sl0whand18: Hi, wanan fuck a 20/m/co springs with a 9" dick 5'9'' 165 brown hair and eyes msg me back
EvilCoffeeChick: Nope; sorry. I'm with someone, and I don't intend to lower my standards.
sl0whand18: Well its 7" around
EvilCoffeeChick: Which part of 'lowering standards' didn't you get?
sl0whand18: Ill give you 1000
EvilCoffeeChick: 1000 what? Inches?
sl0whand18: $
EvilCoffeeChick: Are you aware that solicitation of sex for money is a felony?
sl0whand18: Im joking, lol
EvilCoffeeChick: About the $1000?
sl0whand18: Well, would u?
EvilCoffeeChick: Absolutely not. I don't lower my standards, particularly for such a small ammount of money.
sl0whand18: 3,000
EvilCoffeeChick: Still trying to commit felonies?
sl0whand18: Im joking..
EvilCoffeeChick: About the thousand, or about the size of your dick....
sl0whand18: Well, what will it take?
sl0whand18: ?
EvilCoffeeChick: Go to and ask the guy I'm with, Gremlin, permission to proposition me. Include everything you told me here.
sl0whand18: uh no
EvilCoffeeChick: Oh. Afraid?
EvilCoffeeChick: That's alright; I fully intend to post the transcript of this anyway. Now you understand what 'lower standards' are. Not only would Gremlin do something like that, but he wouldn't have to. Norwould he have to beg someone through a chat module, and offer money for sex. Bye now. If you change your mind, you know where to find me.
Originally posted to the messageboard on 12 June 2001 at 22.40.53