Updated the Swaginator stuff

If you’re wondering, the ‘Swaginator’ is the plugin that makes those shirts and other products show up over there in the sidebar. It’s a random sort of thing.

I added a few shirts — mostly black shirts — and a couple of other things, since the new Wasted store is mostly in place. Just a couple of code modifications left to fix a strange bug that showed up on the new server.

I’d set it up so that the product links open in a new window, but I’m kinda lazy, and popping things up like that is kinda rude. If you want to have a look without leaving this page, you probably know how to open a link in a new window.

I’ll probably start throwing things in there that don’t belong to the Wasted, Inc. store one of these days. I just haven’t found anything I like yet….

Oh. Another note on the way it all works. When you click on the product [whatever it is], it’ll take you to the product zoom/detail page. If you want to view other products with that design, you appear to have two options, but only one of them will work the way it should, because the other is javascripted, and it’ll take you right back here.

The one that will work is up in the blue area of the page. I think the ‘technical’ term is called a ‘breadcrumb’, or something. It’s a little textual trail…kinda a map of how you would’ve gotten to that product page if you’d actually come from the main page at WastedInc.com. That should take you where you want to go. If there are more products with that design on it, and you’re not looking at the full product list, there should be a working link that vaguely resembles that design, in some text-based way, that you can follow back to where you want to go.

…the desgin on that site may change, of course, so there’s really no telling where the navigational options will end up. Hopefully, things can only get better and easier.

Happy shopping.

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