Just some thoughts….

I kinda just went on a free sample spree. This activity was partly inspired by boredom, and partly inspired by this sudden desire to do my own sort of good….

Not that I actually ended up doing any good of any sort.

What good? The good of taking even the tiniest bit of money away from certain very scary charities and religious groups by requesting bunches of free stuff from them.

I think I might get around to doing that eventually. If nothing else, it’ll give me more to blog about. Not that I keep up with that sort of thing — I’ve still got that letter from Peter Popoff to finish.

If I do that, I’ll probably have to do some category changing.

I might also want to mention some interesting free stuff here. I don’t know. Maybe….

I just did a search on ‘televangelist’ and found this:

Televangelist Bingo – A Sinfully Amusing Game!

I think I might want to try and play…maybe.

0 thoughts on “Just some thoughts….

  1. Damn you, ever since you asked Peter Popoff to send you some holy water, the bastards from Holy-Crap-This-Is-Not-Only-Junkmail-You-Don’t-Need-But-Almost-Humorously-Caters-To-Things-You-Hate Mail Inc. have found me and not only sent me a Ban Gay Marriage Petition, but a Popoff Knockoff letter from Jesus and some Baptist Chruch to increase my wealth (paper prayer rug included).

    It seems thatJesus heard me when I said I needed interesting things to blog about like Hunter….

    • I used to get those prayer rug things — the one where Jesus is supposed to open his eyes if your prayer has been answered.

      When I first moved here, I accidentally opened a thing meant for the previous owners, and it was another kind of prayer rug — a Tiki God Idol Prayer Rug of great wealth blessings…or something.

      If I’d had my camera and a scanner of my own back then, I think I would’ve posted it.

      …I don’t think I had this blog back then, though….

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