Silent Hill

I just found out that those nasty, nasty rumours about Silent Hill becoming a movie were true.

There’s a sort of trailer at, but if you just sit there and watch the Flash [8? Flash 8…] intro, you’ve pretty much seen the trailer and don’t really need to go through all that quicktime stuff….

There are also [apparently] still at IGN, here:

If you can stomach IGN’s every-few-image adwhoring, they’re worth a look, I guess.

All I know is that little girl with the long dark hair is the little girl from Kingdom Hospital, and that it looks a little like it’s either a new story, or a rewritten version of the original story. Either way, I’m as filled with dread as I was at the prospect of Saw 2.

Silent Hill is really the only game series I pay much serious, personal-interest attention to, other than the Zelda games. I don’t really do much in the way of videogame-playing [I’m more of a videogame watcher, really], but I have managed to get through the first two Silent Hills, and most of the way through the third one. I ended up running into some problems and had to drop the game because there was a bunch of water pouring out of our hall ceiling….

Maybe I’ll get back to that one of these days…the game, not that hallway thing. That hallway is no longer something I need to worry about.

Go on, say something....