What a great way to start the day….

My head hurts. Partly because I just smacked it against a door.

Why would I do such a thing?

My phone dropped a call in the middle of my second call of the night to Comcast.

And why was I on the phone with Comcast?

My cable box went dead.

My lovely HD box choked and died sometime during the night, after resetting itself a whole bunch of times.

The first time I called, I was told that there was already an open ticket on the problem, so there was work being done, and it was a ‘problem in my area’.

The second time, well, my call got dropped.

The third call ended with them letting me know the earliest I could have anything done was Monday, because their payment centres aren’t open on Sunday.

So I’m missing out on a whole Sunday of SciFi Suck, because my cable box is fried.


My head hurts.

Go on, say something....