, can't resist mike95190 says, high is just a rablerouser
Fastillion says, You do attract the all-pro wackos. I don't have any tit slashers.
high_ly_rical says, well if u want to test it yourself, aids wouldnt last in a green monkeys system longer than 5 minutes
blueyes_78374 says, High, can you give me a scientific reason why aids is made in America please?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: That was his name.
high_ly_rical says, as well as horse, or a cat
posey7655 says, charon, they annoy me
high_ly_rical says, or even a dog
blown_the_clown says, Wrong again. mike95190 says, waiting high
kysoti28 says, coffee
high_ly_rical says, but it will wreck the human immune system if u dont by there "medicine"
kysoti28 says, may i make peace?
high_ly_rical says, just another way for america to get richer Hunter_the_CrazyChick shrugs.
kysoti28 says, or
fzzybelly says, high we love having everything
blueyes_78374 says, Someone has been sniffing glue again :))
kysoti28 says, ...............................................................
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: are you aware of a recent mutation to turn up in africa that protects many against AIDS
posey7655 says, high, umm, it wrecks the immune system even if you do buy their medicine mike95190 says, and who is geting rich high
high_ly_rical says, ya the disease of greedyness has been in ya'll for a while
fzzybelly says, we also love being the economic engine of the world
high_ly_rical says, the people living in mansions
posey7655 says, and, last i checked, isn't medicine private business in america?
Fastillion says, I heard that the people who were immune to aids were dying of one of the many mutated strains anyway
fzzybelly says, i think you are just envious
high_ly_rical says, yes just like the media right?
kysoti28 says, i admit i was wrong
high_ly_rical says, you hear what they want
high_ly_rical says, buy what they want
kysoti28 says, do you need more?
high_ly_rical says, live where they want
high_ly_rical says, go where they want
high_ly_rical says, and then a result to think what they want
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, There's not particularly any need. Making peace means that there was some sort of 'war' or dispute going on. That kinda implies that both parties cared, and I really didn't....
high_ly_rical says, iggy your daddy too
high_ly_rical says, get mad at me i dont give a shit
high_ly_rical says, call your president
high_ly_rical says, ask him if he really can do something to save your life
kysoti28 says, ahem
high_ly_rical says, ask him if he can step out the white house when he wants
high_ly_rical says, you all get the freedom to say there is no god
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Sorry. I don't need you to apologise. I'm not like that.
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: you are an ignorant, bitter, excuse for a human being. grow up and get a life, son
high_ly_rical says, u get the freedom to butt fuck each other in the ass
kysoti28 says, yes, or no?
high_ly_rical says, but u dont get the freedom u deserve
high_ly_rical says, u are all brainwashed
kysoti28 says, 10
kysoti28 says, 9
high_ly_rical says, to the fullest
kysoti28 says, 8
kysoti28 says, 7
kysoti28 says, 6
kysoti28 says, 5
kysoti28 says, 4 kysoti28 autoignored Hunter_the_CrazyChick watches kysoti28 autoignore himself.
blueyes_78374 says, I hate the number game.
kysoti28 says, 1
high_ly_rical says, of course im incorrect
kysoti28 says, oh
high_ly_rical says, soundz like i am from a movie huh
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Weren't you paying attention?
high_ly_rical says, soundz like the fake shit u hear from your newz
kysoti28 says, c'est la
high_ly_rical says, learn about "the Masons" then you will see
PX_Charon says, High: Where exactly did you learn to spell?
bul_sht_er says, yes were all brain washed in the good ol' us od a......
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: "sounds" "you" "news"
blown_the_clown says, Do I have to spell it out for you?
kysoti28 says, so, who else are you fucking?
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: around here, we speak english
high_ly_rical says, i dont care
blown_the_clown says, Wrong again, bucko.
high_ly_rical says, its not my language
PX_Charon says, The Masons are a quasi religious fraternity. Twit. blueyes_78374 agrees with ondoher2
posey7655 says, high, ha ha!! the masons!
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: I don't need you to apologise; you can go ahead and think you need to 'make peace' if you want, but there's really no need, because there's no 'bad feelings' between us. There are no feelings at all.
high_ly_rical says, the masons... are more than you think
kysoti28 says, the masons are scum
high_ly_rical says, the free masons at that
PX_Charon says, High: And that means you get to fuck with it?
posey7655 says, they are a strange group
blown_the_clown says, What?? That's retarded, and so are you.
Fastillion says, The Free Masons are scum?
Fastillion says, That is harsh.
high_ly_rical says, even if u look on the back of a dollar u will see they control your money
kysoti28 says, oh coffee! i thought i was on semi-apologies, cunt
high_ly_rical says, your bank accounts
PX_Charon says, High: Umm, are you sure you should try and tell me, of all people, about the Masonic traditions?
high_ly_rical says, even the last little dime in your pay check
blueyes_78374 says, That was such an original cutdown...
PX_Charon says, High: You've read that book too many times.
blown_the_clown says, So wrong, it's quite amazing.
kysoti28 says, more reasons to despise you :D
blueyes_78374 says, Writes that one down..
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: You autoignored yourself with your silly little countdown. Now, if you feel the need to make yourself feel bigger or better by making some sort of peace, or whatever, go ahead.
high_ly_rical says, if u knew about free masons you;d know there are 360'z
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Or, you could sit there and be a hypocrite.
ondoher2 says, finds high_ly_rical's conspiracy theories uninteresting. they are trite and tired and wholey unoriginal.
kysoti28 says, hey, then you can't be reading this...slut
high_ly_rical says, the first 100 thin they are in a charity orginization
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Not if I took you off, and it seems that I did.
blueyes_78374 says, another one.
high_ly_rical says, the second hundred, think they have a few more privalages than the others
posey7655 says, thinks high is making it up as he goes along
high_ly_rical says, the 300th degree basically knowz their real purpose
high_ly_rical says, and the last 60 tell you basterds where to shit
PX_Charon says, High: If you knew even the most basic facts regarding the Masons, you would know what's carved into their tombs.
high_ly_rical says, must suck huh
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: Yeah. I've never heard any of these before....
blueyes_78374 says, rofl
blueyes_78374 says, me neither.
PX_Charon says, So tell me. Describe the symbol on a masonic tomb.
kysoti28 says, pours a beer while waiting for the imterminally slow punchline from the slut
high_ly_rical says, u finally got it bullshit
high_ly_rical says, fuck the masonic tomb
high_ly_rical says, i dont care where they lie when they die
high_ly_rical says, they'll feel the torture any dirt grave they go too
blueyes_78374 says, High, are you a christian?
posey7655 says, kyso, are you canadian?
high_ly_rical says, no i am not christian
blueyes_78374 says, k
kysoti28 says, posey: are you fucking stupid?
high_ly_rical says, my religion
PX_Charon says, High: So you admit that you don't know enough about them to even tell us what they publicly display?
posey7655 says, kyso, no
kysoti28 says, wrong
kysoti28 says, bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
blueyes_78374 says, An atheist.
kysoti28 says, next
high_ly_rical says, first off do u know your president is a free mason?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: 1. imterminally doesn't seem to be a word. 2. Who is this 'slut' you're waiting for a punchline from?
posey7655 says, kyso, that was about a 9 on the tension scale there
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Or are you trying to start a fight?
posey7655 says, high, i knew that!!!
high_ly_rical says, and to end that george washington was a free mason
high_ly_rical says, who agree's to that?
blueyes_78374 says, does.
kysoti28 says, in·ter·mi·na·ble (n-tūrm-n-bl)
high_ly_rical says, who knowz that lincoln and kennedy were the only 2 presidents that werent masons?
blueyes_78374 says, :O high used punctuation!!!
PX_Charon says, You've played way too much MGS, boy.
bul_sht_er says, high-ly-too-high, if you are right and everybody else is wrong you might what to rethink your bs....
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: And yet, you wrote imterminally....
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, That's copypasted directly from what you wrote.
blueyes_78374 says, Me thinks high is high.
kysoti28 says, bly\
posey7655 says, still doesn't know if kyso is canadian
kysoti28 says, sorry for the typo
posey7655 says, loses interest
ondoher2 says, i think high_ly_rical is just an irritating little troll
high_ly_rical says, you all dont have to believe me
high_ly_rical says, you are the ones asking the questions
PX_Charon says, High: Are you going to repsond?
kysoti28 says, i'm sure you never made one
high_ly_rical says, as if you have been waiting for this truth
kysoti28 says, shall i wait?
bul_sht_er says, we dont beleave you
blueyes_78374 says, No problem.
high_ly_rical says, plus you all say i dont know anything
high_ly_rical says, but think u all do
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: I don't claim to have never made one, I just don't generally allow something so badly typoed to get through.
PX_Charon says, High: You're quite adept at displaying how little you know. ondoher2 is a wonderful typoist
high_ly_rical says, just like you think you would know what is really going on in afghanistan
kysoti28 says, i'm sorry
high_ly_rical says, because u saw the newz today
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: If you're waiting on some unnamed slut to give you a punchline, go right on ahead. But don't complain to me about it.
Fastillion says, beleaved is a pretty funny one. That is one of those things where they think it is right.
kysoti28 says, typoed???? i can't find that in mike95190 says, high what is your source of information
PX_Charon says, Mike: Video games.
high_ly_rical says, not cnn ill tell u that
high_ly_rical says, lol
high_ly_rical says, definitely not foxnewz mike95190 says, then tell us what
bul_sht_er says, tell us what is going on in afgghainistain
PX_Charon says, More like Foxhound...
kysoti28 says, that took milliseconds
high_ly_rical says, afghanistan is being "modernized" mike95190 says, give us a reference high
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, "Typo" -- slang. A typing mistake. mike95190 says, just one
high_ly_rical says, just like philinies was, the same with all those other little islands, hawaii
ondoher2 says, kysoti28: i imagine that "typo v. to make a typing error" is not yet in dictionaries, but is pretty widely excepted
high_ly_rical says, and thelist could go on
kysoti28 says, :O really????????????
Fastillion says, A little known fact is that 'type setters' set the standard for correct typed sentence structure and formula, like the rules for hyphenation. They call a type error a typo
blueyes_78374 says, High = dumbass
bul_sht_er says, goog its about fucking time
high_ly_rical says, by modernized who knowz what i mean
kysoti28 says, i didn't know that
high_ly_rical says, americanized can be used as well
kysoti28 says, 'cause i'm as smart as you
blown_the_clown says, Can we stay on the topic?
kysoti28 says, L((
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, ondo: I don't see why not; MIDI is in the OED.
Ginsoca leaves
kysoti28 says, :((
kysoti28 says, rather
ondoher2 says, it is there as a noun:
ondoher2 says, hunter turned it into a verb, a common, if informal process
Fastillion says, I was researching hyphenization and only the type setters' unions had sites to even give rules.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Typo is in the OED.
PX_Charon says, High: Thanks, and you're too stupid.
kysoti28 says, blueyes_78374 agrees with PX_Charon
ondoher2 says, hunter; as a verbh, or just a noun
kysoti28 says, tell it to the reference
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, typo. noun. colloquialism. typographical error. [abbreviation].
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, So far.
kysoti28 says, ta da
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Mmm. Right next to 'tyre'.
kysoti28 says, ?
ondoher2 says, fast: hyphenization is something everybody gets wrong
high_ly_rical says, afghans didnt have freedom thanks to america
PX_Charon says, Hunter: Now that's ironic.
kysoti28 says, you've proven???????????????
high_ly_rical says, now we should thank them for free'ing them?
high_ly_rical says, when they arent even free?
bul_sht_er says, when did the have any freedom at all?
Fastillion says, There most reliable rule they gave was that if it was not absolutely necessary to make a meaning clear to not do it.
kysoti28 says, btw
kysoti28 says, slut
PX_Charon says, High: You twit. The Soviets are the ones who devistated Afghanistan.
kysoti28 says, in·ter·mi·na·ble (n-tūrm-n-bl)
blown_the_clown says, Don't tell me how to live my life!
high_ly_rical says, the soviets wanted to
kysoti28 says, 1.Being or seeming to be without an end; endless. See Synonyms at continual
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Just sorta tacked onto the end....
high_ly_rical says, they couldnt... america did by making a certian pakistani group now known as the taliban
blown_the_clown says, Wrong.
high_ly_rical says, thank you all for listening
kysoti28 says, 2.Tiresomely long; tedious.
kysoti28 says, ie
kysoti28 says, you
high_ly_rical says, fuck you all for being so ignorant
blueyes_78374 says, Did not listen. mike95190 says, did not listen
ondoher2 says, is high_ly_rical still babbling
blown_the_clown says, You're ignorant. I'll agree with that.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Please demonstrate precisely how I am 'tiresomely long' or 'tedious'.
blueyes_78374 says, Not today, I have a headache.
kysoti28 says, oh puhleeezzzeeeeee
kysoti28 says, same old
kysoti28 says, same old
kysoti28 says, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
the_mave_rick leaves
high_ly_rical says, sending government agents, classified information..plotting up the step by step corper operations, working for the lethal props rockafella's and mason's, replace our muslims leaders with us and british agents, hidden agenda with their affiliations, occupying our lands with their false peace relations... muslim land under invasion
kysoti28 says, wow
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Oh, I'm sorry. You didn't expect to be asked to prove your assertion.
kysoti28 says, guess i'm destroyed, or somesuch
kysoti28 says, :D
high_ly_rical says, well when ever any of you are ready for the truth
kysoti28 says, what a dewfuss
high_ly_rical says, im am here
high_ly_rical says, but i know it soundz scarey
kysoti28 says, i hope the taliban
PX_Charon says, High: The Taliban are a pseudo-political non-nationalist group of tyrnats who took over social control of the country because it was too damn devistated to support it's sovreignity after the Soviets blew the fuck out of it.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Would you care to stop failing at your little game, or are you going to carry on some more?
high_ly_rical says, i mean for 200 years u let people run your life
kysoti28 says, blows your complaicent ass away :D
high_ly_rical says, so smart
high_ly_rical says, yet so blind Hunter_the_CrazyChick laughs.
high_ly_rical says, i dont know what to do with you all
kysoti28 says, what do you do?
high_ly_rical says, i lived in the us for 15 years
blown_the_clown says, I think the word hypocrite applies here.
kysoti28 says, besides come in here?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, That's funny. The Taliban. Those people who said they'd never give up Kabul, and yet they retreated the instant anyone got near it....
high_ly_rical says, i even was trained by the cia
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Quite a bit, why?
high_ly_rical says, how the hell u gonna tell me??
high_ly_rical says, i know more secrets than all of you put together
kysoti28 says, and tell everyone you're not sleeping with, they're assholes?
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: see,now you lost all credability
high_ly_rical says, well why cant i be a cia agent, when osama bin laden is?
blueyes_78374 says, He had credibility?
blueyes_78374 says, when?
kysoti28 says, i thought so
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Would you care to back that up?
high_ly_rical says, sadaam hussian another american trained agent??
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: any body who claims to have been trained by the cia, wasn't
kysoti28 says, would you??
high_ly_rical says, fidel castro bein an americna trained agent???
PX_Charon says, High: Because you're too blatantly stoopid, and you're posing on a temporary forum. ondoher2 isn't sleeping with hunter
blueyes_78374 says, Another person claiming to work for the government.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: I'm not required to back it up; you, however, are now required to show that I've called everyone an 'asshole' at some point in time.
kysoti28 says, demonstrate one positive thing you've ever said?
high_ly_rical says, i admit i bullshited about bein cia, but tell me about saddam hussiam, fidel castro... and this so called osma bin laden?
kysoti28 says, right
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Considering the fact that I never really use that term, that's rather difficult.
kysoti28 says, uh huh
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Why, yes, I could, but I don't have to yet.
high_ly_rical says, ya just like the whole golf war was to kill saddam hussiam creaturely_whispers is back.
high_ly_rical says, and still didnt
kysoti28 says, uh huh
high_ly_rical says, does that mean u all lost the gulf war?/
kysoti28 says, do it
high_ly_rical says, or u just didnt lose your oil connections?
high_ly_rical says, with kuwait that is
kysoti28 says, constructive
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Sorry; have you backed up your assertion yet?
kysoti28 says, once
kysoti28 says, please?
kysoti28 says, slut?
kysoti28 says, fuck you
high_ly_rical says, sure it was
high_ly_rical says, lol
blueyes_78374 says, Kyso, I have seen you being ugly in this room.
kysoti28 says, bye bye
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Notice how everything I've said thus far has been supportive of your little crusade. Hardly negative. Hardly even combative?
high_ly_rical says, freedom is what kurupts you
kysoti28 says, hunter the moronice blathering dipshit....on iggy forever
ondoher2 says, kurupts?
high_ly_rical says, look at the millions of prosititutes allowed in your country Hunter_the_CrazyChick laughs.
kysoti28 says, bye
high_ly_rical says, look at the strippers
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Cry for me, bitch.
high_ly_rical says, the crackwhores brngreenback is back.
brngreenback says, So, I walk back to "cry for me, bitch"
high_ly_rical says, ya lets start with your mom selling her ass
high_ly_rical says, would u like that
kysoti28 says, i''m sorry
blueyes_78374 says, lol baron.
high_ly_rical says, maybe your sister
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, brngreenback: I'll post the whole thing between me and kysoti28; don't worry.
kysoti28 says, i used to be a nice guy
brngreenback says, aight
high_ly_rical says, sure am the lost one?
kysoti28 says, but you turned your back on me
kysoti28 says, now Hunter_the_CrazyChick snorts.
PX_Charon says, High: You are the dumbest mother fucker I've ever encountered in my life. Why don't you go back to fucking your camel and leave us the hell alone to our indignant wealth.
kysoti28 says, :D
high_ly_rical says, i am crazy arent i?
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: i know my mom, she wouldn't. but no, it wouldn't bother me. especially if it put food on the table
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Ooh. On iggy forever. How hurtful. That's worse than 'slut'. Ooh.
high_ly_rical says, why cant the government put food on your table
high_ly_rical says, instead of taking food outta kids mouths?
blueyes_78374 says, Well kyso, all I mean is that I do not believe you should be acting this way, as you do it all the time yourself.
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: why should they.
kysoti28 says, because they hate you high
PX_Charon says, High: It's not their responsibility to feed us, only to defend us.
high_ly_rical says, because they take damn near 20 billion a year from you all
high_ly_rical says, they dont owe u nothing?
blueyes_78374 says, Writes that one down too.
kysoti28 says, you non-weaslthy puke
brngreenback says, high_ly_radical, the government doesn't take food out of kids mouths. I do.
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: and i don't want them taking more
high_ly_rical says, ya they trian idiots like u to do it
high_ly_rical says, they let rappers do what they do
high_ly_rical says, they let punk rockers preach about the devil
kysoti28 says, weathy, before coffee jumps on my ass
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: If he didn't have me 'on iggy forever' I'd ask him precisely who 'turned their back' on him.
brngreenback says, they let they're supposed to?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: And yet, you have me on iggy forever.
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: if a woman wants to use her body to make some money, she should be able to, and in a clean, regulated environemnt would be preferable to a dirty allyway, giving hand jobs for ten bucks
blueyes_78374 says, He means me hunter, I think.
high_ly_rical says, look at all these lost black guys that sell drugz cuzz they look up to 2pac
ondoher2 says, rappers, suck. i hate rap
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: Ah.
blueyes_78374 says, That wasn't very clear.
high_ly_rical says, fuck the prosititute topic already, everybody knowz thats bullshit, u can be a stupid fuck and say u will let ur mom sell her ass
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, No, it wasn't.
high_ly_rical says, that makes u a coward
kysoti28 says, wealthy?
brngreenback says, high_ly_lyrical, people don't sell drugs because they look up t.o 2pac. They sell drugs to make lots of money silly
blueyes_78374 says, He must have me on ignore now as well :))
high_ly_rical says, why is the 3 most biggest gangs in america is red white and blue??? crips bloods and white pride??
blueyes_78374 says, :|
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: I'm sure you're devestated.
kysoti28 says, nnno blue
blueyes_78374 says, snickers.
brngreenback says, You're just full of stereotypes today aintcha high?
high_ly_rical says, of course they were taught u sell drugs u'll make lotta money
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: not for me to judge to moral values of another. prostitution is a victimless crime. it should be legal. period.
blueyes_78374 says, High is still here?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Yup.
brngreenback says, high, a lot of them have seen it first person.
high_ly_rical says, thats the ignorance u all been raised with
kysoti28 says, though
brngreenback says, ignorance? hardly.
kysoti28 says, you're begging for it
blueyes_78374 says, I put him on ignore when he said America made aids.
high_ly_rical says, what do i need to back up?? Hunter_the_CrazyChick begins transcripting kysoti28
blueyes_78374 says, kyso, put up or shut up.
brngreenback says, Oh damn blue.
high_ly_rical says, what your country does to the other poor countrys?
high_ly_rical says, or what you country does to you all?
brngreenback says, He said that?
blueyes_78374 says, Yes baron.
kysoti28 says, i said what? that's a load of bullshit
high_ly_rical says, forget that, think to yourself what was the internet made for
PX_Charon says, High: Actually, the three most known, are just that. Nothing more than hyped up to sound more impressive. The Yakuza, the Vodacci, and probably the Vice Lords rank as the actual top three.
high_ly_rical says, why is this here
brngreenback says, Not you kyso.
ondoher2 says, kyo: no, blue was talkign bout high_ly_rical
kysoti28 says, but, so are you blue
blueyes_78374 says, kyso, I believe I typed "high".
PX_Charon says, Not a single one of them have anything as stupid as a "gang colour"
kysoti28 says, i said what?
brngreenback says, oh for crying out loud.
kysoti28 says, oh
kysoti28 says, high
blueyes_78374 says, I was not talking about you kyso.
kysoti28 says, them
high_ly_rical says, ya well u are a fool becuase each one of those are bloods and crips... and one is the italian mafia
blueyes_78374 says, Stop exhibiting signs of paranoia.
kysoti28 says, my abject appologies Hunter_the_CrazyChick laughs.
high_ly_rical says, claiming white pride
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: it was first popularized as a communication mechanism between universities. when the world wide web was inventeed, it was realized that this would be a useful medium to ger commercial interests communicated and it quickly took off from there
blueyes_78374 says, does not need apologies :))
blown_the_clown says, What, exactly, does that mean?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, He should also get therapy for the passive agressive personality.
blueyes_78374 says, It is a chat room, not a bedroom.
brngreenback says, high...the mafia's a bit more...organized...high priced...well, less "yo yo yo" than the bloods or crips...
high_ly_rical says, what year was the internet made??
kysoti28 says, i like bedrooms :|
brngreenback says, high, I'll bite. What conspiracy does THIS fit into?
high_ly_rical says, well vice lords is bloods
blueyes_78374 says, you would :|
Fastillion says, I like the "Can we have a truce? Pretty please with sugar on it, you cunt'
kysoti28 says, i do :D
blueyes_78374 says, lol fast.
brngreenback says, Let me guess: Bloods, Crips, 2pac, Elvis, and Bat boy are all in league with SATAN!
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: not sure exactly, i'd have to llok it up. it sarted as arpa net, a government project. it goes back a long time
PX_Charon says, High: The Vodacci, are "The" Mafia Family. You ignorant pansy. The VL are the largest group of dealers ever to hit any continent. And the Yakuza, well, don't fuck with them.
high_ly_rical says, good guess brngreen
high_ly_rical says, the hollywood industry has a lot to do with your brainwashing
kysoti28 says, high?
blueyes_78374 says, poor pitiful high.
high_ly_rical says, as well as the cd's u buy everyday
kysoti28 says, fuck him
blueyes_78374 says, ew
brngreenback says, Well, someone's brainwashed...
brngreenback says, Someone used bleach in that brainwash...
PX_Charon says, And, to be blantantly honest. The Vodacci don't care who the hell you are, if you work, you work, if not, you're just water.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Hah.
high_ly_rical says, no, the whole world is right and america is wrong
high_ly_rical says, ever thought of that?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Point, brn.
brngreenback says, high, maybe you're just uneducated.
brngreenback says, Ever thought of that?
Fastillion says, The Yakuza are the modern form pf the Black Dragon Society that died when Japan lost the war. The Mafia is from the Roman Empire, an inherited social profession called the Piscopos which were like tax collectors and petty officials much like a godfather don
kysoti28 says, america funded 100+ raids into laos and cambodia
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, [Ooh, ooh, wait, that was positive; that was constructuve. That's something I'm not capable of!]
high_ly_rical says, maybe your 10 years of education didnt amount to a minute of mine
blueyes_78374 says, sighs. Maybe the gub'ment sent me aids. :D
kysoti28 says, do they say they're sorry?
kysoti28 says, no
brngreenback says, high, I'm still recieving my education, which adds up to more than ten years at any rate.
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: i believe you got about a minute of education
kysoti28 says, terrorism at it's worst
kysoti28 says, america
brngreenback says, ha ondo
blueyes_78374 says, is not sorry.
high_ly_rical says, you all can laugh...
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: and we are
high_ly_rical says, we will see who gets the last
brngreenback says, Yes, we can high
kysoti28 says, not one m.i.a. ever found blue
high_ly_rical says, maybe not today brngreenback laughs
high_ly_rical says, maybe not tomorrow
high_ly_rical says, who knowz maybe 5 years from now u will figure out that i am right
high_ly_rical says, and then u can shit in your pants and cry to mommy
kysoti28 says, hundred of deaths
blown_the_clown says, I can't believe you period.
brngreenback says, high, we both know there isn't enough room in this crazy world for three people and their little problems. mike95190 says, c ya ondo, blue eyes, fast
high_ly_rical says, if she isnt a crack whore by then
Fastillion says, If America was at its worst, like that Star Trek where the transporters sent them to reverse world. We would use are bioweapons, nukes, industrial and military might to take over the world. We are a people of gentle mercy
brngreenback says, That's why you're getting on that plane.
brngreenback says, Maybe not today
brngreenback says, Maybe not tommorow
blueyes_78374 says, kyso, you blathering moronic cunt, be careful or I will put you on ignore. :))
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: sure we will. run along now, you're orderly is wondering why you are out of bed
kysoti28 says, because "ameriaca" thougt "yahoo"
high_ly_rical says, lol, aids already has been sent out smart guy
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, But soon. And you're going to fly it into that second Qwest building....
kysoti28 says, you can't say you're sorry?
blueyes_78374 says, for?
blueyes_78374 says, okay.
blueyes_78374 says, here goes..
brngreenback says, Hunter, I would SO watch the remake of Casablanca if they did that...
kysoti28 says, fuck slatterm Hunter_the_CrazyChick laughs.
blueyes_78374 says, you're sorry.
high_ly_rical says, sure, like martin luther king did
blueyes_78374 says, >:)
kysoti28 says, no, i'm not
blueyes_78374 says, happy now?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Good one, blue.
high_ly_rical says, or you talking about good ol malcom x
kysoti28 says, sure
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, [oops. More constructiveness....]
kysoti28 says, cunt
blueyes_78374 says, That came from grade school.
kysoti28 says, or
blueyes_78374 says, is.
kysoti28 says, cunt 11
kysoti28 says, if you prefer
PX_Charon says, Oh: I get it now... High actually liked Spike Lee...
PX_Charon says, Gnight Gracie.
blueyes_78374 says, You cannot hurt me.
blueyes_78374 says, You are just another screen name.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: Aw, he called you a cunt. He must like you.
high_ly_rical says, i wonder what u all will say when, u realize your own country hit 2 certian towers down to start hatred
blueyes_78374 says, I am a cunt.
high_ly_rical says, propaganda at its best
brngreenback says, High, this looks like the end of a mediocre friendship.
kysoti28 says, i don't fucking care to bl
brngreenback says, Gong.
kysoti28 says, you twit
blueyes_78374 says, That really hurt. not.
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: sure they did. your CT's are boring me
PX_Charon says, Up the fuck you will shut! Yess.
kysoti28 says, damn PX_Charon click
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, He wants your attention, and if you don't give it to him the way he wants it, he'll call you a slut and a cunt and various other things, and then he'll 'ignore you forever'.
kysoti28 says, you don't have me on iggy
bul_sht_er says, and you buy that, too high?....
kysoti28 says, you cunt
high_ly_rical says, it doesnt matter to me
kysoti28 says, fuck you blue
blueyes_78374 says, You don't have her on iggy.
PX_Charon says, Hunter: If he'll guarantee it in writing, I'll buy.
high_ly_rical says, ask yourself why 4000 jews didnt work the day of 911
brngreenback says, You don't say, hunter?!?!?!?!
blueyes_78374 says, You are the one who said that, not her.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Is anyone else noticing a kindergarten tendency in this guy?
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: good. now run along and go play in traffic or something. do us a favor
blueyes_78374 says, and I would not fuck you on your best day.
brngreenback says, A planet where Ignorance evolved from chatrooms?
brngreenback says, Preposterous!
kysoti28 says, fuck you coffee
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: there were lots of jews in the twin towers
high_ly_rical says, trust me u being white i could get u to fuck in a second
blueyes_78374 says, LOL
high_ly_rical says, even if i dont, im sure another guy will
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Oh, what, did you lie? Amazing.
high_ly_rical says, showz that u are all hoez
kysoti28 says, iggy me you ho;e
kysoti28 says, hole
blueyes_78374 says, I thought you were on ignore hunter? He lied.
high_ly_rical says, just the prosititutes get money for it
kysoti28 says, rather
high_ly_rical says, might as well all be prosititues
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: Yeah. So did I....
blueyes_78374 says, hole?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, On iggy /forever/....
high_ly_rical says, u fuck, might as well get paid for it
blueyes_78374 says, haha
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Ooh. I'm a 'hole' now.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Ooh, that cuts deep. Ooh.
kysoti28 says, you wish
blueyes_78374 says, that hurts!! you are fucking killing me here!!!!!!!!!
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: i thought you were gonna go play in traffic. why are you still here
high_ly_rical says, im not trying too
PX_Charon says, Hunter: Anything is too deep a hole for him.
brngreenback says, Ooh the cutting and the burning and the pain oh lady oh lady froinlaven
kysoti28 says, cool
blueyes_78374 says, :))
high_ly_rical says, tryna cure your blindness LlynyaCariad laughs at baron.
kysoti28 says, so
ondoher2 says, tryna?
ondoher2 says, what is this word tryna
high_ly_rical says, my god, doesnt care for you
ondoher2 says, No entry found for tryna in the dictionary.
high_ly_rical says, that is why he will burn u in fire
high_ly_rical says, like u dont care for other bodyies or souls
high_ly_rical says, who should care about you
kysoti28 says, have either of you reached a philosophic peak beyond...."i sucked this guys cock"?
ondoher2 says, hmm, high_ly_rical: you speaking in tongues now
bul_sht_er says, the god that failed
blueyes_78374 says, takes high off ignore and sees :that is why he will burn u with fire".
blueyes_78374 says, click white_reaper_71 says, PRAISE THE LORD!
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti28: Please quote me as saying "I sucked [nameX's] cock"?
high_ly_rical says, just remember god is the best planner of all
kysoti28 says, bye enema white_reaper_71 says, fuck Darwin
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Oooh. He called you an enema.
high_ly_rical says, i mean bush alone made 20,000 people in america muslim
ondoher2 says, white_reaper_71: can't he's dead
kysoti28 says, bye (c)hunt
blueyes_78374 says, cwies
high_ly_rical says, how good can that be, when he was trying to make u all hate islam white_reaper_71 says, you would anyways
blueyes_78374 says, what shall I do without kyso's attention?
PX_Charon says, Hunter only ever uses the word "cock" when she's quoting somone. She's more dignified than that.
blown_the_clown says, I thought you were beyond that, but boy was I wrong
ondoher2 says, white_reaper_71: fuck a corpse? no thinks. i have only ever slept with one person, and that is my wife white_reaper_71 says, no evolution is bullshit
blueyes_78374 says, Oh yeah, be happy.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, kysoti: Chunt? What's that, a bad misspelling of shunt?
high_ly_rical says, didnt plan it but know's whats going on and can change a few peoples heart to see'ing the truth
kysoti28 says, waits for these two hag fag to start defending ayn rand
blueyes_78374 says, The "h" is for hunter.
ondoher2 says, white_reaper_71, no-evolution is bullshit. i agree. lots of evolution is fact.
PX_Charon says, Either misspelling, I think he just called you a valve...
brngreenback says, Hunter, a chunt is...when chevy a gun?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Charon: Or a railroad switch....
high_ly_rical says, lol, another funny subject evolution
high_ly_rical says, monkey made idiots
high_ly_rical says, thats what it all comes down too
kysoti28 says, in english brn?
high_ly_rical says, hairy stupid animals
high_ly_rical says, :))
brngreenback says, Iunno kysoti, chunt isn't my word
high_ly_rical says, you will think anything to deny god
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: i see you know less about evolution than virology and politics
kysoti28 says, :O
kysoti28 says, really?
brngreenback says, um no
high_ly_rical says, ya ya big bang wow another theory
kysoti28 says, no chunnel?
high_ly_rical says, remember theory is all it will ever be
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: the big bang is not evolution white_reaper_71 says, Atheist are a bunch of dumbass that will go on with there life-and one day find themself in hell
high_ly_rical says, some bullshit a guy came out with
high_ly_rical says, amen to that white reaper
high_ly_rical says, :))
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: som you don't know what a theory is either, then
ondoher2 says, white_reaper_71: define "dumb-ass" for me
kysoti28 says, someone stupider than hunt....amazing
high_ly_rical says, just keep in mind science and scientific is 2 different things white_reaper_71 says, your mama
blueyes_78374 says, kyso, did you look in the mirror?
kysoti28 says, next?
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: sure are. what is your point.
high_ly_rical says, just like in your court systems when many people get prooved guilty to little information that shows someones guilt white_reaper_71 says, my point is in your mouth
high_ly_rical says, when in reality they are innocent
brngreenback says, Delapidated, Mammary-depleted during infancy, Seminal Fluid Ingesting, Forensically hypothetically endowed midget.
ondoher2 says, white_reaper_71: "dumbass" = "
high_ly_rical says, the same goes for your scientific theory's
ondoher2 says, your mamma
high_ly_rical says, they have no real evidence
PX_Charon says, Reaper: I thought you were white.
kysoti28 says, almost english, well done high
high_ly_rical says, just cuzz a monkey walks like a man has 2 hands and a thumb white_reaper_71 says, I am white
high_ly_rical says, they will be human one day too?
high_ly_rical says, why are there still monkeys then?
high_ly_rical says, some didnt evolve?
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: actually, the big bang has very convincing evidence, as does evolution. i suppose you are just ignorant of it
high_ly_rical says, some turned into elephants?
high_ly_rical says, explain? white_reaper_71 says, my ancestors never was a damn monkey
high_ly_rical says, fish turned into aligators
PX_Charon says, White: Then what the hell is with the "your mama" bullshit?
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: so, you really do know absolutly nothing about evolution
kysoti28 says, hughs froom the demented, you must be THRILLED blue
high_ly_rical says, and aligatros turned into birds
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: muy mother is a dalton, i am an anderson. why are there still daltons?
high_ly_rical says, a lot of sence
blueyes_78374 says, thought I was on ignore.
blueyes_78374 says, you fucking liar.
blown_the_clown says, omg
Fastillion says, are*
high_ly_rical says, cuzz your mom divorced and fucked another man
kysoti28 says, goodbye
blueyes_78374 says, bye.
high_ly_rical says, just like you people will go fuck a dog
blueyes_78374 says, is hury really.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: He dosen't know how to use ignore.
blueyes_78374 says, sniffle.
high_ly_rical says, i dont doubt u fucked monkeys back in the dayz
kysoti28 says, see what you've become?
high_ly_rical says, it all makes sence now white_reaper_71 says, I know that ondoher2 evolved from a big lump of shit
kysoti28 says, same to you...formallty coffee Hunter_the_CrazyChick laughs. white_reaper_71 says, if evolution is real
brngreenback says, Sad to see him go, eh blue?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, That's three times!
PX_Charon says, White, you're good at this, how old are you?
high_ly_rical says, we are all made of dirt, and will go back to being dirt
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: no because the dalton and anderson lines diverged. just because my mothers descendants are andersons does not mean the dalton line has to expire. same thing with apes and humans
high_ly_rical says, get it thru your heads
blueyes_78374 says, shut up kyso.
Fastillion says, not believing in science is like not believeing that shooting yourself in the head will be fatal. No one is in the least bit interested in stopping you from doing it.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Whatever you say, kysoti28.
kysoti28 says, thru........there's a word
blueyes_78374 says, Nike commercial, JUST DO IT!!
blueyes_78374 says, I want to be on your ignore list kyso. help me out.
kysoti28 says, younwant?
kysoti28 says, wtf?
high_ly_rical says, i believe in science, that is just a like math... but what i dont believe is scientific theory's when a man thinks he can find reason to show there is no god
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: understand why your monkey comment makes no sense
blueyes_78374 says, after all, it woill not be the first time scripteaser says, bob dylan
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: science says nothing about god. that includes evolution
blueyes_78374 says, :)) white_reaper_71 says, none of us evolved from monkeys
high_ly_rical says, what year did science develop?
high_ly_rical says, the actual word of science
PX_Charon says, White: Why, that would be a stupid thing to say.
kysoti28 says, mummmmmmble mmmmmmuttttttter stutttttttter
Fastillion says, There are gimps who type with pencils attached to their foreheads with a helmet strap that type more cleearly than kysoti28
ondoher2 says, white_reaper_71: true, humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor. that ancestor, were it alive today, would likley be classified an ape, and be very chimp like white_reaper_71 says, ondoher2 did evolve from a shit hole
high_ly_rical says, u all didnt know 50 years ago how a baby was born, or anything about the stars
ondoher2 says, white_reaper_71: you having trouble following this conversation
oregon_boy_28 says, Ya right
high_ly_rical says, until u looked into the Qur'an
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Fastillion: I think I'll have to agree with you on that.
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: true, 50 years ago iwas not yet born
high_ly_rical says, shit u didnt even know the earth was round till you looked into the Qur'an
kysoti28 says, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmutter
kysoti28 says, sssssssssssssssssssssssssssstutter
PX_Charon says, He'd have trouble following breadcrumbs back to his fucking television.
blueyes_78374 says, me too fast. I agree.
kysoti28 says, i'm bobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
oregon_boy_28 says, The only thing Evolutionists are missing to prove this is about 2 hundred trillion years and the more important engrediant. THE "MISSING LINK"
blueyes_78374 says, wonders if he found his ignore.
brngreenback says, um oregon...
kysoti28 says, huh?????????????????
brngreenback says, Is it a fair guess to say that your school textbooks also say "Alaska will make a fine state, someday"?
kysoti28 says, duh???????????????????
blueyes_78374 says, decides she really doesnt give a shit.
high_ly_rical says, lol, i know they believe they can figure out this bone was from this person 2 billion years ago, and that star blew up 5 trillion years ago, but there is no god
oregon_boy_28 says, WHo told you this the fossil reliable tests of Carbon dating 14
oregon_boy_28 says, what ever
kysoti28 says, like you ever figred shit
high_ly_rical says, bullshit lies and theory's i like that
high_ly_rical says, the smartest thing anyone has said besides me
oregon_boy_28 says, Satan is good but NOt science NOT fact NOt greater than good
high_ly_rical says, u fucking morons, get it thru ur head
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I'm glad I'm going to be saving this.
blueyes_78374 says, me too.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, This has some really good ones in it.
ondoher2 says, white_reaper_71: you ain't too good at this whole debate thing, are you
kysoti28 leaves
blueyes_78374 says, by kyso.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Wow. He left.
blueyes_78374 says, loser.
blueyes_78374 says, He called me an enema. I may need therapy after this.. [small chunk missing; I saved, and cleared screen, and didn't get a few lines -- one of them, from oregon_boy_28, was rather retarded....]
oregon_boy_28 says, tHAT'S A GREAT ONE
high_ly_rical says, they think they know about 50,000 years ago and their calendar sayz 2001
high_ly_rical says, idiots
oregon_boy_28 says, oR A LIVING SNAIL AT 27,000 YEARS
oregon_boy_28 says, gO FIGURE
brngreenback says, oregon_boy, do you have a magazine name, and issue number?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, oregon_boy_28: You do realise how retarded you sound right now, don't you?
blown_the_clown says, Nice. Yeah, real classy.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, oregon_boy_28: You can't carbondate living things.
ondoher2 says, oregon_boy_28: there are known limitations to dating methods.
oregon_boy_28 says, oN CRACK yOU CAN THINK WHAT YOU WANT
PX_Charon says, Capslock, and he still hits shift? What a fucking shlong.
brngreenback says, I can validate your data if you can give me a magazine title and an issue number, oregon.
blueyes_78374 says, lol charon
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, SOmeone wanna copypaste the first line. the 'well how about in science mag'...?
brngreenback says, Otherwise, your claim counts for bullshit.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I wanna save that one too.
Fastillion says, I was reading on the isotopes in tooth enamel and it was amazing. They even were analyzing ancient diets.
ondoher2 says, oregon_boy_28: so, you should learn a little more about this subject than what your little creationist pamphlets tell you
blueyes_78374 says, uh oh
oregon_boy_28 says, bEFORE DECAY
oregon_boy_28 says, rEAD AND LEARN
PX_Charon says, Hunter: I got it.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, oregon_boy_28: I'm well aware of what carbondating is. Are YOU aware of the fact that 'before decay' does not mean 'before the decomposition of the animal'?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Charon: Thanks.
brngreenback says, oregon, did you come prepared with any sort of an argument, or something with a point?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Gremlin has a 'stoopid quote of the moment' thing going. I'm collecting stuff for him.
brngreenback says, I mean, when you have a point, it makes it so much more enjoyable to the reader.
PX_Charon says, All that, and I have cheese! I am your king!
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, It doesn't even have to be theistic.
blueyes_78374 says, Had a quote page, then I got a new hard drive and forgot to back it up.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Hell, he had bev up there for a few days.
high_ly_rical says, Take a look around you from where you sit. You will notice that everything in the room is ā€˜madeā€™: the walls, the upholstery, the ceiling, the chair where you sit, the book you hold in your hand, the glass on the table and countless other details. None of them happen to exist in your room of their own accord. Even the simple loops of the carpet were made by someone: they did not appear spontaneously or by chance.
brngreenback says, I feared as much.
Fastillion says, oregon_boy_28 - it sounds like a new caveman skeleton. Oregon Boy - half neanderthal and half down syndrome
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, oregon_boy_28: What are you babbling about?
oregon_boy_28 says, gO FIGURE
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical: and your point is what?
brngreenback says, yes, go figure at once, oregon_boy!
oregon_boy_28 says, pOTASSIAM DATING IS A SHAM TOO.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, And Fastillion gets the point this round....
brngreenback says, To the phonicsmobile!
PX_Charon says, Possum dating is where it's at!
ondoher2 says, high_ly_rical will be ignored for 356 days for posting way too large a post
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, We don't wanna know about your kinky trysts with rodents and potatoes....
blueyes_78374 says, lol
brngreenback says, ohboy
blueyes_78374 says, high is on perma iggy now.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, oregon_boy_28: Myth. Try again.
ondoher2 says, oregon_boy_28: no he didn't. you have been lied to
oregon_boy_28 says, god
oregon_boy_28 says, rEAD
ondoher2 says, oregon_boy_28: ahve youever heard of the site "answers in genesis?"
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, oregon_boy_28: I have no kings; I have no faith. Try again.
Fastillion says, I go to all the bible sites
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, AiG actually warn theists to NOT use that argument.
Fastillion says, especially when i want good science
brngreenback says, oREGON bOY, wHAT'S UP wItH YoUR CAPS lOCK?
oregon_boy_28 says, yOUR GOD IS good OR EVIL
oregon_boy_28 says, your KING
oregon_boy_28 says, nO MIDDLE
ondoher2 says,
blueyes_78374 says, that made no sense whatever oregon boy.
ondoher2 says, oregon_boy_28: to quote their conclusion: "It therefore appears that Darwin did not recant, and it is a pity that to this day the Lady Hope story occasionally appears in tracts published and given out by well-meaning people."
blueyes_78374 says, are you drunk oregon?
high_ly_rical says, scientists who step forth in the name of science take an entirely different stand. In their view, scientific discoveries do not imply the creation of Allah. They have, on the contrary, projected an atheistic understanding of science by saying that it is not possible to reach Allah through scientific data: they claim that science and religion are two clashing notions.
oregon_boy_28 says, sAY WHAT YOU WANT
brngreenback says, I hope so blue
blueyes_78374 says, idiot
PX_Charon says, Boy: What day? What choice? What are you fucking talking about?
oregon_boy_28 says, yOU ARE THE ONES LIVING IN PAIN
blueyes_78374 says, me too.
ondoher2 says, oregon_boy_28: so, now that you know, i never want to see you post that lie about darwin again
high_ly_rical says, As a matter of fact, this atheistic understanding of science is quite recent. Until a few centuries ago, science and religion were never thought to clash with each other, and science was accepted as a method of proving the existence of Allah. The so-called atheistic understanding of science flourished only after the materialist and positivist philosophies swept through the world of science in the 18th and 19th centuries
PX_Charon says, Do you even understand debate?
blueyes_78374 says, is not in pain.
ondoher2 says, i have to go now
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, oregon_boy_28: Yeah; currently, yeah. Much pain. We're listening to you.
blueyes_78374 says, except for how your font is hurting my eyes.
PX_Charon says, Fuck, do you even know what the plastic tips on shoelaces are called?
PX_Charon says, Do you know anything?
blueyes_78374 says, LOL
ondoher2 leaves
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Charon: Do those little plastic tips on shoelaces have a name?
brngreenback says, oregon_boy, here's a tip: Just read the captions. Don't read the lengthy part on the bottom. You'll have a hell of a time figuring out how to type in check boxes for yes/no.
brngreenback says, And, buy more than one tract.
Fastillion says, To me, Darwin gets credit but nothing more. Darwin has nothing to do with my belief in evolution or Neuton in my belief in gravity. Darwin realized it without the facts. I have the science and don't need him for anything.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, oregon_boy_28: My lawyer. Go home.
PX_Charon says, Oregon: Can you think of anyone better suited to defend me?
blueyes_78374 says, lol
oregon_boy_28 says, jesus
PX_Charon says, Oregon, I'm giving you once chance to make sense.
oregon_boy_28 says, hE IS THE ONLY PERFECT
PX_Charon says, Nope you failed.
blueyes_78374 says, oregon boy is even more stupid than cocka.
oregon_boy_28 says, no GOLD STARS
Fastillion says, I still think that Oregon Boy is the Son of Java Man and Mitochondrial Eve
oregon_boy_28 says, i AM HERE WITH A MESSAGE
oregon_boy_28 says, yoU AVE HEARD AND YOU KNOW.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, oregon_boy_28: No, you wouldn't. Your spelling and grammar are atrocious.
brngreenback says, No gold stars today, oregon boy. But tommorow is reading day, so you'll have better luck.
oregon_boy_28 says, wHAT YOU DO WTIH IT IS ALWAYS YOU CHOICE Hunter_the_CrazyChick chooses to poke a paperclip into oregon_boy_28's eye.
oregon_boy_28 says, onE THAT IS BIGGER THAT ANYTHING YOU EVER DO ever
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, *squish*.
blueyes_78374 says, and I shall poke one up his nose.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, That was a neat sound. we should've recorded it.
high_ly_rical says, People who conscientiously and wisely contemplate their surroundings realise that everything in the universe ā€“ both animate and inanimate ā€“ must have been created. The question is "Who is the Creator of all these things?"
blown_the_clown says, Yeah?
blueyes_78374 says, crunch
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Oh, wait. There's another eye.
kysoti28 enters
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, *squish*
blueyes_78374 says, lol
PX_Charon says, I have to gunpowder Oregons nose...
blueyes_78374 says, lies and bullshit oregon boy.
Fastillion says, I do know. Just as creationism clearly does not fit the facts. The Jewish Christian God also does not fit the facts. He is just another false creator like the many before him.
high_ly_rical says, It is evident that "the fact of creation", which reveals itself in every aspect of the universe, cannot be an outcome of the universe itself. For example, a bug cannot have created itself. The solar system cannot have created or organised itself. Neither plants, humans, bacteria, erythrocytes (red-blood corpuscles), nor butterflies can have created themselves. Also the possibility that all these could have originated "by chance" is not even imaginable.
brngreenback says, oregon boy, so you didn't come to debate then... Hunter_the_CrazyChick yawns.
blueyes_78374 says, your arrogance is astounding.
kysoti28 says, gunpowder is weak
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Hey blue....
blueyes_78374 says, hey.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Look...
blueyes_78374 says, I see.
blueyes_78374 says, :)) Hunter_the_CrazyChick laughs.
bul_sht_er says, who said that they can not creat them selves?.....
PX_Charon says, Lakota: I really had hoped you were as cool as your name...
oregon_boy_28 says, hAVE AN AWESOME NIGHT
kysoti28 says, i have a soul?
brngreenback says, Will you just go embrace the rapture and jump off a cliff or something already oregon?
Fastillion says, I have no Jew energy in me.
blown_the_clown says, Nice. Yeah, real classy.
brngreenback says, Come on man, just leave.
high_ly_rical says, We therefore arrive at the following conclusion: Everything that we see has been created, but nothing we see can themselves be "creators". The Creator is different from and superior to all that we see with our eyes, a superior power that is invisible but whose existence and attributes are revealed in everything that exists
kysoti28 says, want to buy it?
brngreenback says, Go pray elsewhere.
blueyes_78374 says, brn, he cannot. he isn't that intelligent.
blown_the_clown says, It's called tact you f*ckrag.
kysoti28 says, die or
brngreenback says, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.
kysoti28 says, you filth
brngreenback says, I guess you're right, blue
blueyes_78374 says, is this time.
bul_sht_er says, i dont beleave in bs
blueyes_78374 says, there's that word "beleave". Nessa_koNeko says, I'm supposed to listen to some Oregonian with a pepsi-themed blend? Nessa_koNeko says, That's a new one..
brngreenback says, Jesus loves you if you worship him. Quezocoatl sacrifices you in his name if you don't worship him.
brngreenback says, I dunno, Quezocoatl seems the safer bet...
high_ly_rical says, The act of seeing is realised progressively. Light clusters (photons) travel from the object to the eye and pass through the lens at the front of the eye where they are refracted and fall upside-down on the retina at the back of the eye. Here, impinging light is turned into electrical signals that are transmitted by neurons to a tiny spot called the centre of vision in the back of the brain. This electrical signal is perceived as an image in this centre in the brain after a series of processes. The act of seeing actually takes place in this tiny spot in the posterior part of the brain, which is pitch-dark and completely insulated from light.
blueyes_78374 says, hot pink has to go.
gizmo_the_magwai enters
high_ly_rical says, The act of seeing is realised progressively. Light clusters (photons) travel from the object to the eye and pass through the lens at the front of the eye where they are refracted and fall upside-down on the retina at the back of the eye. Here, impinging light is turned into electrical signals that are transmitted by neurons to a tiny spot called the centre of vision in the back of the brain. This electrical signal is perceived as an image in this centre in the brain after a series of processes. The act of seeing actually takes place in this tiny spot in the posterior part of the brain, which is pitch-dark and completely insulated from light.
high_ly_rical says, Now, let us reconsider this seemingly ordinary and unremarkable process. When we say, "we see", we are in fact seeing the effects of impulses reaching our eyes and induced in our brain, after they are transformed into electrical signals. That is, when we say, "we see", we are actually observing electrical signals in our mind.
gizmo_the_magwai says, ugh
gizmo_the_magwai says, mic riders
oregon_boy_28 says, tIME HAS NEVER BEEN CONSTANT
PX_Charon says, I'll stick with Onnatongu. At least you can see the bloody moon...
gizmo_the_magwai leaves
kysoti28 says, no KAN
blueyes_78374 says, oregon, can you say one thing that makes sense?
kysoti28 says, you goof
blueyes_78374 says, just one.
high_ly_rical says, All the images we view in our lives are formed in our centre of vision, which only comprises a few cubic centimetres of the volume of the brain. Both the book you are now reading and the boundless landscape you see when you gaze at the horizon fit into this tiny space. Another point that has to be kept in mind is that, as we have noted before, the brain is insulated from light; its inside is absolutely dark. The brain has no contact with light itself.
oregon_boy_28 says, fAITH
blueyes_78374 says, click oregon.
oregon_boy_28 says, you NEED FAITH TO DRIVE DOWN THE STREET
blueyes_78374 says, faith does not make sense.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, oregon_boy_28: Bullshit.
blueyes_78374 says, I thought I needed a car.
blown_the_clown says, Nope.
oliver_hmar enters
blueyes_78374 says, oregon, so what?
Fastillion says, crazy driver?
blueyes_78374 says, grins
kysoti28 says, why de?
Fastillion says, is that like a Jesus copilot thing?
brngreenback says, Oregon boy, remember when you said you were leaving?
high_ly_rical says, i tried to slap some sence into you all
blueyes_78374 says, does not lend money.
LlynyaCariad says, oregon_boy_28, you're going to end up crying, and sore because of the asshole you're having ripped. I'm only thinking of you here; go away.
brngreenback says, I think it's time to recapture these memories.
high_ly_rical says, but i will have to beat it into you
high_ly_rical says, so i will talk to u all later
oregon_boy_28 says, iT'S A RELGION THE SAME AS CREATION
blueyes_78374 says, lol llyna.
blown_the_clown says, I don't know why I try.
kysoti28 says, she's a nuertoc....................
high_ly_rical says, u will see me in a different form
oregon_boy_28 says, tHE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS hope
high_ly_rical leaves
brngreenback says, I want to forget you just the way you are.
kysoti28 says, neurotic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?
brngreenback says, Don't forget to write. Better yet, forget to write.
oregon_boy_28 says, noTHING IS FACT
Fastillion says, hope? A liver transplant is hope. That is the hope of science and a better future. The hope of prayer is just a crack pipe. a smoke dream
brngreenback says, I really miss not seeing you.
kysoti28 says, the sad truth\
kysoti28 says, nothing is fact
brngreenback says, See you later. Like, older and wiser later.
blueyes_78374 says, I thought oregon boy was leaving.
brngreenback says, See, I thought so too blueyes.
brngreenback says, He'd better leave, before we catch on.
brngreenback says, Hint. Hint. HINT.
Fastillion says, HUmans have been here today and tomorrow for more than 40,000 years. Your jew god has been around for 4,000. The Earth has a few years left.
oregon_boy_28 says, i HAVE hoPE hope FOR YOU hope FOR your SOUL yOU jusT HOPE FOR ANOTHER DAY IN HELL
oregon_boy_28 says, wHY IS THAT
kysoti28 says, die oer
blown_the_clown says, CAPS MUCH
kysoti28 says, die or
oregon_boy_28 says, hELL IS EARTH TO MOST
oregon_boy_28 says, lOOK AROUND YOU
brngreenback says, oregon boy, you go on now. Don't worry, I never forget a name. So don't come back.
kysoti28 says, you stupid fuck
Fastillion says, Fundie-Cap Syndrome
oregon_boy_28 says, oK BRAINIE SMURF
brngreenback says, Yes, oregon! The smurfs are on. Go, watch.
Fastillion says, You can jerk off to Smurfette
PX_Charon says, Blue: I got to hate it every fucking day for 8 months.
Fastillion says, or handy knowing you
PX_Charon says, Nah, He likes Handy.
PX_Charon says, ;>
kysoti28 says, you fucking idiot
PX_Charon says, Nice work Fast.
brngreenback says, oregon boy, you've got a face I'll never forget. Good thing I've never seen it.
brngreenback says, LEave.
kysoti28 leaves
decapolis5 says, really blue? where?
blown_the_clown says, Duh.
oregon_boy_28 says, pRAY FOR THAT PERSON YOU SEE
oregon_boy_28 leaves

Some of this got lost


says, ...
varmit82 says, sounds clean...volume down one notch

says, they think they know about 50,000 years ago and their calendar sayz 2001
high_ly_rical says, idiots
oregon_boy_28 says, oR A LIVING SNAIL AT 27,000 YEARS creaturely_whispers leaves
oregon_boy_28 says, gO FIGURE
brngreenback says, oregon_boy, do you have a magazine name, and issue number?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
oregon_boy_28: You do realise how retarded you sound right now, don't you?
blown_the_clown says, Nice. Yeah, real classy.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
oregon_boy_28: You can't carbondate living things.
ondoher2 says,
oregon_boy_28: there are known limitations to dating methods.
oregon_boy_28 says, oN CRACK yOU CAN THINK WHAT YOU WANT
PX_Charon says, Capslock, and he still hits shift? What a fucking shlong.
blown_the_clown says, Can we stay on topic?
brngreenback says, I can validate your data if you can give me a magazine title and an issue number, oregon.
blueyes_78374 says, lol charon
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, SOmeone wanna copypaste the first line. the 'well how about in science mag'...?
blown_the_clown says, I'm serious.
brngreenback says, Otherwise, your claim counts for bullshit.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I wanna save that one too.
Fastillion says, I was reading on the isotopes in tooth enamel and it was amazing. They even were analyzing ancient diets.
ondoher2 says,
oregon_boy_28: so, you should learn a little more about this subject than what your little creationist pamphlets tell you
blueyes_78374 says, uh oh
oregon_boy_28 says, bEFORE DECAY
blown_the_clown says, C'mon people. This is dumb.
varmit82 says, John Cougar is still an unstudied Liberal
oregon_boy_28 says, rEAD AND LEARN
ardent_sinner enters
blown_the_clown says, No, I guess only you are dumb.
PX_Charon says, Hunter: I got it.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
oregon_boy_28: I'm well aware of what carbondating is. Are YOU aware of the fact that 'before decay' does not mean 'before the decomposition of the animal'?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Charon: Thanks.
brngreenback says, oregon, did you come prepared with any sort of an argument, or something with a point?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Gremlin has a 'stoopid quote of the moment' thing going. I'm collecting stuff for him.
blown_the_clown says, Listen to what you're saying. I can't believe you.
brngreenback says, I mean, when you have a point, it makes it so much more enjoyable to the reader.
PX_Charon says, All that, and I have cheese! I am your king!
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, It doesn't even have to be theistic.
blown_the_clown says, Do you hear what you sound like?
blueyes_78374 says, Had a quote page, then I got a new hard drive and forgot to back it up.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Hell, he had bev up there for a few days.
high_ly_rical says, Take a look around you from where you sit. You will notice that everything in the room is ā˜madeā™: the walls, the upholstery, the ceiling, the chair where you sit, the book you hold in your hand, the glass on the table and countless other details. None of them happen to exist in your room of their own accord. Even the simple loops of the carpet were made by someone: they did not appear spontaneously or by chance.
brngreenback says, I feared as much.
blown_the_clown says, Ramble some more.
scripteaser says, ok blown
Fastillion says,
oregon_boy_28 - it sounds like a new caveman skeleton. Oregon Boy - half neanderthal and half down syndrome
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
oregon_boy_28: What are you babbling about?
blown_the_clown says, That's all it is you know, rambling.
oregon_boy_28 says, gO FIGURE
scripteaser says, what the fuck
ondoher2 says,
high_ly_rical: and your point is what?
blown_the_clown says, Yeah you.
whippersnappercc enters
brngreenback says, yes, go figure at once, oregon_boy!
oregon_boy_28 says, pOTASSIAM DATING IS A SHAM TOO.
scripteaser says, are you saying to me
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk says, Get all the ass u can and ur not having a good time ur wasting time - ur only here once and when its over its over - lights out
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, And
Fastillion gets the point this round....
brngreenback says, To the phonicsmobile!
PX_Charon says, Possum dating is where it's at!
blown_the_clown says, One word: propoganda. You expect me to buy that?
brngreenback sells blown a vowel
scripteaser says, What the fuck????"??
ondoher2 says,
high_ly_rical will be ignored for 356 days for posting way too large a post
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, We don't wanna know about your kinky trysts with rodents and potatoes....
blueyes_78374 says, lol
blown_the_clown says, Whatever that means. Make sense.
brngreenback says, ohboy
blueyes_78374 says, high is on perma iggy now.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
oregon_boy_28: Myth. Try again.
scripteaser says, I would like to see you ion person man
ondoher2 says,
oregon_boy_28: no he didn't. you have been lied to
oregon_boy_28 says, god
oregon_boy_28 says, rEAD sofiaharlow screams in a mad fit
ondoher2 says,
oregon_boy_28: ahve youever heard of the site "answers in genesis?"
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
oregon_boy_28: I have no kings; I have no faith. Try again.
blown_the_clown says, F*ckin A.
Fastillion says, I go to all the bible sites
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, AiG actually warn theists to NOT use that argument.
Fastillion says, especially when i want good science
brngreenback says, oREGON bOY, wHAT'S UP wItH YoUR CAPS lOCK?
oregon_boy_28 says, yOUR GOD IS good OR EVIL
scripteaser says, help me understand you
oregon_boy_28 says, your KING
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk says, boy is all upset cause i dont believe in his invisable man
oregon_boy_28 says, nO MIDDLE
ondoher2 says,
blueyes_78374 says, that made no sense whatever oregon boy.
blown_the_clown says, Let's stay at a certain, mature level, huh?
ondoher2 says,
oregon_boy_28: to quote their conclusion: "It therefore appears that Darwin did not recant, and it is a pity that to this day the Lady Hope story occasionally appears in tracts published and given out by well-meaning people."
scripteaser says, for some odd reason
blueyes_78374 says, are you drunk oregon?
high_ly_rical says, scientists who step forth in the name of science take an entirely different stand. In their view, scientific discoveries do not imply the creation of Allah. They have, on the contrary, projected an atheistic understanding of science by saying that it is not possible to reach Allah through scientific data: they claim that science and religion are two clashing notions. sofiaharlow leaves defrag_once_a_day enters
oregon_boy_28 says, sAY WHAT YOU WANT
scripteaser says, i don't even want to know your age
brngreenback says, I hope so blue
blueyes_78374 says, idiot
PX_Charon says, Boy: What day? What choice? What are you fucking talking about?
oregon_boy_28 says, yOU ARE THE ONES LIVING IN PAIN
blueyes_78374 says, me too.
blown_the_clown says, That's not relevant.
ondoher2 says,
oregon_boy_28: so, now that you know, i never want to see you post that lie about darwin again
high_ly_rical says, As a matter of fact, this atheistic understanding of science is quite recent. Until a few centuries ago, science and religion were never thought to clash with each other, and science was accepted as a method of proving the existence of Allah. The so-called atheistic understanding of science flourished only after the materialist and positivist philosophies swept through the world of science in the 18th and 19th centuries
scripteaser says, yeah
PX_Charon says, Do you even understand debate?
blueyes_78374 says, is not in pain.
ondoher2 says, i have to go now
blown_the_clown says, Don't even get me started.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
oregon_boy_28: Yeah; currently, yeah. Much pain. We're listening to you.
scripteaser says, i thought i could say
blueyes_78374 says, except for how your font is hurting my eyes.
PX_Charon says, Fuck, do you even know what the plastic tips on shoelaces are called?
PX_Charon says, Do you know anything? a_parody_of_you enters
blueyes_78374 says, LOL defrag_once_a_day leaves
ondoher2 leaves
scripteaser says, oh he is so young
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Charon: Do those little plastic tips on shoelaces have a name?
brngreenback says, oregon_boy, here's a tip: Just read the captions. Don't read the lengthy part on the bottom. You'll have a hell of a time figuring out how to type in check boxes for yes/no.
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk says, keep thy religion to thyself
blown_the_clown says, C'mon, people.
brngreenback says, And, buy more than one tract.
Fastillion says, To me, Darwin gets credit but nothing more. Darwin has nothing to do with my belief in evolution or Neuton in my belief in gravity. Darwin realized it without the facts. I have the science and don't need him for anything.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
oregon_boy_28: My lawyer. Go home.
ravin_luna enters
PX_Charon says, Oregon: Can you think of anyone better suited to defend me?
bul_sht_er says, just face it, nobody realy knows shit, the bible is just another fancy worded book of a thery that can be prooven about as much as munky shit on mars, faith or not, you will never realy know until you go you can not say if it is true or not, so stop lying to yourself and others saying you know how it is because you dont..............
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk says, boy u r nutty
blueyes_78374 says, lol
blown_the_clown says, You, especially, should know better.
oregon_boy_28 says, jesus
PX_Charon says, Oregon, I'm giving you once chance to make sense.
oregon_boy_28 says, hE IS THE ONLY PERFECT
LlynyaCariad is away (Auto-Away)
PX_Charon says, Nope you failed. ko_taba enters
blown_the_clown says, I don't know you, but I know your type.
blueyes_78374 says, oregon boy is even more stupid than cocka.
oregon_boy_28 says, no GOLD STARS ko_taba leaves
Fastillion says, I still think that Oregon Boy is the Son of Java Man and Mitochondrial Eve
oregon_boy_28 says, i AM HERE WITH A MESSAGE
blown_the_clown says, Utterly predictable.
oregon_boy_28 says, yoU AVE HEARD AND YOU KNOW. a_parody_of_you leaves
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
oregon_boy_28: No, you wouldn't. Your spelling and grammar are atrocious.
brngreenback says, No gold stars today, oregon boy. But tommorow is reading day, so you'll have better luck.
silver_queen85 is away (Auto-Away)
Hunter_the_CrazyChick chooses to poke a paperclip into
oregon_boy_28's eye.
oregon_boy_28 says, onE THAT IS BIGGER THAT ANYTHING YOU EVER DO ever
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, *squish*.
blueyes_78374 says, and I shall poke one up his nose.
bul_sht_er says, we have heard and we dont know
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, That was a neat sound. we should've recorded it.
high_ly_rical says, People who conscientiously and wisely contemplate their surroundings realise that everything in the universe ā“ both animate and inanimate ā“ must have been created. The question is "Who is the Creator of all these things?"
blown_the_clown says, Yeah?
blueyes_78374 says, crunch
scripteaser says, i have to go powder my nose
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Oh, wait. There's another eye.
kysoti28 enters
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, *squish*
blueyes_78374 says, lol
PX_Charon says, I have to gunpowder Oregons nose...
blueyes_78374 says, lies and bullshit oregon boy.
Fastillion says, I do know. Just as creationism clearly does not fit the facts. The Jewish Christian God also does not fit the facts. He is just another false creator like the many before him.
bul_sht_er says, why is it a who?
high_ly_rical says, It is evident that "the fact of creation", which reveals itself in every aspect of the universe, cannot be an outcome of the universe itself. For example, a bug cannot have created itself. The solar system cannot have created or organised itself. Neither plants, humans, bacteria, erythrocytes (red-blood corpuscles), nor butterflies can have created themselves. Also the possibility that all these could have originated "by chance" is not even imaginable.
blown_the_clown says, Good word use.
brngreenback says, oregon boy, so you didn't come to debate then...
Hunter_the_CrazyChick yawns.
blueyes_78374 says, your arrogance is astounding.

says, gunpowder is weak
blown_the_clown says, This is pointless.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Hey blue....
xxxsmellyfeetxxx enters
blueyes_78374 says, hey.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Look...
blueyes_78374 says, I see.
blueyes_78374 says, :))
Hunter_the_CrazyChick laughs.
bul_sht_er says, who said that they can not creat them selves?.....
PX_Charon says, Lakota: I really had hoped you were as cool as your name...
oregon_boy_28 says, hAVE AN AWESOME NIGHT
cruelxxxmaster enters
kysoti28 says, i have a soul?
brngreenback says, Will you just go embrace the rapture and jump off a cliff or something already oregon?
Fastillion says, I have no Jew energy in me.
blown_the_clown says, Nice. Yeah, real classy.
brngreenback says, Come on man, just leave.
high_ly_rical says, We therefore arrive at the following conclusion: Everything that we see has been created, but nothing we see can themselves be "creators". The Creator is different from and superior to all that we see with our eyes, a superior power that is invisible but whose existence and attributes are revealed in everything that exists
Nessa_koNeko enters
kysoti28 says, want to buy it?
brngreenback says, Go pray elsewhere.
blueyes_78374 says, brn, he cannot. he isn't that intelligent.
ardent_sinner is away (Auto-Away)
blown_the_clown says, It's called tact you f*ckrag.
kysoti28 says, die or
brngreenback says, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.
xxxsmellyfeetxxx says, why is someone playing bad music in here
kysoti28 says, you filth
cruelxxxmaster says, hello room
brngreenback says, I guess you're right, blue
blueyes_78374 says, hello master.
blueyes_78374 says, is this time.
bul_sht_er says, i dont beleave in bs
scripteaser says, I am back
blown_the_clown says, Oh just shut up already. We've all had enough of you.
blueyes_78374 says, there's that word "beleave".
Fastillion says, Jesus loves you like the Inca.
cruelxxxmaster says, anyone being saved today?
blueyes_78374 says, isn't.
Nessa_koNeko says, I'm supposed to listen to some Oregonian with a pepsi-themed blend?
Nessa_koNeko says, That's a new one..
kancik2000 enters
blown_the_clown says, Wrong.
LlynyaCariad is back.
LlynyaCariad says, Ow!
xxxsmellyfeetxxx leaves
brngreenback says, Jesus loves you if you worship him. Quezocoatl sacrifices you in his name if you don't worship him.
PX_Charon says, Luvvy?
blown_the_clown says, Incorrect.
kysoti28 says, i wasn't saved the first time. could jesus die again?
scripteaser says, Beautiful tune!!!
PX_Charon says, You allright?
brngreenback says, I dunno, Quezocoatl seems the safer bet...
LlynyaCariad squints at her screen.
high_ly_rical says, The act of seeing is realised progressively. Light clusters (photons) travel from the object to the eye and pass through the lens at the front of the eye where they are refracted and fall upside-down on the retina at the back of the eye. Here, impinging light is turned into electrical signals that are transmitted by neurons to a tiny spot called the centre of vision in the back of the brain. This electrical signal is perceived as an image in this centre in the brain after a series of processes. The act of seeing actually takes place in this tiny spot in the posterior part of the brain, which is pitch-dark and completely insulated from light.
blueyes_78374 says, hot pink has to go.
blown_the_clown says, That's not what I meant and you know it.
gizmo_the_magwai enters
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Yeah. Quetz is certainly a far cooler deity, anyway....
all_the_hope_in_the_world2001 enters
high_ly_rical says, The act of seeing is realised progressively. Light clusters (photons) travel from the object to the eye and pass through the lens at the front of the eye where they are refracted and fall upside-down on the retina at the back of the eye. Here, impinging light is turned into electrical signals that are transmitted by neurons to a tiny spot called the centre of vision in the back of the brain. This electrical signal is perceived as an image in this centre in the brain after a series of processes. The act of seeing actually takes place in this tiny spot in the posterior part of the brain, which is pitch-dark and completely insulated from light.
LlynyaCariad nods at blue.
decapolis5 says,
praveen_jain3 enters
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Time to find a shirt....
high_ly_rical says, Now, let us reconsider this seemingly ordinary and unremarkable process. When we say, "we see", we are in fact seeing the effects of impulses reaching our eyes and induced in our brain, after they are transformed into electrical signals. That is, when we say, "we see", we are actually observing electrical signals in our mind.
bul_sht_er says, jesus's love ante doin shit
Fastillion says, Actually it was Quetzalcoatl's brother Tezcatlipoca the Sun God that got the human sacrifices.
kysoti28 says, fuck off high
gizmo_the_magwai says, ugh
gizmo_the_magwai says, mic riders
oregon_boy_28 says, tIME HAS NEVER BEEN CONSTANT
PX_Charon says, I'll stick with Onnatongu. At least you can see the bloody moon...
all_the_hope_in_the_world2001 says, wtf
kancik2000 says, do you believe in god
whippersnappercc leaves
all_the_hope_in_the_world2001 says, harley??
gizmo_the_magwai leaves
all_the_hope_in_the_world2001 leaves
ardent_sinner leaves
kysoti28 says, no KAN
scripteaser says, beautiful...varmit
blueyes_78374 says, oregon, can you say one thing that makes sense?
PX_Charon says, No shirt for you!
blown_the_clown says, Get it through your head! omg
Fastillion says, Also Quetzalcoatl is Aztec.
kysoti28 says, you goof
blueyes_78374 says, just one.
brngreenback says, Yeah, point Fasti. I used Quetzocoatl out of convienience, out of parralells to Jesus.
high_ly_rical says, All the images we view in our lives are formed in our centre of vision, which only comprises a few cubic centimetres of the volume of the brain. Both the book you are now reading and the boundless landscape you see when you gaze at the horizon fit into this tiny space. Another point that has to be kept in mind is that, as we have noted before, the brain is insulated from light; its inside is absolutely dark. The brain has no contact with light itself.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Ugh. Cold.
whippersnappercc enters
oregon_boy_28 says, fAITH
brngreenback says, But Improperly, nonetheless.
blueyes_78374 says, click oregon.
blown_the_clown says, Don't you get it by now? How old are you?
oregon_boy_28 says, you NEED FAITH TO DRIVE DOWN THE STREET
blueyes_78374 says, faith does not make sense.
scripteaser says, me??
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
oregon_boy_28: Bullshit. oh_no_bigg_j_dogg enters aria_wants_jay_4_xmas enters
decapolis5 says, you need a car :))
blueyes_78374 says, I thought I needed a car.
blueyes_78374 says, lol
blown_the_clown says, Nope.
oliver_hmar enters
blueyes_78374 says, oregon, so what?
decapolis5 smiles happily at
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk says, boy are there any animals in heaven?
Fastillion says, crazy driver?
blueyes_78374 says, grins
blown_the_clown says, No no no no no no no no.
kysoti28 says, why de?
Nessa_koNeko says, Hmm..What about the 16 year old Christian, not unlike your bible-thumping self who was lured into the basement of a former 8th grade teacher, where he was tied to a post, sexually molested, had his testicals cut off then fried and eaten by the teacher, and was shot twice in the head?
Fastillion says, is that like a Jesus copilot thing?
brngreenback says, Oregon boy, remember when you said you were leaving?
Nessa_koNeko says, Did Jesus love him? xakashicx enters
high_ly_rical says, i tried to slap some sence into you all
blueyes_78374 says, does not lend money.
LlynyaCariad says,
oregon_boy_28, you're going to end up crying, and sore because of the asshole you're having ripped. I'm only thinking of you here; go away.
brngreenback says, I think it's time to recapture these memories.
high_ly_rical says, but i will have to beat it into you
high_ly_rical says, so i will talk to u all later
oregon_boy_28 says, iT'S A RELGION THE SAME AS CREATION
blueyes_78374 says, lol llyna.
blown_the_clown says, I don't know why I try.
kysoti28 says, she's a nuertoc....................
high_ly_rical says, u will see me in a different form
oregon_boy_28 says, tHE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS hope
high_ly_rical leaves
varmit82 says, If Blue wasn't so evil...I would respect her independence
blown_the_clown says, HELLLOOOOOOO?
blueyes_78374 says, shut up wask.
brngreenback says, I want to forget you just the way you are.
Nessa_koNeko says, It doesn't take faith to believe in fact, Oregon.
kancik2000 says, who believes in god
kysoti28 says, neurotic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?
LlynyaCariad says, Heh.
scripteaser says, ok i think i love you blown!!
brngreenback says, Don't forget to write. Better yet, forget to write.
oregon_boy_28 says, noTHING IS FACT
blown_the_clown says, I must be on ignore because you aren't hearing what I'm saying.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
oregon_boy_28: Bullshit again. 1. I don't drive. 2. The person whom I'm normally a passenger with is rather capable of outmanoeuvring those twits. I have no faith that anyone on the road is smart enough to drive.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I KNOW better.
whippersnappercc leaves
Fastillion says, hope? A liver transplant is hope. That is the hope of science and a better future. The hope of prayer is just a crack pipe. a smoke dream
Nessa_koNeko says, It's hard not to believe that we can't breaeth under water, no faith about that.
brngreenback says, I really miss not seeing you.
blown_the_clown says, By the way: shut up.
kysoti28 says, the sad truth\
blueyes_78374 says, especially in Denver.
scripteaser says, I am drawn to you in some sick sick way
kysoti28 says, nothing is fact
blown_the_clown says, Don't talk about what you don't understand.
brngreenback says, See you later. Like, older and wiser later.
Nessa_koNeko says, Oregon, I suggest you tcheck out Bob's site, the creatore of Dress Up aria_wants_jay_4_xmas leaves oh_no_bigg_j_dogg leaves
Nessa_koNeko says,
blueyes_78374 says, I thought oregon boy was leaving.
scripteaser says, tell mw what you want
brngreenback says, See, I thought so too blueyes.
blown_the_clown says, That's not the word I was thinking of.
brngreenback says, He'd better leave, before we catch on.
kancik2000 says, believe in god on the way to Qoran
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Blue: Yup. That's why I don't drive.
brngreenback says, Hint. Hint. HINT.
Nessa_koNeko says, He's a debator far beyond any here, and believe me, he's got every 'faith' you have to offer proven otherwise by fact.
Fastillion says, HUmans have been here today and tomorrow for more than 40,000 years. Your jew god has been around for 4,000. The Earth has a few years left.
blown_the_clown says, omg
oregon_boy_28 says, i HAVE hoPE hope FOR YOU hope FOR your SOUL yOU jusT HOPE FOR ANOTHER DAY IN HELL
blueyes_78374 says, wask, thanx a lot. Now I have people pming me asking if I am evil.
oregon_boy_28 says, wHY IS THAT
cruelxxxmaster says, maybe if india andf pakistan nuke each other,we'll all find out
scripteaser says, o.k. FUCK YOU
kysoti28 says, die oer
Nessa_koNeko says, Oregon.
blown_the_clown says, CAPS MUCH
scripteaser says, i give up
Nessa_koNeko says, I'm an athiest.
kysoti28 says, die or
Nessa_koNeko says, I don't believ ein Hell.
blueyes_78374 says, has driven in Denver. scary. but now nearly as scary as Texas.
varmit82 says, Blue is not Evil.....was kidding
scripteaser says, I will please me
Fastillion says, the nuke tennis math would suck
Fastillion says, match
blueyes_78374 says, ty wask.
oregon_boy_28 says, hELL IS EARTH TO MOST
oregon_boy_28 says, lOOK AROUND YOU
blown_the_clown says, Wrong.
Nessa_koNeko says, Threatening me with a place I don't believe to exist is not very effective.
decapolis5 thinks blueeyes is pure love :D
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: Texas is pretty frightening. And I was stuck in cabs the entire time.
LlynyaCariad says, How does
oregon_boy_28 get that fucked up caps thing going on? Schizy.
kysoti28 says, fuck you ore
LlynyaCariad survives in Texas.
brngreenback says, oregon boy, you go on now. Don't worry, I never forget a name. So don't come back.
Nessa_koNeko says, Really? And your God created this Earth?
kysoti28 says, you stupid fuck
Fastillion says, Fundie-Cap Syndrome
blown_the_clown says, Oh please.
blueyes_78374 says, I survive too. I drive at least 80.
Nessa_koNeko says, Why would your God created such a place, Oregon?
PX_Charon says, Blue: I would give up 15th and Broadway at 4 pm for anywhere else in the world.
oregon_boy_28 says, oK BRAINIE SMURF
Nessa_koNeko says, Oh wait, because Jesus loves us, right?
blueyes_78374 says, I hated that Charon.
blown_the_clown says, Oh puLEEEEZE. xakashicx leaves
Hunter_the_CrazyChick really prefers to let other people drive, though.
kysoti28 says, why would he created?
brngreenback says, Yes, oregon! The smurfs are on. Go, watch.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Certain other people, mostly.
george_w_bush_republican enters
Fastillion says, You can jerk off to Smurfette
PX_Charon says, Blue: I got to hate it every fucking day for 8 months.
Fastillion says, or handy knowing you
oliver_hmar says, Who are the people that pretends not to believe in God
blueyes_78374 says, Here in Texas the median is considered another lane.
blown_the_clown says, I can't take your stupidity.
PX_Charon says, Nah, He likes Handy.
clipper24590 enters
PX_Charon says, ;>
kysoti28 says, you fucking idiot
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk says, live every day like it was ur last cause when its over its over - and BOY cant get a grip on that
ravin_luna says, hey smurfettes a cutie lol
PX_Charon says, Nice work Fast.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, And usually, that's people I trust, who own those lovely little Firebird things....
blueyes_78374 says, I was there for 4 years.
george_w_bush_republican says, Wow oregon boy is a troll for sure
cruelxxxmaster says, of course god created earth...and santa makes toys and republicans are nice people
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk says, lol
Hunter_the_CrazyChick likes to go FAST.
brngreenback says, oregon boy, you've got a face I'll never forget. Good thing I've never seen it.
brngreenback says, LEave.
kysoti28 leaves
decapolis5 says, really blue? where? teppes1698 enters
blown_the_clown says, Duh.
blueyes_78374 says, Denver.
oregon_boy_28 says, pRAY FOR THAT PERSON YOU SEE
kancik2000 says, heeey is there anyone who can make "there is no god "sentence real.
oregon_boy_28 leaves
blueyes_78374 says, I will be leaving Texas very soon.
Nessa_koNeko says, God damn, I have no pride in Oregon anymore -.-
LlynyaCariad says, Alot of that going around....
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk says, pray to who and for what
Nessa_koNeko lives there.
george_w_bush_republican says,
cruelxxxmaster, you better say that republicans are nice people, otherwise you will turn up floating face down in a vat of my oil
silver_queen85 is back.
silver_queen85 says, yawns
ravin_luna says, no but can anyone make the "there is a god" sentance real
brngreenback says, Remember oregon boy, the sooner you slip into a coma, the sooner christmas comes.
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk says, waste of time
PX_Charon says, Blue: Yeah, that's catching on, apparently. ;>
blueyes_78374 says, lol george
scripteaser says, sorry varmit
PX_Charon says, Where are you going?
silver_queen85 says, pollution count is 240 outside.
scripteaser says, you go
blueyes_78374 says, yes.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick doesn't really ever wanna encounter Texas again.
cruelxxxmaster says, repupu
kancik2000 says, Can't you?
clipper24590 says, High Blue eyes You area girl aren't You? I Forgot!
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Couple of bad memories.
brngreenback says, YAY
clipper24590 says, HI! teppes1698 leaves
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Couple of really nice ones, but mostly bad.
blueyes_78374 says, Apparently I am going to Norfolk.
Fastillion says, I was in Texas once many years ago. Lots of big-boned women.
decapolis5 says, she is definatly a girl :D
Nessa_koNeko says, gets 6,000,000 hits a month, Bob said o_o
cruelxxxmaster says, republicans are as nice as child molesters
blueyes_78374 says, Oh god..
george_w_bush_republican says, Texas: it's like a whole other country. It should break away from the US and be it's OWN country! then we wouldn't have to deal with it
blown_the_clown says, Nice, yeah real classy.
LlynyaCariad says, Okay, I get the point....
blueyes_78374 says, Texas isn't that bad.
blueyes_78374 says, shit. give it a rest george.
cruelxxxmaster says, i live in galveston
scripteaser says, o.k. aboot.linkin park??
PX_Charon says, Blue: I'm so sorry. Norfolk blows like a turbine.
decapolis5 says, only in summer :))
varmit82 says, Navy bitches stole my children
clipper24590 leaves
brngreenback says, Well, I posted on that gremlinboard thingamajig
brngreenback says, Now, I piss.
blown_the_clown says, Hello spellchecker.
ravin_luna says, YEA IM AT JESUSDRESSUP now i made a ecstasy trip jesus with top hait and sucker and all lol
blueyes_78374 says, lol wask
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Hah.
PX_Charon says, Llynnie: What point?
Nessa_koNeko says, What would we have if we made all the states we felt were too different stop being part of the US?
blueyes_78374 says, are you my father in law?
scripteaser says, navy bitches?
brngreenback says, Well, technically, I walk to the restroom first.
scripteaser says, oh my
blown_the_clown says, That makes little to no sense.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Get to it, then.
kancik2000 says, Then means you believe nothing
brngreenback says, back in a sec.
LlynyaCariad says, That Texas sucks and I'm the only one who doesn't think so.
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk says, boy is praying phuman12 enters
Nessa_koNeko says, I take pride in our individual collection of states o_o
blueyes_78374 says, I dont think it sucks.
george_w_bush_republican says, Raver jesus?
PX_Charon says, Llyn: Oh that, yeah... ;>
gcnmarcus enters
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Lly: It doesn't suck. I just didn't like it much.
blown_the_clown says, Do you know who you sound like?
cruelxxxmaster says, texas is #1
blueyes_78374 says, I would prefer here to norfolk.
ravin_luna says, lol yea george
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, It was probably the circumstances.
PX_Charon says, I don't mind Texas, it's most of the Texans I've met.
silver_queen85 leaves
shelbyamerican enters
ravin_luna says, kinda kewl lookin i think ill save it
blueyes_78374 says, Leaves that one totally alone.
LlynyaCariad says, Hmm.
george_w_bush_republican says, haha, same here. The place itself is ok, but the texans...
varmit82 says, Hot and Humid
Fastillion says, The same gut-feeling about creationism was once a gut feeling about the teracentric solar system and a glass dome with light holes between us and heaven. I'll pass.
scripteaser says, ok what the fuck do you like you moiha fuckin son of a bitch
scripteaser says, motha
kysoti28 enters
Nessa_koNeko leaves
cruelxxxmaster says, the state should be called "tex" since the ass in in d.c.
blown_the_clown says, Hello spellchecker.
PX_Charon says, Mothra?
blueyes_78374 says, George, and where are you from? Perhaps we can pick on your state next?
scripteaser says, you son of a bitch
kancik2000 says, you can not find anything to be with you when you feel bad and have a pyschologic problem
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I was down there for training. Military is kinda bad all 'round.
blown_the_clown says, Can we just stay on topic?
blown_the_clown says, What does that have to do with anything?
scripteaser says, the funny thing is
blown_the_clown says, Can you hear yourself? You sound like a nut!
scripteaser says, i love you man
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, That was, in fact, the timeperiod in which the /first/ military guy tried to not understand the meaning of 'no'.
kysoti28 says, name the 3 2 polluter behind texasshole?
george_w_bush_republican says, cruel, you shall be eviscerated for that comment
kancik2000 leaves
blown_the_clown says, omg
kysoti28 says, #2
blueyes_78374 says, ew hunter.
scripteaser says, omg
cruelxxxmaster says, bush is an ass
m0zone enters
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk says, hey hunter i like ur style
m0zone says, whats up with the music?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: Yeah. I didn't have to hurt him; I was utterly saved by the phone. Gremlin called me back....
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk: What style....
Fastillion says, eviscerated? I'll vivisect you for saying that
blown_the_clown says, Crazy by Seal! Play that!
blueyes_78374 says, I trained in florida, where a company commander learned that he could not have sex with my 17 year old bunkmate.
blown_the_clown says, Anything 80s is my poison.
blueyes_78374 says, he went to prison for that.
varmit82 says, I taught my boys....if a chick says no......leave the little manipulator
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: Good.
scripteaser says, hey baby
cruelxxxmaster says, texas was no.2 in healthcare,since bush, we're no.42
kysoti28 says, who is the #2 pollution exponent behind texasshole?
blueyes_78374 says, nods.
blown_the_clown says, Yjat
scripteaser says, i kneqw why I loved ya'
hedwig_in_a_box enters
blown_the_clown says, :|
scripteaser says, knew
decapolis5 says, CA
Hunter_the_CrazyChick needs another coke, or she's going to fall asleep.
blown_the_clown says, Babbling again?
scripteaser says, do you also enjot alcaholics?
kysoti28 says, the # 2 pollution freak
scripteaser says, enjoy
kysoti28 says, is
kysoti28 says, ontario
blueyes_78374 says, Hunter, do not make me go to the store at 5 am for more dp.
brngreenback says, back
blueyes_78374 says, please.
blueyes_78374 says, wb
Porsche917K enters
m0zone says, lacinda i likes facts better then when people quote gossip
brngreenback says, thanks
blueyes_78374 says, yw
blown_the_clown says, Play that song called "Crazy" by a group or singer called "Seal"
blown_the_clown says, Do it now!
blueyes_78374 says, should make coffee.
scripteaser says, at least I spell check
lacinda1968 says, zone...that is not gossip lol
Hunter_the_CrazyChick laughs.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Poor blue.
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: If you're not original enough to speak your own words, at least try and quote something that makes sense.
blueyes_78374 says, lol
blown_the_clown says, Hello spellchecker.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Hey, at least it's not cold downthere....
cruelxxxmaster says, bush will run this country like his friends ran enron
praveen_jain3 leaves
lacinda1968 says, it takes more faith to believe in a fairy tale then the truth
blueyes_78374 says, I love the weather here.
LlynyaCariad says, It's cold!
kysoti28 says, hey
kysoti28 says, cr
blown_the_clown says, Ridiculous. Don't get me started.
blueyes_78374 says, in South Texas.
LlynyaCariad says, Oh.
brngreenback says, It's burning up where I am...
hedwig_in_a_box says, hullo
PX_Charon says, Llynnie: Go warm up. I'll wait.
scripteaser says, got crazy by Aerosmith
LlynyaCariad says, Hey....
scripteaser says, :(
blown_the_clown says, No no no. Wrong again.
blueyes_78374 says, Its been cold here twice.
PX_Charon says, What?
scripteaser says, :((
blown_the_clown says, Can't you get anything right?
LlynyaCariad says, I could say something, but I'd incriminate myself.
kysoti28 says, you want to know something that'll make you REALLY fucking sick?
blown_the_clown says, I guess not.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Lly: If it's above 'feels like 11', it's not as cold as it is here....
PX_Charon says, It's not like you'd have to walk all that far to a working heater.
scripteaser says, sorry
cruelxxxmaster leaves
lacinda1968 says, I really don't care if you don't believe, I mean, what can I do? stupid is as stupid does
scripteaser says, got to get a drink
LlynyaCariad says, Hunter, oh, I know that. Can't wait....
blown_the_clown says, I can't believe you!
LlynyaCariad says, Charon, I'm not allowed to touch the thermostat.
blown_the_clown says, Unbelievable.
scripteaser says, I am an alcoholic
kysoti28 says, g.w.bush "appointed" a lobbyist fot "enron" as leader of the g.o.p.
Fastillion says,
lacinda1968 - An Atheist named Crick was the codiscoverer of DNA and got the Nobel Prize for it. He was the one who computed the mathematical odds of DNA first forming and in his book Life Itself - its origin and nature he offers the idea of directed transpermia.
PX_Charon says, What about that little portable?
blown_the_clown says, Tell me news.
clayton_dean_icg enters
LlynyaCariad says, Given away. irish_boy_4_life enters
hedwig_in_a_box says, oh, evolution debate, huh?
lacinda1968 says, put so much faith in man? falliable, limited intellect mere men?
LlynyaCariad says, I'm gonna run my hands under hot water.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Grr. It's 4am.
PX_Charon says, I thought you just picked up another one, you said it was in the car earlier?
blown_the_clown says, Like I don't know.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Where the fuck is Andrew with my 6'5" walking heater....
Porsche917K says, whatcha drinin scrip?
Porsche917K says, DRINKIN EVEN
hedwig_in_a_box says, i think you're putting faith in the idea, more than in the man irish_boy_4_life leaves
LlynyaCariad makes Marge Simpson noises at Charon.
brngreenback says, Where's anybody?
clayton_dean_icg leaves
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I dunno.
PX_Charon says, What?
lacinda1968 says, you have to believe in more miracles than I do if you believe evolution
kysoti28 says, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
blown_the_clown says, Your ideas are ludicrous. Just shut up.
LlynyaCariad says, If I go get that heater, I'll take it into my room, and fall asleep once I get warm.
Fastillion says,
lacinda1968 - I doubt you even know what evolution is.
george_w_bush_republican says, lacinda, or have a basic grasp of the ideas of contingency, self-organizing systems, and biology
kysoti28 says, go ll
hedwig_in_a_box says, well i could say the same to you. lacinda. but what's your take? you a creationist? or what?
PX_Charon says, Where's the problem? At least it'll be warm, right?
blown_the_clown says, What do you take me for?
LlynyaCariad says, Okay then. 'Night.
kysoti28 says, go p
LlynyaCariad leaves
blueyes_78374 says, night lly
ravin_luna leaves
lacinda1968 says, I just find it painful to watch evolutionists think themselves into stupidity
scripteaser says, i surley hope you are not speaking of me
blown_the_clown says, What does that even mean?
Fastillion says,
lacinda1968 speaking, "But my religious source told me evolution is naughty, evil, Satan thought."
blueyes_78374 says, laughs
lacinda1968 says, religious source? I don't do religion
Fastillion says, Creationism is religion
hedwig_in_a_box says, well? what's your take on our origin?
blown_the_clown says, What dimension considers those to be facts?
blueyes_78374 says, Everything that doesn't comply with the teachings of the church is evil, how appropriate.
lacinda1968 says, church? what church?
Fastillion says, you said church deergrass enters
varmit82 says, as I said....Blue is Evil
lacinda1968 says, I don't do church or religion
blueyes_78374 says, so?
blueyes_78374 says, shut up wask.
Fastillion says, Creationism is religion
scripteaser says, so?? objectivist2000 enters
blown_the_clown says, Could you be any more vague?
brngreenback says, lacinda, what is your position, and on what issue?
blueyes_78374 says, I know that.
scripteaser says, no
hedwig_in_a_box says, stop avoiding the question, i won't condemn you for the answetr
lacinda1968 says, if God says it, then I believe it, final word
blueyes_78374 says, Maybe it would help if I took lucinda off ignore.
hedwig_in_a_box says, oh, then you have a religion?
brngreenback says, and on what issue?
Porsche917K says, which god?
Fastillion says, God does not say anything
kysoti28 leaves
scripteaser says, i think you must be very young
blown_the_clown says, Oh come on.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, So that'd be religion.
lacinda1968 says, I am not into religion or apostate churches
Fastillion says, there is no god or gods and never were
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: What did God say to you, and what medications are you on to correct these delusions?
scripteaser says, be happy
blueyes_78374 says, some men think that they are gods...
hedwig_in_a_box says, if you believe in a basic concept that a bunch of other people believe too, you have a religion.
blown_the_clown says, OH COME ON
blueyes_78374 says, lol charon
Fastillion says, God speaks to her and he made everything but she is not religious.
Fastillion says, What a wacko
hedwig_in_a_box says, ahaha
lacinda1968 says, religion is man made...nice tidy box for God
blueyes_78374 says, What does god sound like?
lacinda1968 says, you have a religion, atheism
lacinda1968 says, I have no religion
blown_the_clown says, I can't believe what I'm hearing.
kysoti28 enters
blueyes_78374 says, atheism is not a religion.
lacinda1968 says, sure it is
hedwig_in_a_box says, dude, then "god" is man-made then. but the concept of a higher power could exist tho.
whippersnappercc enters
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
lacinda1968: 'religion' is a word. A term describing the 'belief' in and often 'worship' of a deity.
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: Atheism, by it's very definition, is the lack of religion.
blueyes_78374 says, mmhmm, did your preacher tell you that?
brngreenback says, lacinda, atheism is just a lack of belief in one or more gods.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Deity. Otherwise mispronounced as 'god'. jerry114150 enters cAndy_aPple_cOrnhole enters
whippersnappercc leaves
brngreenback says, Atheists come from a wide variety of backgrounds, however.
lacinda1968 says, preacher? I don't take mere mans word
varmit82 says, Blue wants to convert Dove SwitchbIade_Romance enters
kysoti28 says, higher power? as in b.c. bud?
blown_the_clown says, I can't believe my ears.
blueyes_78374 says, wask shut up.
blown_the_clown says, That's crap.
lacinda1968 says, you certainly do however...scientists must be godlike
brngreenback says, They don't just reject the christian religion's view on things.
blueyes_78374 says, I do not.
Porsche917K says, once you have a religion you need to incorporate it
varmit82 says,
hedwig_in_a_box says, i have just become dumber for reading some of the things in reading.
kysoti28 leaves
blueyes_78374 says, wants to convert no one. midnightrose96 enters deergrass leaves
Porsche917K says, it limitd your liability if someone decides to kill themself in the name of your church
george_w_bush_republican leaves
blown_the_clown says, Complete crap, is what that is. cAndy_aPple_cOrnhole leaves
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: Knowledge, my dear, not those who find it. SwitchbIade_Romance leaves
varmit82 says, I know.....I get your humor...get mine
blueyes_78374 says, hmm
lacinda1968 says, where does true wisdom come from? men?
blueyes_78374 says, I dont get it.
Fastillion says,
lacinda1968 - In about 10 lines I have administered your IQ test - You just scored about 100. You are not smart enough to be dangerous. Just drink some warm milk, go to bed, and try not to vote.
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: Wisdom and knowledge are far separated.
varmit82 says, b/c I'm insane?
blueyes_78374 says, lol fast
blueyes_78374 says, I see wask.
blown_the_clown says, Not.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, My cat's smarter than
lacinda1968. Wow.
Porsche917K says, whats that youre playing scrip? white_reaper_71 leaves
hedwig_in_a_box says, 100? that's below average.....way below....
scripteaser says, sorry blown
lacinda1968 says, fast...yes it is plausible you resort to personal attacks, those without wisdom always do
blueyes_78374 says, mine too hunter.
scripteaser says, you must learn
blown_the_clown says, You sure are.
brngreenback says, My dog was smarter than Lacienda...
scripteaser says, and listen
blueyes_78374 says, lacinda, and you have wisdom? midnightrose96 leaves
Fastillion says, Do you know what plausible means?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
blueyes_78374: Mine's just sorta sitting here purring her silly head off.
PX_Charon says, But she can't respond to those who didn't attack her? jerry114150 says, 100 is actually average
blown_the_clown says, I can't take any more of your nonsense. I'm outta here.
brngreenback says, And "jerry's dog" was not the smartest dog out there.
hedwig_in_a_box says, and those without wisdom or answers avoid questions.
scripteaser says, wish you could leayn
scripteaser says, learn
PX_Charon says, Becky was thick...
gcnmarcus leaves
blueyes_78374 says, I have no idea where the cat is.
blown_the_clown says, Hello spellchecker
brngreenback says, heh
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Fast: Oh, probably not....
lacinda1968 says, I don't find you worthy enough to waste my breath, to be quite honest
blown_the_clown leaves
PX_Charon says, That things was just, well, a jug of half dried cement in the shape of a dog.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
lacinda1968: You're not wasting any breath; you're typing. midnightrose96 enters
Fastillion says, I most definitely attacked you. You can step estimating the possibility.
blueyes_78374 says, your breath? I thought we were typing here. Or are you in voice as well?
Fastillion says, stop am_kordy enters
scripteaser leaves
lacinda1968 says, sure you did have no other way to react midnightrose96 says, HELLO
hedwig_in_a_box says, well, i just wanted to know lacinda's side but she can't even do that.
hedwig_in_a_box says, lag......
lacinda1968 says, my side? Gods word alone
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Notice how Fast isn't denying it, and how she's not sure how to respond to it?
blueyes_78374 says,
Fastillion never attacks anyone.
whatlifesallabout_agoodfuk leaves
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: So you admit that it would be a waste to step up to my challenge? It takes as much courage to back away from a known defeat, than it does to charge the cannon.
blueyes_78374 says, laughs.
hedwig_in_a_box says, which God? there's a lot you know. midnightrose96 leaves
Fastillion says, I agree. To me you are a bowl of tuna salad. There is no 'intellectual side' for me to appeal to. You are a sandwich waiting to happen.
lacinda1968 says, why banter with idiots? I have no association with fools
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: You're being backed by somone that apparently only you can see?
PX_Charon says, Big Bird would be proud.
blueyes_78374 says, and now the namecalling begins.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
lacinda1968: And I have no associations with people who hear voices nobody else can hear.
blueyes_78374 says, christians are so predictable.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Schizophrenics are sometimes dangerous. jerry114150 leaves finn504 enters
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Oof. Kitty stepped on my spleen. lobo_gorri2002 enters am_kordy leaves dulcet_discord enters
hedwig_in_a_box says, true, but the hallucinations keep em busy.
Porsche917K leaves dulcet_discord says, .
Fastillion says, I am a fool by your standards. I don't believe in your magic. dulcet_discord leaves finn504 leaves
hedwig_in_a_box says, so lacinda believe in God's word, then she worship's the bible right?
Fastillion says, I know beyond all doubt that the penguin is a creature in evolutionary transition.
lacinda1968 says, worship the bible? lobo_gorri2002 says, wolf-it's been proven
hedwig_in_a_box says, gosh, my typing is horrid phuman12 leaves
hedwig_in_a_box says, penguins are cool.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, FUCKING IDIOTS.
hedwig_in_a_box says, well, where do you get God's words from? God can't really talk to you, you know.
blueyes_78374 says, lol
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: So now you're allowed to make personal attacks? I get it, you're nothing but a cuntlipped bitch with no capability to handle yourself in the real world. Honey, you'd better learn this quick, outside your parents house, you can't just make things fair for you by denying the truth.
blueyes_78374 says, according to her, god can.
PX_Charon says, Get over yourself, you're not Bigbadd anymore.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, honey_guy says in PM: hi baby you look very nice
lacinda1968 says, yeah ok charon lol
blueyes_78374 says, lol hunter.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, honey_guy says: I'm looking for someone for long-term relationship
hedwig_in_a_box says, heehee
blueyes_78374 says, lacinda, you are a typical christian.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, My response: Then you might want to look for someone who's Single and LOOKING, not someone who's IN a Long term relationship already.
hedwig_in_a_box says, oh that's healthy, a online longterm realtionship...pathetic.... lobo_gorri2002 leaves lilywing2002 enters
lacinda1968 says, why does my belief in creation bother you so? I don't give a whit if you believe in evolution
blueyes_78374 says, removed her pic from her profile.
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: I see something in there got to you. You're wondering now if I'm right... Maybe you've made some progress today, but it's time to get off the couch and go home.
Fastillion says, Your creationism is polluting the intellectual world with its garbage.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, He said: Do u have a b/f? My response: Yes. Hence the 'long term relationship'. He responded with: R u single?
lacinda1968 says, oh then creationism is a threat?
lacinda1968 says, I see.....
hedwig_in_a_box says, creationism is on the outs, evolution is in.
lacinda1968 says, evolution is no threat to more than the snow white story
brngreenback says, whynotworshipcthulu?whynotworshipthedevil?whynotowrshipluciphr?why not worshipmycheckingaccount
blueyes_78374 says, It doesn't bother me if you believe in god lacinda. It is the shoving it down peoples throat that gets me. lilywing2002 leaves
hedwig_in_a_box says, well, the threat in this world is nation-wide stupidity.
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: Umm, I seem to remember you wanting to attack the atheists in here. Who's thoughts are offending whom?
Fastillion says, Of course. Must people are stupid and immitate. Deprived of a wrong path they will immitate the right path. It also distracts children.
Fastillion says, smart children i mean
Fastillion says, most*
blueyes_78374 says, and the delusions.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, He just said "just looking at your pic and i'm getting all malted for ya"
lakota_whight_wolf says, mosts athiest scientists have become christian due to the evidence they found
blueyes_78374 says, malted?
lacinda1968 says, attack? no...I can't help it if you make it too easy to expose the lack of wisdom
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, He's getting all 'malted' for me? What?
brngreenback says, Back later...
blueyes_78374 says, what the fuck does that mean?
hedwig_in_a_box says, lacinda, you have a poor way of showing you have wisdom.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I asked him: Malted? Like, a chocolate malt?
blueyes_78374 says, lol
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: Expose me, then. Show where my wisdom fails.
lacinda1968 says, charon....I told are not worth my time
blueyes_78374 says, Christians must equate wisdom with faith.
Fastillion says, Nothing like a Native American with 99.9% European genes to tell me what all scientists do and think.
hedwig_in_a_box says, see, she is so self-righteous dhuma_2000 enters
lacinda1968 says, I just don't feel like babysitting, call me crazy
hedwig_in_a_box says, babysitting?
Fastillion says, You're crazy
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: You seem to be spending enough time. Untill confronted with a direct challenge. Then you cower out like the soft little girl you are. dhuma_2000 leaves
blueyes_78374 says, Most christians are self righteous. It justifies their looking down their noses at the rest of the world.
hedwig_in_a_box says, people trust you with kids? scary....
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Honesty is a quality that's frowned upon in today's society, it seems.
hedwig_in_a_box says, well, those christians are fundies to me
hedwig_in_a_box says, ?
lacinda1968 says, charon....I don't have to prove myself to anyone, let alone one who puts so much trust in men
blueyes_78374 says, that was stupid.
Fastillion says, At least a snake is a snake and you know to be careful. Religious people are snakes disguised as toads and you don't know until they inject their venom by molesting your child or stealing your money.
hedwig_in_a_box says, well, lacinda, you put trust in men too. they wrote the bible and told you about god. how bout that?
blueyes_78374 says, good one fast.
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: I never said I place any trust in anyone.
blueyes_78374 says, lol hed
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I just hit him with: Go look for someone who's single, and interested, who has standards low enough to think that someone who types like you is worth dating.
lacinda1968 says, no...the Spirit wrote the were merely the pens
hedwig_in_a_box says, well it's true. ;)
lakota_whight_wolf says, fast to bad i'm not 99.9% monkey like you think you are
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: If you're not here to prove yourself, why are you here?
blueyes_78374 says, lacinda, do you know how retarded that sounds?
lacinda1968 says, I am bored...needed a few laughs
pal_prab enters
blueyes_78374 says, spirits cannot write.
hedwig_in_a_box says, if this is where you come for laughs, that's pretty sad.
Fastillion says, I am proud to be monkey which is what the uneducated fundies think an ape is. My ape ancestors beat all odds and now make space ships. Space monkeys rule.
lakota_whight_wolf says, but monkey can???????????/
lacinda1968 says, space monkeys lol
hedwig_in_a_box says, hahaha afrodet20022001 enters
hedwig_in_a_box says, hi new people
blueyes_78374 says, does not pm with strangers.
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: You should have gone to newgrounds then. I suspect you're here to try and sound like some small erudition managed to seep its way into your brain.
hedwig_in_a_box says, sorry bout the stupidity in the room. u have no control over it.
blueyes_78374 says, It is polite to ask before you send a pm.
lacinda1968 says, charon, I swear only here to laugh
varmit82 says, shut up Blue....nobody PM's red heads
blueyes_78374 says, shut up wask, you are just jealous.
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: You'd stop defending yourself if you weren't so insecure about it.
hedwig_in_a_box says, varmit is on iggy
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, So
varmit82 isn't smart....
PX_Charon says, Varmit: I do.
blueyes_78374 says, lol hunter.
pal_prab leaves
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Hey...maybe that's true. If I dye my hair red, maybe people will stop bothering me!
blueyes_78374 says, :)) varmit = wask
lacinda1968 says, can't a girl laugh at idiots once in a while?
blueyes_78374 says, no hunter, that will not work.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
lacinda1968: Of course. That's why I'm laughing at you right now....
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: Go find some, then. You've ran out of luck when you ran into me.
hedwig_in_a_box says, hahaha
blueyes_78374 says, laughs and points at lacinda.
lacinda1968 says, nope...plenty of laughs here, think I will stay
hedwig_in_a_box laughs out loud
blueyes_78374 says, so, how long have you been a schizophrenic lacinda?
lacinda1968 says, so...please...go on with the evolution and atheism dribble
hedwig_in_a_box laughs at
lacinda1968 says, I am bored
varmit82 says, Blue is going to meet Moopy!
blueyes_78374 says, ew
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: I'm quite content to question you.
blueyes_78374 says, is not.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
lacinda1968: Well, if you're going to attempt to insult anyone by calling them idiots, I suggest you tighten up your typing kills a bit. Find your shift key a little more often, punctuate, form complete sentences, and don't leave words out....
blueyes_78374 says, wask, I am going to hurt you.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
lacinda1968: I believe you're groping for 'drivel'.
varmit82 says, lol...I know
lacinda1968 says, hunter if I thought you were worth my time I would phuman12 enters
Fastillion says, I see
lacinda1968 as a high quality slotted race car. She never slips off the electric track. Sadly she was raised by fundies. Had she only known atheists with doctorates she might be really useful. Few people have such focus (narrow minded) in her present condition.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
lacinda1968: You obviously think I'm worth your time, otherwise you wouldn't be in here, let alone responding to anything I say.
hedwig_in_a_box says, the self-righeousness comes out in every response.
blueyes_78374 says, lacinda, why are you being such a bitch? Aren't you supposed to be christlike?
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: Didn't I just repremand you about saying such things. If they truly aren't worth your time, don't take the time. Otherwise, devote your attention to your conversation.
lacinda1968 says, I am just listening...please go on.....
decapolis5 leaves
blueyes_78374 says, She likes the attention, put her on ignore and she will leave.
PX_Charon says, Lacinda: If you're just listening, shut up.
lakota_whight_wolf says, do you think christ would hello my fellow monkey?????????:))
hedwig_in_a_box says, well, the comments bother her. she keeps saying "not worth my time." she's trying to reassure herself
brngreenback is away (Auto-Away)
PX_Charon says, Hedwig: Exactly my point. If she'd only realize this, she'd be on her way to recovery.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick hurts the PMer.
hedwig_in_a_box says, true
Fastillion says, She got a Ronco personality for under $100; what do you want for a C note.
hedwig_in_a_box says, iggy the Pmer, Hunter
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
hedwig_in_a_box: I'd rather hurt him, and then post his idiocy.
blueyes_78374 says, my pmers leave after I expose them.
hedwig_in_a_box says, oh...i see. =)
blueyes_78374 says, wimps.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: Yeah. I did that to vlad earlier....
PX_Charon says, Fast: Unfortunately, it's just like the dehydrator, rather drying and slow.
blueyes_78374 says, lol
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, That was funny.
Fastillion says, lol
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Did you see that?
blueyes_78374 says, no.
blueyes_78374 says, I know who vlad is though.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, blue: Here. I posted it --
hedwig_in_a_box says, hahaha
blueyes_78374 says, ty

says, Blue: It's a shame he wasn't attentive enough to respond to me. I was ready to give him a place to meet me so I could rip him apart.
hedwig_in_a_box says, haha
oliver_hmar leaves
kniphes enters
shelbyamerican says, Lacinda, the bible is full of contradictions-Did god really mean to do this?
hedwig_in_a_box says, see ya later, have fun.
hedwig_in_a_box leaves
lacinda1968 says, you have the Spirit?
shelbyamerican says, I like to drink beer
lacinda1968 says, There is no point in me discussing the Bible with you then, you simply won't get it. hi_jinx_8 enters
blueyes_78374 says, what a wierdo. hi_jinx_8 leaves
shelbyamerican says, Which creation story do you believe?
kniphes says, that's very true, people set in their ways r closed minded, and won't listen to what the scriptures have to say

says, It is standard roleplaying mentality. All kids do it. It is like this. If you can't see the imagionary walls, we can't play house together.
blueyes_78374 says, bbl
blueyes_78374 leaves
Porsche917K enters
lacinda1968 says, Unless you have the Spirit, you will not understand the Bible.
anonowl enters
Fastillion says, Yes, and I can't see your imaginary spirit
PX_Charon leaves
Porsche917K says, the only spirits i know of are tequila, scotch and vodka
Fastillion says, To me the Emperor has no new clothes; he is naked.
brngreenback leaves
GremlinDotNet enters
Fastillion says, I am not 'wise' enough to see them.
shelbyamerican says, I like tequila
kniphes says, y do u people persist in pestering the people who believe in what they do
Fastillion says, I am just a monkey doomed to hell.
varmit82 leaves
_Delcara_ enters
GremlinDotNet is back.
GremlinDotNet says, So this Vlad geek was...odd....
Fastillion says, This is about doing just that.
Porsche917K says, cabo wabo tequila is the best
Fastillion says, Sammy hagar.
_Delcara_ says, hi there
kniphes says, fastallion, do u believe that u should jus do whatever u want, and that nothing matters
Porsche917K says, yep
kniphes says, ???
waskalwy enters
lakota_whight_wolf says, i don't have enough faith to believe in the big bang. it's more likely that a tornadoe could go through a junk yard and build a 747
Fastillion says, Yes I should do what i want and yes some things matter.
kniphes says, and by the way, hagar is NOTHING, next to halen!!!!
Porsche917K says, do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
Fastillion says, I will not pretend you have the tiniest idea of the math involved.
anonowl leaves
kniphes says, in what?
GremlinDotNet says, Ah: the tornado analogy of the terminal dumbass; how refreshing....
Fastillion says, i don't have enough faith to believe in the big bang. it's more likely that a tornadoe could go through a junk yard and build a 747
_Delcara_ says, so what' the converstion about?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Vlad was a geek; so was kysoti, or whatever the fuck his name was.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, And so was most everyone else who came through tonight.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Like tihs honey_Guy who's PMing me right now.
nargan enters
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Apparently, he's going to take my clothes off, lick me all over, then give me the best doggy I've ever had.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, I don't DO animals....
GremlinDotNet says, I'm not sure which is worse: the BigBang/tornado/SevenForty-seven thing or the barns evolve from ducks like icebergs thing.
jesus_freak0748 enters
shelbyamerican says, I have a BS in math. What's this about "the math involved".
Porsche917K says, i love animals......theyre delicious
_Delcara_ says, lol
kniphes leaves
jesus_freak0748 enters
_Delcara_ says, The barn one is a bit worse, i think
Fastillion says, I understood the tornado; the duck barn thing was so out there that I had no idea what it meant.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Although...thinking about it.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says,
Fastillion: Were you there when lego_sucks said that?
Fastillion says, I was.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Oh good.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, That's one more witness....
Porsche917K says, what about a duck barn?
GremlinDotNet says, The barn thing is immortalised at now. It was dumb enough to make it to the Stoopid Quotes of the Moment.
Fastillion says, At least I have seen it though it may have been a rehashing.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Kattboy_josh saved it word for word for me, to give to Gremlin, for the stoopid quotes of the moment.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, And we've got more....
Porsche917K says, ill bet
GremlinDotNet says, I could pull a few out of history. Just in case the ones I've got now aren't enough. Some of Banger's quotes are incomparably stoopid.
nargan leaves
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Yeah.
Fastillion says, It is almost 6 am here in wonderful St Louis, the 3rd worst crime city in the nation. Time for me to go to bed.
Porsche917K says, just when you think youve met the stupidest most moronic being you can imagine something more stupid rears its ugly head
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, And you could probably pull stuff from my idiot archive when I get it online.
Evolution_not_Creationism enters
Fastillion leaves
Evolution_not_Creationism leaves
_Delcara_ says, gremlin, that quote is one of the funniest thing i hav ever read.
Porsche917K leaves
GremlinDotNet says,
_Delcara_: I couldn't make this shit up....
_Delcara_ says, oh, it's too good.
jesus_freak0748 says, but why dose that person have the choosin over someone elses life?
_Delcara_ says, barn and a duck, i love it. comedy!
Hunter_the_CrazyChick is tired.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick would like to go to bed.
_Delcara_ says, i just don't get the iceberg part, but i'm sure no one else did either
Hunter_the_CrazyChick would prefer to take Gremlin with her, for a bit.
GremlinDotNet says, Hunter:'re not a nymphomaniac or anything....
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Gremlin: Of course I am, but it's the meds.
pbharel enters
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, And it's been more than a week, damnit.
pbharel says, whos are atheists here???
GremlinDotNet says,
_Delcara_: I'm not convinced that *he* got it; I think he was just banging out random words in the attempt to trick us into thinking he had a larger vocabulary.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick whines.
pbharel says, :-/
GremlinDotNet says,
pbharel: those without deital beliefs.
pbharel says, gremlin......thanks for clarifying
_Delcara_ leaves
pbharel says, where r u from?
pbharel leaves
GremlinDotNet says, The sad thing is that most people need that clarification; they think atheists are people who ardently believe that deities don't exist.
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Gremlin: They left.
GremlinDotNet says, And?
Hunter_the_CrazyChick says, Dunno. Don't care. I want to go to bed.