Since bizzi_teh_graeb_spwuellar seems to still be lurking around and posting even though They Of The One IP promised they wouldn’t be back because I suck so much, I might as well include a link here.
Anyway, there’s some actual news. Sorta. I just got done with the new theme I’ve been sorta…chewing on since I don’t know when. Sometimes it takes a while for me to find enough sticktoitiveness and work ethic and food and soda to actually take an idea from vague neural flashes to the finished state [since things are so often ‘finished’ on the ‘net].
The process goes something like this: my brain causes me to suddenly feel that I no longer like my current design [this happened back in August, I think, though I’m sure They of the Repoed Children would like to pretend otherwise], and then I start thinking about new things to do. Small changes are made here and there — like with the URL, which most people probably don’t notice. If none of those little things satisfy the dislike, then the pathetic creative process begins, and I start looking for graph paper and pencils.
I don’t know why, but, for some reason, my website-creation process works best with graph paper. I know I could do the same thing with Photoshop or any of the other things I have here — hell, I could probably figure out how to switch Dreamweaver over from that pure code view and play with layouts there, but it just doesn’t work that way for me.
It probably has something to do with my strange and messy note-making habits.
Anyway…at some point last night I managed to go from graph paper to physical code. I finished up the blog portion of it this morning, and was about to start working on making something that would help my gallery blend in when I found out that the gallery’s code had been updated….
That, of course, left my old theme somewhat nonworking, so I’m using one of their stock themes until I re-learn their little special-language.
I’m not sure when I’ll launch the new design. I guess anyone actually coming to my page will find out…whenever. Or something.