So, here I am, first thing after waking up, putting a computer back together. It’s Gremlin’s computer, and it’s been sucking a lot all year.
He finally brought it up for me to reformat.
But, since he didn’t want to bring up his monitor cable, I’m using The Old Sony. The Old Sony hurts me.
Why is it up here instead of downstairs? I need to be near my computer in case things go horribly wrong and I need to look stuff up.
And why aren’t we using his monitor? He’s got an HD beast that can’t be used during a reformat, because the output isn’t within the right ranges.
So…I think I need to add ‘new flat panel monitor’ to my list of ‘things which would be neat to have for the next time I have to do this.’ I’ve got a whole list of stuff that basically results in the building of an extra ‘troubleshooting computer’. Something that I really don’t care much about that I can do all sorts of horrible things to trying to rescue stuff for other people.
Or something. Hey, if you wanna help me get that monitor, or even just a Cthulhu backpack or something, the paypal link is down there. There’s also other stuff, but I’m not allowed to mention or encourage anything.
Except…there’s also Wasted, Inc. Buying stuff there helps too. And there’s a few things there that I should mention, I suppose.
1. Paroxysm, formerly Pandemic, is now finished and fully for sale in its final version. I’d call it ‘horror’. I’m not sure what anyone else would call it. I really think people should read it, though. It’s worth learning how.
2. Black Shirts are coming soon, in time for the holidays. The Cthulhu in a Coffeecup is on one of them. I’m hoping that Wasted will offer him on a few other things, and I think I’m going to try and throw together some other horrible things for shirts. If only I could find my graphics tablet pen
Hey, there’s another donation-worthy cause.
And there’ll be other stuff. I’ve been trying to help Gremlin come up with stuff, since before the black shirts came out. I’m also working on a new logo for my website, and, um…stuff.
I think SP2 is about done. I should get back to The Horrible Sony of Pain [I’m currently in front of a Wonderful Mitsubishi of Holedness. No, that’s not a typo — there’s a hole melted into the top of the case].