Yay. Tracking numbers.

Have I mentioned before that I just love tracking numbers?

I’m a bit of an obsessive tracker. I love watching the textual representation of the progress of my stuff as it moves across the country. I’ll sit there and refresh every hour or so just watching for movement.

I know. That’s kinda sad. It’s almost worse than the time I spend trying to pinpoint the exact time when my electric/gas or water bill balance gets posted….

Right now, I’m tracking a drugstore.com order, a bedbathandbeyond.com order and part of my amazon.com order. Two UPS and one USPS.

There might be something coming through FedEx by now, too, but I don’t have a tracking number for that.

Each tracking system has its good points, I suppose, just like each service has its good points.

I like that UPS gives you the weight of the package. I wish FedEx would do that. There’ve been times when I’ve ordered stuff from newegg.com where I really wanted to know what I was getting into before Lifting Time finally came around.

They both give estimated delivery dates, and sometimes they’ll deliver earlier. Sometimes, FedEx gets its scanners all backwards. It’s fun to watch stuff arrive in a place after it’s already left that same place and arrived at an entirely other place.

USPS really needs to get its act together, though. They either need to stop pretending that ‘track and confirm’ means ‘delivery confirmation only’ or…something. I don’t know.

They’ve got this thing where they say their tracking is just for delivery confirmation. Which means you can’t actually see the package moving. Except every time it goes into or leaves a post office thing, it gets scanned. Ideally. So you can see where it is in relation to you. So I don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.

…and if it is just Delivery Confirmation, then they’d better get their fucking act together, because I’ve had shit show up without the online confirmation thing showing that it was ever accepted for shipping.

The USPS thing, by the way, is in the ‘accepted’ stage right now. In Coffeeyville, KS. Which I wouldn’t be able to see if it were just delivery confirmation. Because that’s all it is. We don’t do tracking.

UPS is still ‘not available’. They’re a little slow. Hopefully, I’ll have some sort of ‘billing information recieved’ by the end of the night, or maybe even a pickup.

Also, I’m still waiting on amazon to even process and ship my vacuum. And I wish they’d do it quickly, because my foot found some glass from my broken Pyrex the other day….

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