My first transcript on the new site. Yay.
No real profile information. Not even a picture to show how ‘smooth and sophisticated’ he looks….
6:07:59 AM suavelookingmexican* [arrives]
6:09:31 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick hey
6:09:37 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick are you a giraffe?
6:09:53 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:09:37 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick are you a giraffe?
6:10:14 AM chainsaw_juggernaut: Lots of chicks are giraffes these days.
6:10:18 AM jotunrunner: wow hunter. thats a good one.
6:10:58 AM lisa_the_insomniac* used to be a giraffe, but has evolved into a gazelle.
6:11:12 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick so what can i do to get a good conversation off you
6:11:21 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick i mean you know what you want so tell me
6:11:24 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:11:12 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick so what can i do to get a good conversation off you
6:11:32 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:11:21 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick i mean you know what you want so tell me
6:11:40 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: How about getting the fucking point and DON’T IM ME.
6:11:50 AM chainsaw_juggernaut: hehehehehehe
6:11:52 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick unless your scared
6:11:59 AM lisa_the_insomniac: hunter, some people are just too dumb to live.
6:12:01 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:11:52 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick unless your scared
6:12:18 AM lisa_the_insomniac: suavelookingmexican is apparently one of them.
6:12:18 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: I’m scared because I don’t IM. How cute. He’s obviously not watching the room….
6:12:29 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick i am
6:12:43 AM lisa_the_insomniac: The dorks who come here for cybersex usually don’t watch the room. They just try to get girls to PM them.
6:12:58 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick well thats not me
6:13:09 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:12:58 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick well thats not me
6:13:27 AM dr_pragnapravanya: i used to have ‘go fuck a goat ! ” as my autoanswer for such IMs
6:13:37 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick im here to chat not to argue with anyone
6:13:53 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick but you see thats how women just see things all time
6:13:56 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:13:37 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick im here to chat not to argue with anyone
6:14:06 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:13:53 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick but you see thats how women just see things all time
6:14:06 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick always jumping to conclusions
6:14:12 AM chainsaw_juggernaut: hehehehehehe
6:14:14 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:14:06 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick always jumping to conclusions
6:14:28 AM chainsaw_juggernaut: Hunter: You’ve got a real live one.
6:14:30 AM lisa_the_insomniac: Ah, turning it into a general attack on all women. Good way to score, suavelookingmexican!
6:14:36 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick never excepting there can be one person who just wants to chat
6:14:40 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: I’m jumping to conclusions by not wanting to IM. Funny. suavelookingmexican must be a woman, too. Jumping to the conclusion that I’d want to IM with a person….
6:14:49 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:14:36 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick never excepting there can be one person who just wants to chat
6:14:57 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: …also, it seems to think I want to argue.
6:15:12 AM valke2: YOu do want to argue Hunter.
6:15:15 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Understand, I’m not even responding to this person in IM. I don’t IM. At all. They just keep IMing me.
6:15:25 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: valke2: whatever you say.
6:15:25 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick well why would you put a supposed to be conversation out on the room
6:15:27 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick then
6:15:34 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:15:25 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick well why would you put a supposed to be conversation out on the room
6:15:35 AM valke2: ahh… clever answer.
6:15:40 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:15:27 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick then
6:15:42 AM valke2: you sabotauged my joke
6:15:54 AM chainsaw_juggernaut: Hunter: He’s not very suave.
6:16:16 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick just letting everyone know that some people cannot just chat for the fun of it
6:16:20 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: suavelookingmexican is definitely not very suave. Or smart. He thinks that posting his messages in the room means I want to argue. No, it just means that I don’t want to IM. And I’m not going to.
6:16:29 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:16:16 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick just letting everyone know that some people cannot just chat for the fun of it
6:16:37 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick im just here to have a intelligent conversation with someone
6:16:41 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: No, suavelookingmexican can’t chat for the fun of it. He also can’t GET THE FUCKING POINT.
6:16:48 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:16:37 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick im just here to have a intelligent conversation with someone
6:16:53 AM chainsaw_juggernaut: hehehehehehe
6:17:04 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: …an intelligent conversation…but he can’t get the fucking point. He can’t handle chatting in the room.
6:17:07 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick but here you are being an ass
6:17:08 AM lisa_the_insomniac: If he wanted to chat, he’d chat. here in the public room.
6:17:15 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:17:07 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick but here you are being an ass
6:17:15 AM lisa_the_insomniac: That’s why they are called CHAT ROOMS.
6:17:25 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick so yeah
6:17:39 AM lisa_the_insomniac: But you’re right, hunter, suavelookingmexican is one clueless fucker.
6:17:46 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: I’m the one being an ass, but he’s being rude, IMing without asking me first, and PERSISTING after I’ve mentioned a few times that I don’t want to IM. And he claimed earlier that he’s watching the room.
6:18:20 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Maybe I haven’t been clear enough. I DO NOT IM. IF YOU WISH TO CHAT WITH ME, I AM IN THE ROOM FOR THAT REASON.
6:18:57 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: …and he’s still typing to me in IM.
6:19:06 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick but hey thanks for noticing me ok
6:19:08 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Not getting the point. Being a rude bastard….
6:19:14 AM lisa_the_insomniac: hunter, you could just put him on ignore. Especially if he’s too dumb or stubborn to get the point. I do that with the persistent ones.
6:19:15 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:19:06 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick but hey thanks for noticing me ok
6:19:19 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick at least i had someones attention
6:19:27 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 6:19:19 AM suavelookingmexican: [private] To hunter_the_crazychick at least i had someones attention
6:19:38 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Now he’s shifting to the ‘I got off on your attention’ shit.
6:19:48 AM chainsaw_juggernaut: That is too funny.
6:19:51 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Ooh, that stopped him.
6:19:53 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick* laughs.
6:20:05 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: It went from suavelookingmexican is typing to suavelookingmexican stopped typing when that posted.
6:20:10 AM suavelookingmexican: Damn hunter how old are you
6:20:29 AM lisa_the_insomniac: There he is!
6:20:29 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: suavelookingmexican: old enough that I know how to ask before I IM someone.
6:20:35 AM chainsaw_juggernaut: Hunter: Maybe he learned something.
6:20:41 AM suavelookingmexican: just making sure
6:20:43 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Yup. There he FINALLY is.
6:21:15 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: The IMs started at 6:09….
6:21:35 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: That’s a good eleven minutes it took him to figure it out. Slow.
6:21:37 AM suavelookingmexican: well its 420 pm over here
6:22:12 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: 420. Figures….
6:22:13 AM suavelookingmexican: like i said im not here to argue
6:22:30 AM chainsaw_juggernaut: Hunter: Drugs explain a lot of behavior in chat.
6:22:36 AM suavelookingmexican: what for its a waste of time
6:22:40 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: suavelookingmexican: so what. That doesn’t mean you IM the first name you decide to — without asking — and then persist when you find out that they don’t IM.
6:22:45 AM suavelookingmexican: but here i am tell doing it
6:22:57 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick* doesn’t see any arguing going on.
6:22:58 AM gf_walrus: why are you here suave?
6:23:24 AM suavelookingmexican: why do you keep on being a smart ass then
6:23:36 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: suavelookingmexican: being a smartass is not arguing.
6:23:39 AM lisa_the_insomniac: suavelookingmexican, because you were such a dumbass?
6:23:48 AM gf_walrus: perhaps she feels offended suave?
6:23:48 AM suavelookingmexican: its a start
6:23:49 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: There’s a huge difference. Notice that they’re made of entirely different letters, even….
6:23:57 AM suavelookingmexican: well im sorry
6:24:07 AM suavelookingmexican: what can i do for you then?
6:25:00 AM suavelookingmexican* [leaves the room]
6:25:23 AM Hunter_the_CrazyChick: …and he left.