I think my power supply is on its way to becoming toast — and not the yummy kind you put butter on. So, I ordered a new one, along with a new DVD burner because…well, it was there, and a good deal.
Anyway, UPS is doing some of its amazing math on me. Newegg got everything shipped off within, hell, probably 12 hours of my ordering, but since I chose their cheapest shipping — UPS 3 Day, I’m now going to be waiting longer than if I’d picked their Fed Ex ‘cheapass slow shipping’.
I miss the days when FedEx was cheapest.
UPS says that three days from the 21st is the 28th. Funny, by my admittedly poor counting, it’s the 24th, which is a holiday and nobody’s going to do anything that day, so I’m guessing the 25th. Friday.
But I guess UPS are taking Friday off too. And Saturday and Sunday like they always do [unless you pay them loads extra]. So, my new power supply and DVD burner will be here on the 28th. Unless they get here earlier, which means they’ll be here on the 28th after sitting and soaking up Commerce City’s stench for days and days.
I’m sending UPS this email:
Three day select, shipped on the 21st, ‘delivery’ due on the 28th. There you guys go with your funny maths again. What, are you taking Friday off because of the holiday as well as saturday and sunday? You’re worse than the post office.
It’s little things like this that remind me to never pay for fast shipping with you guys. Only if it’s free, because that’s what it’s worth.
I expect their reply…probably the third Tuesday after Meatmas….
I also woke up to this:
reshpeckobiggle: Hi. Your profile is interesting
reshpeckobiggle: I think I came upon it a long time ago and tried to talk to you, but you ignored me.
reshpeckobiggle: Kinda like you’re doing now
reshpeckobiggle: Oh well. I was gonna prove beyond a shadow of doubt that god exists, but I guess I’ll have to find something else to do
This IMer did roughly the same thing at me at…my little yahoo archive thing says 1am on October 12th. It might be wrong. It might not be. I wasn’t awake.
reshhpeckobiggle: Hi
reshpeckobiggle: Are you awake?
reshpeckobiggle: I have a question about your profile. What’s with the stuff about “if you can prove that God exists?”
reshpeckobiggle: Just wondering where you were coming from. Get back to me anytime if you feel like it
Here is his profile. I can only imagine what his idea of ‘proving god exists’ is, and honestly, I’d rather not. Unless it involves a perpetually refilling case of Coke.
Well, that’s pretty much it. Thanks to the incompetent UPS I’m down to one drive until, well, until that fails, which will probably be before they get my stuff to me. And then I’m pretty much without a computer until my stuff gets here. All because the people in charge seem to be lazy and can’t count.