I just spent some money I didn’t really want to spend at newegg getting a new power supply, and some other stuff. But I’m able to be online, because I found my laptop and its power cable.
The power cable, which was inexplicably lurking at the back of Gremlin’s desk, plugged into one of his power strips, isn’t the one that came with the laptop. It’s the one that Circuit City sent me after they stole mine. It’s longer, but of inferior quality. Circuit City is of inferior quality.
My laptop is missing its tab key. Do you know how fucking obnoxious that is?
For that matter, do you have any idea how fucking awful it is to go from regular, ordinary $10. proper keyboard to this crappy little laptop keyboard? Even with the tab key, it’s hard to make all the right keystrokes. I’m going to be typoing like mad….
But…I should probably work on relearing, or something. I just got one of those laptop coolers, in some strange sort of effort to actually make this thing work a little better. See, it overheats. It burns people. It locks up. It annoys me.
But it’s a working computer that I’m able to use, since, y’know, can’t possibly use Gremlin’s far-better-working laptop which also gets awfully warm…it’s a laptop thing, I guess.
I have email. And thanks to my little rescue gadget, I have access to all my other drives. Not that it helps me at all — this pathetic thing doesn’t have a DVD burner, and I wouldn’t want to encode anything on this miserable 16mb shared video card….
I’ve had to restart this thing about eight times since I found the power cable. One of those times was in the middle of my Service Pack 2 installation. That sucked like nothing has sucked since the last time I tried to do anything on this laptop. Holy shit. An hour of trying to get my computer to reboot, another thirty minutes trying to uninstall the not-installed SP2, and it locked up there too….
And all this, of course, while I was in the middle of website design stuff. By ‘all this’, I mean my computer dying and my exile to the land of ickyness.
And I keep forgetting that I have the touchpad turned off. Bah.
Is there good news today? I got the stamps I ordered from USPS.com, and learned that the people bitching about ‘nondenominational’ were very, very confused. It doesn’t mean ‘non-religious’, it means ‘it doesn’t have a fucking price on it’.
I got a couple of those free ‘consumer education’ type DVDs that USPS.com offers, too. I’m using them to prop up my laptop in an effort to increase airflow right now….
Did I mention the laptop cooler? I think I did. I also bought the last few parts I need to finally build that cheap little computer for next to the TV, so I can watch the MST3Ks that I don’t have on DVD or VHS.
I think I’m going to go on a dangerous adventure now. I’m going to try to install Macromedia stuff, so, y’know, maybe I can get back to working on a few little things….