I guess. There might still be some funny bugs somewhere, but I’ve done as much bugtesting as I can stomach tonight. Now, I just wanna be lazy even though I feel like I should be doing something.
Anyway, you were warned that this was going to happen. I could make some fun predictions again about what the likely-still-lurking Defenders of Children are going to try saying, but I don’t think I really need to go into any detail about that. All I have to do is point at the ‘oh it’s broken/I see you finally fixed it’ shit about the unbroken comments and how I said they’d say that when I updated the plugin. That should really be enough.
I don’t know why I’m going to go into this, since this post won’t always be right up front, but…meh.
Toward the top of the page, there’s the new basic navigation thingie. Buttons, bar, whatever you want to call it. It takes you to some basic places, some of them offsite. We all know how to use our back button by now, don’t we, and if we don’t want to use it, we know how to get things to open in a new window all by ourselves, I’m sure.
And, to your left [at least, I think that’s left. I could be wrong.] is the sidebar. A small, up front ‘about me’ with links to more about me [and my pets, which kinda makes me look bad, what with all the death], and really it should all be fairly obvious until you get to the graphical portion, right? I’ve split the basic categories and the categories controlling the Idiot Archive into two different lists, and I’m currently reworking the categories right now. Adding stuff, and all that. The IA needs a little work, and one of these days I’m just going to give in and do the work necessary to pull it into the main blog, but I’m just not interested right now. I already had to edit the nearly 1,000 files to get the current theme working….
Then there’s the graphics. The big one is a randomly generated graphic/link/text thing from the Wasted, Inc. store. There’s not much in there right now — just three items. I’ll put more in…eventually. And I suppose it doesn’t have to be from the Wasted, Inc. store. I could probably put stuff in from other places, too.
Next is the PayPal graphic. I accept donations because, well, who in their right mind would turn away money? I’m not that crazy yet.
After that, I decided to get strange. I added in little graphics for both Opera and Firefox. Why? I don’t know.
Wait, maybe I do.
See, certain ‘people’ — and I use the term loosely — seem to think that 1. everyone uses IE and 2. a badly placed graphic somewhere on your website is the same as saying ‘this website is designed by an idiot using Frontpage so my god just DON’T try looking at it with anything but IE because it’s not going to work at all.’ These people also have a hard time listing screen resolutions properly and haven’t mastered basic spelling or honesty. So, if this is the case, then having these graphics sitting quietly in my sidebar should be an indication of what I prefer to use. Or something.
I’m pretty sure I mentioned that once before. This page probably looks like crap in IE, less like crap in Firefox, and okayish in Opera. Getting all three to work perfectly is a little out of my range, and testing things in browsers for things I don’t run is WAY out of my range. Why? Because I design websites as a hobby, not as a profession. I’m a moderately skilled amateur. If I were to want to get paid, I’d probably pay a little more attention to what other people want and not what I think I want.
That said, I’m not sure I’d want to get paid. I’ve seen some of the utter crap people get paid for. I’d be ashamed if I did anything like that — especially if that money ended up going toward the student loans I’d have to take out to go to school to learn how to crank out that shit….
Where was I?
Oh, yes, the browser things. After those, there’s a button I don’t think I can mention, except I think there’s something to do with that whole google thing where if you sign up under someone they get money after you make your first hundred. I’m not really sure.
While I’m down there, I might as well mention the footer, since that’s new. I left in the mention of wordpress, although I’m not sure if I should’ve left in the word ‘proudly’. I’m not ashamed that I’m using someone else’s coding; ‘proudly’ just doesn’t seem like me, y’know?
Before we switched servers and I found out I was actually able to start playing with one of these, I was using a very old messageboard script, rewritten to act a little like a blog, except without all those neat features like limiting posts per page and categories and stuff. It worked well enough, just not in the ways I wanted it to. I did the same thing with a messageboard script for another site, and was trying really hard to find a way to get that thing to not only do what it did [create a post and generate a link to it on a specific page], but switch out the index page to the latest post when we got this whole php thing. Made my life easier.
I think I’m gonna use this long, rambling nonsense post to test out a new plugin, too.
Which reminds me….
The Links category is gone. In its place, I’ve got a new links page. I found a plugin to make my life easier there, too. Now I can add a link whenever I want without having to post about it, and it’s all on a nice little links page. Easier access, fewer clicks to reach. Or something.
What else….
I guess the Archives thing is new. No more of that by-month thing in the sidebar. Instead, just a link in the upper navigation thingie which leads to a page which lists not just by month, but by month according to their year.
I’m sure that doesn’t actually matter to most people, but it seems kinda spiffy to me since we’re coming up on a new year here fairly soon.
Time to get really random, I guess….
I’m still working on the whole ‘new logo’ concept, as well as ‘what the fuck should I do with the main page’. I’ll get to it one of these days.
The title of each entry is a link. I thought I should mention that. Clicking on it takes you to a page with just that entry, and the comment form at the bottom. Clicking on ‘comment on this article’ [which changes to other things if people comment, or if the comments have been turned off] also takes you to that page.
There are two comment links. I don’t know why I did it that way.
I think that’s it. I suppose I could mention that both www.coffeechick.com and coffeechick.com will get you to this site, but people coming here should already know that by now.
There. That was a really stupidly long update post.