systemvsbizzi vs

Remember that link about the website I guess they found me, because they launched an ‘all out attack’ on me. By posting a bunch of rather silly comments, a la, but lamer.

But I guess they weren’t quite brave enough, or smart enough, to do it on the main post, so they retreated to the one about the link to their site, here and posted a bunch of shit about how awful my site was compared to theirs, how they’re too illiterate to use my comments box [funny, it seems to work just fine here], how I’m using a ‘template’ [funny, I thought I made this. I seem to remember doing it], and how my entry page is just awful, or something. I guess that’s covered under the illiterate part. Oh, and then there’s the normal personal attacks, since they have nothing to go on I’m naturally spending their money and on welfare, even though I’m not even IN Canada….

So, apparently, I’m supposed to be all fucked up right now and my site is supposed to have been fucked with, but it looks about the same to me. It really lets me know that I was right about them in the first place, though. Or maybe I should fear SooprDyslexicMan and his PhatPosseOfRealUltimatePOWARLOLLOLLOL!

Nah. I’ll just laugh and wonder why I have their IP addresses if they’re such tech gods and I’m so lowly….

Edit — I just went back and looked, all those replies? Two IPs. Makes me wonder about some of their other claims. Does it really count if all your visitors live in the same house?

Those first seventeen are from, and the last three are from, all seeming to claim to be from different people. Something is very wrong with these people. Something that might perhaps be helped by medication.

Or perhaps not….

I’m sure it’d be fun to go through and respond to each of them, but I’ll have to wait until I’m done laughing at their silly threats, their horrible spelling, and their incredible suckiness.

0 thoughts on “systemvsbizzi vs

  1. HA Ha hA ha …. your insulting street kids and parents and god knows who else….?????? …. kids…. you must feel good picking on them… for trying to speak out… NICE JOB ;) I think some of them are 13 even… And you were fighting with them… I just wanted to get them going… .. More like you versus little abused kids… RLMAO Feel big now… lmao… see this is an example of why I should be runing my own site… Instead of X… I hope that you will consider that…lmao.. anyways you kids keep fighting.. Oh and gremlen I am pretty sure they forgot about your site already…lol… my bad, Carry on…

  2. I just read that… what you posted… in deffense of the posse.. they use a proxy Ip addy with a tunneling protocal, I am not sure if you know what that means… but..anyways.. and as far as their claims… I guess you would have to go find them out in the cold to go ask them… And I would not allow anything from my site to be used.. for anything else but what the goal is… My site was Gov shut it down, Whatever.. and poof.. this pops up… I have to admit the chat weapons etc.. are better done then mine .. This site is note mine.. But it was funny to see me get little kids going… and see how you would interact with them. I read threw your site. Assumed from your wrting you were about their age… so I mentioned your site… funny how you to interacted so alike..lmao anyways I will chaeck back in awhile and see if your all still getting along… please rember their kids who have been abused or hid outside from abusive parents… anything you say.. is probably nuthing they havn’t already heard… lol…