As much as I hate to push off the main page, this is just FUCKING RETARDED enough to require sharing. In fact, it makes my first post under the ‘websites’ section of the Idiot Archive.
This is just a horrible fucking website. It looks fucking awful in opera, and copypasting the main text over to read in wordpad doesn’t improve it any.
EDIT: Since the little lameass can’t keep his ‘last post I promise’ promise, he doesn’t get to comment anymore. If this somehow causes you to be unable to comment…that’s not my problem. Find somewhere else to do it.
It would apper that your plain black and nuthing is much more complex
then ours is… I mean hell simple sites considering where web technolagy stands yours is mental sloth at best… I mean hell even in this box I can’t see after awhile what I am typing. And I mean were trying to get the government to stop abusing kids.. what are you doing? Oh yeah bitching about evrything and any thing.. you must be proud keep up the shit work.. and rember if you don’t have somthing nice to say .. Then your an idiout
Oh and if our site does not work on your computer then you need to get if fixed…
But your so smart you should already know that… By the way fix your comments box.. it’s really hard to type anything… … in this world there are two types of people those who try to help and those who sit and bitch about nuthing… man I wish I wasyou… alone a loser with no life so I can start a website that insults evryone and evrything.. a website is a reflection of ones self… Man what a sad life you must lead… Thinkin your a website designer… ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aha
You know… this site is a template wow the skills you have impress me so… Ever had your site torn to shreads? Normally we only try our weapon against child porn servers… Thanks for volentering.. we have not had the plesure on testing this with a php site… hummm…Batter up…
Portaling is so much fun… what is the fastest way to become a victim of a DDos attck? by insulting people who are trying to help kids from government abuse… this site works well in my computer and all 4000 of our members use this on a regular basis.. if if you can’t see the site then.. your not using Iexplorer.. I mean I guess you can’t says it on the main page.. Oh and hey fix this comments box.. I can not see what my ass is typing
hummm.. evil coffie chick…? Get your own dot com then build a site then you have the right to insult ours I mean… hell… your using someone else’s site and calling it your own… man your so slick… it reminds me of a toad… wait maybe we should call you eveil toad chick… To the rest of our members if you come accross this site..don’t bother posting anything.. We have said all their is to say….about this… what evrer you call it site… man stupid people should not be alowed on the net…this page is a good example of why …
hummm, Did you not read the main page where it says Iexplorer? I guess not you get the award for being the stupid person using the internet we have come accross thus far…cheers to you.. little girl. Man we put your theme song on our webpage just for you.. it’s called the world is full of stupid people by the refreashments
Cheers.. oh and a fix your comments box it’s broken or somthing .. My guess your just a morron… but hey.. you know that already thats why you have your own website right…
And in the future.. Just for the record safe sex is not marking the sheep that kick with red paint… :)
As soon as we get a few of our members logged in… time to fire up the H.A.C.A.S puplic hacking termanl we have a few new weapons to try out and I was told your site volenteerd for… thank you you have our many thanks…
I was reading threw your site alittle more… Your a chat room junkie eh?
How sad have no friends in real life so you talk in chat rooms… Wow… you should put your own website in your list along with your name… man what ever happend to the old days where it took skill to have your own site? Instaed anyone can have a site… man the internet is going to shit … Used to be a nice place a small community.. now we got people making sites about what they think is stupid… Where is your picture?
we will never see what you say back to us.. this site.. has been demmed utterly and totaly useless. We are sorry we even came here.. no more of our members will visit… We promise.. But you will hear from us soon enouph.. Target practice is so much funn….
Your site and gpage addy is watch and learn why you don’t insult people who have been on computers and working the web etc.. for 10 times longer then most of you knew the internet even existed.. Sad… what a good hobby you have…HA HA HA HA HA wanker!!!!!
Get some cats or somthing… go out meet people, Get a real friend goto the bar get laid… it would appear you need it… LMAO ;)
Fuckin Americans… all talk no brains.. you even vote in people that kill poor and helpless people for oild then to save face on what a bunch creeps most of you are you re-elect this same morron…. Man…. BE proud to wave your flag.. you bunch of sheep…
Well… this site the entry picture…. what a soory ass site.. bitching about the Fedex.. man noone gives a shit!!! get off your thrown keebler elf… anyone who is fighting in chat rooms with christains needs to get help… and lotz of it..
Hey everyone who reads this don’t you have somthing better to do…?
I mean hell, Even I feel stupid for taking the time to reply in this box…
What a shitty site after I type for a bit I can’t see shit…man.. Goto school get some skills.. or somthing.. using other peoples templates to make a site is… well As I said to X for using a template: A template shows you don’t know what your doing.. at all
and ah… funnel is right go out get laid or somthing… My guess is that won’t be happening… probably to god damb fat to sqeeze for ass threw your front dooor
HA HA HA HA Ya fat ass fuckin Wanker…. RLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha ha man, your such a loser… aww fedex is too slow… ohh I caht in rooms with stupid people so I can be with my own kind… HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHHAHHAh
What a fuckin useless site ha ahahahahahahahahaha oh I wine look at me
The Narcissistic? more like the biggest fuckin winer in the history of the internet
Man… what kind of morron makes a site like this… Oh never mind my comrades already explain that above …hahahahahahahaahahahahahahaaa
Man evil coffie chick who takes pictures of catz and trees and absolutly use ass crap that nobody gives a rats ass about.. meanwhile wineing about fedX the post office…
ha ha, Bitching about what people say to you… man.. if people didn’t say what you think is useless then what would you do with yourself? Oh yes, of course you would goto the christain vs athist room to pick fight with stupid people to make yourself feel better about your loser exsitance …go kill yourself or somthing do evryone a favor..
Fattie ass ditchpig… …
Man these people have helped so many kids, helping to get street kids off the street.
what the hell is with the : I can’t see what I am typing after awhile
poor php programing. These people got my children back…safe at home after being abused, And what do you do? Critisize Evryone? Man get a job get off welfare and stop spending my money feeding yourself while you make dumb fuckin sites about the most useless shit I have ever read in my whole life! Put your own site in your list. Hipicrite!!!!
It should be called Fattie-coffie-beotch.cum in my mouth. LOL :)
Oh yeah, well this is a useless site… It’s got my vote… my power supply is toast and i don’t mean the yummy kind?
What a luggin… not the yummy kind… LMAo I think your brain is toast And I mean the dummy kind!!!!
Yep It’s got my vote ha ha ha anyone got some jam for some yummy toast? Man get off the crack lady
and put down the glue bag and stop the huffin. It does not make you smarter!!
Anyone got a brain for this lady or some somthing. come on throw this dog a bone… I think she needs it!!!
The site doesn’t look much better in Exploder. Not that any browser would magically fix illiteracy.
I’d go ahead and just hand the IPs over to In any case, I’m adding this laughriot to instantly: ‘You know this site is a template wow the skills you have impress me so Ever had your site torn to shreads? Normally we only try our weapon against child porn servers Thanks for volentering.. we have not had the plesure on testing this with a php site hummm Batter up ’
I think it could win for November.
Christ. Are those all written by the same illiterate guy or what? The typing style suggests as much.
Two illiterate morons: one from and the other from, making up additional trollernames to hide their deplorable numbers.
At least it’s confirmed that they’re clueless now. No real cracker would ever call itself a hacker. They’re scriptkiddies. Not a problem.
writen by the same person? Okay if you say so.. Just thought I would check back and see how many posts went up after.. But I took your link off our site…makinf fun of you…
And their was no new posts…. Well I don’t boubt that some of our spelling is fuct
Some of our members use translators etc… so we can communicate..
We speak hacker lingo you speak fat bitch. I just don’t care how I spell if you can’t understand what I am saying Chances are thats okay with me… As for My girlfriend beside me.. I think we are two differant people. Check the Ip addy’s of who visted your site.. tell me what you see? Oh wait… If you wern’t so dumb you would have already done that!!! and posted the ip of the same person posting…Hummm… but it was only said instead…. good by dumb site.. I wish you all the best with your site……
F.B.I? Ha ha evryone has know about us.. for a very very long time…
I just read that.. not only are you a morron idiot, But a “I’m gonna tell on you” bitchstick… angan good luck…
Gremlin & CoffeeChick:
One day, we will know what makes people who boast empty threats and talk a lot of shit, attract to you. And when that day comes, we will turn up the amperage on it and shoot the mote into the deepest part of the network there is. And science will triumph.
Damn. They are a bunch of ‘Tards.
blah blah blah……. let me tell you feelings are hurt… And I think I am the only one.. who gave a shit enouph to even come back and read that….lmao … empty threat… more like… We have better things to do… Like..I dunno scratch our nutz… LMao… You give yourselves to much credit.. Finn… what the hell are you talking about amperage? shoot the mote… man you must be an american. What the fuck were you trying to say? Get off the crack pipe.. dipstick… HA HA HA HA what the fuck does amperage and a mote and science have to do with one another..? Dumb response from a dumb ass persobn… You should change this sitt’s name to idiout are us.. god damb fix this text box… Speaking of tards….learn to type english.. proporly… or somthing.. then you can try to say somthing deep.. and meaningful.. if their is such a thing..
…My. Did someone have an inadvertant and ill-advised orchidectomy when they were two?
Poor sods.
I felt the need to add to this. I wish more morons would flock to my blog to give me something to write about.
Well see this chat junkie is still going at it.. and hey what you know they fixed the bar… I just wanted to come here for a lauph. I had a slow day at work. Bizzi said I should come check out what their saying. Well … it was a good lauph… But Biz you should not have told them old old these kids are. I see he was quick to take down what you said about this site picking on steet kids and abused youth. Way to go… Chump… Keep up the good work… making fun of a site… that kids got together to make… seemings how their site is about 100 times more complex then your simple “I am a winer” site . where is the chat? oh wait you don’t have one.. where are all your games..? Oh you don’t have any… well… keep insulting the website… These kids did an amazing job… so.. we will block your site in our proxy routes… to stop the posts.. and we will change the proxy ip… And you can bitch to yourself and anyone board enouph to come to your site. I am from Japan my little bother who is 9 has a more complex usefull site then this waste of programming time. May you have good sunsets.
“May you have good sunsets”? Sun your a hoot…and you have not changed the proxy, But I had a hell of a time overriding your sec feat. Just to read this… HE took down what I said about making fun of street youth and abused youths… Hummm… What a “Goof”!!! Can’t say I blame him… Making fun of abused children is a pretty low thing to do…actully, That could be ranked as a very idout thing to do….LMAo…
That shirt is the stupidist thing I have ever seen…. anyone who would by a shirt from this site…. should be added to your stupid archives…….lMAO man looks like a 4 year old drew that…. and it’s your entry page……HA HA HA HA HA
I was just reading this site…. I am not sure what I think.
Other then all the people who post on this site needing to get a life! (!!!Our members included!!)
Empty threat? … I would say more like not worth it. Your one site one small little site.
As if our organization would allow our weapon to be used. Our site uses proxy and referal surfing.
You are right their are two ip’s one running the radio station and the other our website. Our members information is private.
Anyways even though we are a “stupid website” you seem to like listening our radio station. :)
And of course a beta version of a site malfunctions. THATS WHY IT’S CALLED A BETA.
Thanks for insulting our organization. Your right we are not hackers… Thats so 90’s.
we are … Hacktivists. Just trying to help some kids…our time and efforts are better spent hunting down child porn servers and sites then taking out useless sites like this one. Everyone has the right to an opinion…. sad isn’t it?
I just read one other box, iliterate? Humm…. what happens when street youth and kids who are in foster care don’t get educations like you nice people who live at home with mommy and daddy?. I am sure glad you don’t have kids of your own. And you should keep it that way!
I am a Mom… so I can’t say what I really think in case my child comes to the site and reads this.
But I will say Ignorance is the leading cause of stupidity. Somthing you might want to check into.
Okay well this site is retarded… i found it tagging on systemvsbizzi search I did in msn. The fact someone would take the time to make a website dedicated to their own stupidity is beyond me. I went to see if you too were fueding…. He has not said one thing on his site about yours. So Eather he does not give a flying fuck about this LAME SITE or… your just make’in shit up and using his site to get what ever it is you do.. but I seen your site does that alot.. you might want to try and get your own content. Since this “Foster care related site” Made by street youth and foster kids. I would think it would have been a little fucked up. but when I went their it looks better then yours i could play games listen to the radio watch video’s read about music news foster care related news… and it got chat… a little fucked up and I hopey fix it… what does this thing have….you bitching about everything…. You can get medication to fix that “evilcoffiehotair ballon…. I would hope that in the future you will take this advice: From a Youth care worker…
You need to go get some help… and you need to make friends. It’s to bad your daddy had a little coochie in your mouth ..but like slim shaddy said.. “theirs no reason to start start wiggin and spaze out!”
I personaly don’t like Bizzi or some of the shit he says sometimes… But his site looks better then yours… Like come on grow up and join the real world. Trying to get publicity from attaching yourself to your site in search engines is pretty low.. but when it’s a site that has helped to get horrible things out into the public and has helped to bring reform to a system that kills children at times and you do that makes you, The lowest of the lows (Acockroach if you will)… but you do what you do… But truly from a inteligant point of veiw… you need help. -Shannon
and I forgot to metion… Bizzi did 1 year house arrest and 2 years probation and banned from the internet for a year becuase of it. I was at the court hearing check Type in jessie mcvicar in any search engine. They busted into his apartment 10 cops no warrent broke his ribs and assulted his gril friend… Their is no claiming.. he was responsible. He took his sentance like a man… So until you know what the fuck your talking about … I would really advise you actualy make informed opinions about stuff.. but I guess thats hard when your a idiot with a site to mach. It takes all kinds does’nt it?
I went ahead and searched for exactly that. Here’s what turned up, somewhat beneath an entry for Jessie McVicar, b. 1881, of course:
According to information posted on the internet by himself, and not otherwise verified, Jesse McVicar, born 1978, was a crown ward in Alberta from age 9. His son born in September 2000 in turn became a crown ward in Ontario in July 2004, without objection from the boy’s mother. The judge faulted Jesse for being confrontational with the agency taking his son; Jesse knew from experience that foster and adoptive parents are less angelic than in their portrayal by the lawyers and judge. He could not pay $1400 for an appeal, but published the facts of his case on the internet. CAS responded with an ad in the Ottawa Sun: “ANYONE KNOWING the whereabouts of Jessie McVicar please contact Sarah Newell at 596-2912”. On Dec 9, 2004 police, citing the mental health act as authority for warrantless arrest, charged him with criminal harassment and mischief. He was released Dec 20 subject to a condition not to use the internet. Jesse is dyslexic, but skilled with computers. According to Jesse’s friend, he was medicated in foster care, and now is hypersensitive to drugs, to the extent that his speech is impaired by sub-clinical drug doses administered by his physician. This website is in contention for the title of most disorganized site on the internet.
Curiously, Hunter wasn’t the first to notice that bizztard’s site was among the worst on the ‘net, which was about all she ever mentioned here, prior to bizztard’s confessed criminal actions against Which then leads me to wonder what, apart from evident stupidity, illiteracy, slurred speech, total misunderstanding of legal methodology, economic destitution, and the utter inability to write a website, is wrong with this imbecile.
Maybe no one else noticing how much he sucks had a feedback form. I suppose that’s possible.
Incidentally, if bizztard was courtordered to avoid the ‘net for a year, beginning in December 2004, he shouldn’t have been replying here in November 2005. I wonder what this does to his legal standing….
What the fuck?
Gemlin your a chump who’s website is popular amongst other retards of your nature. I know I have been around since before internet was even a concept… and funny enouph, I have come across his name. Nuthing intereting of course. Now here I am reading a website from another “Gremlin” wannabe. I have been a hack along time. I know you have all downloaded my booter progs like the little script kiddies you truly are. Now As for my research indymedia (Ottawa) has the whole story. It would appear you need to work on your reaserch and reading skills. This guy tried to arrest the mayor and has done some huge things and from what I have read has sacrificed his freedom and safty to get the public’s attention on some (Candian?) Corporation who’s murdering little children and selling children they un-rightfully stole. Took his time cash and skills and helped some kids come up with a website. So they could tell the government and the people who their being abused… you you punk mother fuckers got the balls to insult their site and the horrors they went threw? I agree with Shannon you are fuckin bottom feeders. The guys probably don’t even know your site exists…. If you want to get people to your blogs do it the way everyone esle does don’t attach yourself to other peoples sites… You faggots prob put those messages their cuase you know their is a big media bang happening right now on what his site and others are talking about.Seems you learn’t well from gremlin on how to be a bottom feeder…. Huntere you look like a pig… and i am sure gremlin would be somewhat they same since birds of a feather flock together… You want people to come to your website… then put somthing there that inteligant people would want to read about. Cause your sad ass pathetic lives AIN”T worth writin bout. Now I am gonna send iz an email tonight… if he don’t even know who you are… and your just leaches… I am gonna have a hay day with you guys… I got some new stuff I been workin on…. I need a gunnie pig…. (HUNTER)-(Bottom Feeder) Gremlin (Pedofile who like little girls… I remeber coming accross a few yahoo and other site forums where “Gremlin was trying to pick up little girls… that was awhile ago… but a pedophile is a pedophile time don’t change that kinda shit… but I guess you look like a little girl so he must be content with that….I will wait for the email from him… see whats up… But I am sure we both know what he is gonna say.. and go ahead rat me off… I have access to thousands of Ip’S Biz may not be the Crem dela crem of hackers… And a big mouth… But I am not… if to mother fuckin chumps think I am kiddin put your ip’s in the box below this one for when i come read it tommorw I am sure you have been on his site. So if you don’t give me your Ip’s I get it from him… Now go kill yourselves or somthin… Fuckin bottom feeders…. I am gonna go post what I just copy and pasted on our forum… Won’t belong before you become our new victims… I already have your site addresses I am just wondering if I have enouph computer on remote control to Ass rape your systems with ddos… I guess you’ll find out… And shannon how old are you girl and do ya got a pick? Did I say it right for you? And Yeah I know biz…. he was a ICQ HACK untill he disaperd of the face of the internet for like 3 years….Well at least i think it’s the sam bizzi… Hey Shannon send me a email and i will give it to biz as well… thanks.. for aying somthing… these two are fuck-tarts and their about to get put in their place… I promise.
i___________silent________ _i
P.S Biz is right you should clean your house living in your own filth is disgusting… and stop collectin welfare ya leaches…Gremlin = Goofy child molester
So this was what all the excitment was about? Cool. We get a target now? LOL @ I SILENT But i think you coverd it all… It’s in our forum…all the info… and i silent say Biz sent a email out…. LOL….LOL….LOL … by reading what I have so far …I don’t think a email will help with people who suffer from this bad of brain damage….
Well I see…. That inteligance has no place in this site…..
Who the fuck are these piss ants?
Well….. This domain won’t stay up for long…
this will be fun… we are gettin all the boys in on the action, Tho I think it might be a bit of an OOOOVVVVVEERRRR KILLL but thats okay … thstas whats gonna make this so funny… I love stupid people…. how’s that dunce hat fit.
……… This will be easy you boys won’t need me………..(LMFAO)
So you insulted our whole faction did you? You and your little pedophile boyfriend?Yeah I_silent told me about him. And your his Girlfriend… let me guess you like 12 right? lol.
Well just wanted to get the address into my book… looked for ever could not find an evil coffie chick but i found it.!!!!!! and you ass is going to be ours… and go ahead and report us… you probably end up kickin iin some old folks place thinkin we live in Canada… lmao spoof spoof spoof anyways.. YOU SITE IS PRETTY STUPID I bet this is the most excitment you all seen in a while HU? You must be excited sitting there like “Yeah people are finaly coming to my site yeah! I a little bit less of a loser now….. And you sk for donations for your site? what the hell for? Oh, yes of course welfare sucks in the us of a. Just like all of america? here would be more to talk but I don’t think you will speak germn and hungarian or russian very well. Thats okay Bizzi speaks like 5 languages…. Some how. But we like him… and you just pissed of a whole faction of Gamers/Hackers…. your not the sharpest tool in the shed now are you? … is that the right expression… or great mouth peice…?
Well well well, lookie what we got here, Not a problem hu? script kiddies?
Well that hurts coming from so fag who used a script to make a site. About nuthing but snifeling blabber. So you think we are script kiddies…
Okay thats cool. Hope you got cash to replace shit. Since we are just script kiddies you won’t mind if experiment on your computers and your sites right? Cool…. you guy are the shit…. and since both your sites are on the same ip addy … this should be easy as taking candy from a bitch and her pedofile boyfriend…. Yeah we all know who you are… gremlin, I would have thought you would have changed your name at least…. anyways … You have yourselves a good day… Wait till we party.. this weekend… I say that 20 of us… can take out just about everything…. and when we are done you can feel free to contact us and tell us how you think we are script kiddies… I have these scripts, old out dated and full of holes…. php is bad like that sometimes but your a hacker I am sure you knew about the scripts your using thats why you using them right..? MMMOOOHHHHAAAAA ….loser.