Stylette LitterSweep Ultra

Four days probably isn’t long enough to know exactly what this thing will be like over the long term, but it’s enough to say a few things about it.

There’s not much you can find online about this product. The Stylette website doesn’t even have it listed in its catalogue. That’s a little disturbing, I suppose.

It’s a PetSmart exclusive, which is also a little disturbing if you really don’t like the big chains. They’re good for your common pets, though.


I finally had to admit last week that Zombi was way too big for her old litterbox — the small Omega Paws RollAway litterbox that can be purchased in stores. It was a good litterbox, while she was still small enough to use it. Simple enough to operate, and it took some of the badness out of the cleaning-the-litterbox chore.

So, yeah, I needed a new litterbox.

I could’ve gone for the standard cheap litterpan, but I really do hate cleaning the box. So I’m willing to spend a little more.

I don’t, however, hate it enough to be willing to spend over a hundred dollars on one of those established brands of self-cleaners: LitterMaid, the Purforma, and the Litter Robot.

I saw the LitterSweep in some PetSmart mailer a while back, and figured I might as well have a look on the website. It comes in two options: the push-button operated for $59.99, and the fully-automated for $79.99.

Not bad.

The lack of reviews online made things a little difficult. I don’t like buying things without hearing about others’ experiences with the product.

So, let’s talk about the product.

It’s a fairly attractive litterbox. It’s not strange and boxy and akward looking like the other two sold-in-stores automatics. It’s an open box with an optional sold-seperately hood, if that’s the sort of thing you or your cat wants. The litter-pan-thing itself is round. The rake sits close to the edge of the round pan, and there’s a sort-of rectangular edge where the motor and the waste container is. Mine’s dark and light grey. Very nice.

The cleaning rake is metal. The rake, the litter pan, the shield that goes over the edges around the pan, and the waste container are all removable for easy cleaning. This seems like a nice feature to me. Being able to remove the dirty things and fully submerse them if you have to, away from all the mechanical components.

There is a very clear ‘fill line’ all the way around the pan, so you know how much litter to put in. This is important because, from what I understand, the thing operates based on weight sensors. The automatic one, the one I have, runs thirty minutes after the cat uses the box — unless the litter happens to be piled unevenly, or something else is setting off the ‘stand by’ light.

The thirty minute thing is, apparently, important for the clumping to happen properly. Yes, you have to use clumping litter, and decent clumping litter at that. I’m currently using Tidy Cat, and it seems to be working fine.

The LitterSweep comes with three or so of the name brand liners you’re supposed to use in the resevoir. I haven’t tried them yet. I’ve been using grocery bags, and they don’t cause any operation problems. This saves a little money on the liners, which aren’t quite as expensive as the liners for other automatic litter boxes, I don’t think, but still hardly worth bothering….

What complaints have I got….

Well, there’s the eleven dollar shipping charge, for one. That was a little upsetting.

I suppose the fact that it’s loud is a little complaint-worthy. I didn’t expect it to be whisper-quiet, though. It’s a mechanical litterbox that plugs into the wall and keeps the litterbox clean without me having to pay much attention to it. I can handle a little motor noise.

The rake can miss a few things, if they’re very tiny clumps. Also, the way it dumps tends to dump things toward the back of the waste container and not ‘evenly’, so if you don’t change the bag out, it can pile up and things will probably get left on the rake. So you still have to keep things clean.

So far, I’m pleased with the product. I’ll probably say something more about it later.

0 thoughts on “Stylette LitterSweep Ultra

  1. I just brought this home yesterday. I’ve read all the bad reviews (after I purchased it!), but so far, so good. It works great, and as I have multiple cats, I like the manuel button, so I can clear the box quickly – with the 30 minute wait feature, and three cats wanting to use it, It could sit there a long time before it cleared itself!

    I’m sure there is a cheaper option the the bags….plastic grocery bags come to mind, which is what I line the plastic bin in my Litter Maid also.

    The cats love it – when it runs, they all come to watch, and seem to take some pleasure in watching the kitty-clumps get swept away.

    Overall, I’m pleased!

    • You also have a Litter Maid? I was holding out on one of those when this thing came out — I knew I’d have to get the slightly larger one, and I just didn’t want to spend that much. Also, I was a little put off by everyone’s bad reviews.

      I’ve been meaning to do a followup on this whole thing — to mention that yes, the grocery bags DO work just fine, and that the cheapest possible clumping cat litter might not be the best idea. I’m using Arm&Hammer Super Scoop, and that’s working out much better. The clumps hold together, and with my local grocery store’s habit of putting the big boxes on sale for ‘buy one get one free’, I have a whole bunch just sitting around waiting….

      As for my cat, Zombi, she seems to like it, too. She uses it, of course, and that’s always good. But she seems to have it timed just right. She’ll hop in right at the point where it’s supposed to run, and it’ll do this jam-clear-attempt cycle while she’s using it. It’s like she wants to take a ride or something….

  2. Hello there…
    I found ur site by looking up info on the litter sweep litter box.. I have to say, your cat looks just like mine, they could be twins. I have one question, and I don’ t mean to be rude. I have noticed your cat is a little large, as is mine, and I was wondering if the litter sweep litter box was big enough for him. I have tried some other boxes and my cat is just too big for them. I was hoping you could help me out before I go thru all the trouble to buy one and then find out it won’t work for him.

    Any other insights you can offer would be greatly appreciated.
    I love the honesty of ur site…


    • Zombi does seem to be a little larger than other cats I’ve known. The box is pretty much just barely big enough for her. She doesn’t miss the box or anything, though.

      I think that there aren’t a lot of boxes out there for cats on the wrong side of ‘average’. Most of the automatic cleaning boxes have a lower weight limit, and seem to be a bit on the cramped side. I bought this one without seeing it in person first because 1. Zombi had fully outgrown the original ‘self cleaning’ box I’d purchased [the Omega Paws ‘roll away’ box, regular ‘available at Target’ size], and I liked the idea of a self-cleaning box under $100.

      It’s possible that the box could be big enough for your cat, unless he’s especially large, or unless my cat is somehow more careful than most about actually being in the box. Also, I wouldn’t spend the extra on the hood for the box. That would definitely make it too small.

      The only other thing I can suggest is that, if you have one nearby, try going into a PetSmart and seeing the box in person [if you haven’t already]. That would help give you a better idea of its size, and whether or not it will be anywhere near right for your cat.

      I hope that helps. And, thanks.

  3. I’ve read everyone’s comments and tried some of the suggestions. I have an 11 year old female persian mix deaf cat. She’s a doll, but she has polydypsia (drinks a LOT) and polyuria (pees a LOT) — the vet cannot find anything wrong with her including diabetes and renal problems — and she can put any litter box through its paces, let me tell you! I did buy the LitterSweep Ultra after trying the Litter Free and the Purrforma. The Purrforma kept getting “stuck” on her urine balls and the urine balls had a tendency to stick to the bottom of the litter pan. I used the premium clumping litter for the Purrforma and also with the LitterSweep. I had problems with the LitterSweep and I did have to return the first one because it was defective. When I exchanged it for another one, I did the following: I actually read the insert — completely. Did you know it recommends using a non stick cooking spray on the pan and the sweep tool? Well, not only did I use the cooking spray, but I used the corn litter that some of you suggested. It worked great except it stuck to Promise’s pad and ended up all over the house including in the bed with me! The cooking spray helped tremendously — the urine balls stick to the bottom of the litter pan less often. So I went back to a premium clumping litter and things couldn’t be better! Sure, it isn’t completely trouble free — I do have to make sure I empty the waste receptacle often enough or the sweep tool ends up redepositing the waste into the litter pan. But that’s a human problem not an equipment problem. I couldn’t be happier with the LitterSweep Ultra! Thanks everyone for all your comments. I hope mine help you as much.

  4. After a few months of purchasing my litter box, it broke, specifically the base of rack’s arm. Does anyone know where (if possible) can I find replacement or spare parts for this item? Honestly it is hard for me to believe I need to discard the box only for a little broken piece!!!

  5. Funny how you find things like this when you are searching for answers. I’d just like to give a little feedback on this unit.

    I have had 3 of these units break in one year. One broke after 4 months of use, one after 1 month and one after 1 week.

    When this thing works it’s great, but it is now obvious to me that they break no matter what. The cheap plastic construction is to blame.

    I think I’ll spend a little time at a friends machine shop and build a new replacement mechanism for it maybe with a quiter motor.

    So far it has the best design of all auto boxes I’ve used. Unfortunately, it’s built like crap.

    • My littersweep has a problem with the rake not fully dumping the clumps and making a horrible popping noise because the rake won’t finish the job. I have to push the rake to make it dump it. Do you have a phone number for the manf. or web site for them. I would like to buy replacement parts.

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