A couple of days ago, my 8″x8″ colbalt blue pyrex…bakeware thingie just…broke. There’s this little oddly shaped piece that came out one of the corners and part of the middle.
This was the first time I ever saw pyrex break. I think maybe I saw one of those more delicate looking pieces of lab-ware type stuff break in chem class, but never one of these baking dishes. Hell, I even dropped one once a long time ago, and it didn’t break.
But ths one did. And for no apparent reason.
This is not a post about how awful Pyrex is. In my experience, Pyrex is great stuff. I have no complaints about it [except maybe: it’s heavy and expensive, but it’s probably not expensive by comparison].
I had no idea what to do if the stuff breaks, so I went digging around online.
It’s impressively hard to find Pyrex’s homepage, but I found it. http://www.worldkitchen.com/.
I ended up having to email them with a question, and got the helpline number back. So, unless it changes, the number to call when pyrex breaks is: 1-800-999-3436 — but only between 8am to 6pm EST.
The computer system is a little annoying, but most of them are. The person I got was nice and helpful. Between Zombi’s obnoxious meows, I told her what happened and apologised for my cat. She asked for my name, address, phone number, and size of the dish [also, where I bought it], and then told me that I should recieve the dish from FedEx in…I think she said two weeks.
She also said it sounded like my cat really wanted attention. I told her that Zombi always did this whenever I was on the phone, and I was beginning to think that she was asking for attention from the people on the other end of the phone…that was apparently funny.
Anyway — I guess I’m getting a brand new cobalt blue baking dish for free from Pyrex. Which is…just about as impressive as the $1.99 ‘refund’ I got from altoids because one was the wrong flavour….
Is this some sort of…Karmic backwash from all the bad customer service experiences I’ve had? It’s neat.