Customer Service

What the hell is that, right?

Customer Service.

  1. An activity that many corporate employees take part in, especially in the ‘customer service’ departments, and other places. Generally, this activity involves finding out how far the employee can shove various foreign objects into the customer’s rectal cavity before the customer notices. This activity is not limited to low level employees, as their superiors, and superiors’ superiors also enjoy doing this and generally have their positions because of their skills at fucking over the customer.
  2. The identifiable, but sometimes intangible, activities undertaken by a retailer in conjunction with the basic goods and services it sells.

Okay, so I’ve had some bad experiences. I bet you can’t tell….

Most people think that I never have good customer service experiences. I’m going to attempt to use this subcategory of ‘Reviews’ to, occasionally, talk about what good experiences I’ve had.

I will, of course, talk about the bad as well.

This will be under ‘Companies’ and not ‘Products’ or ‘ Services’ because, well, I say so. That, and customer service is such a big, important part of my opinion of the company itself. It’s not actually the product or the service, but something that should come with the product or the service. And it really shouldn’t involve leaving you feeling annoyed and a little violated.

Edit: April 1st 2008. No, it’s not a joke, but I’ve changed the structure of the site a little. These categories are now tags, and, since tags are easier to have more of than categories, there’s a tag for ‘companies’, ‘products’, ‘services’, and ‘customer service’. Also, some individual companies have their own tags.

I know. I expect too much.

More on this later….

Go on, say something....