Somebody lied to me.
Somebody, long ago when I first found out about this book, wrote up a thing that said that this book was about zombies.
It’s kinda not.
I suppose the concepts are similar. Things about zombies aren’t really ever about zombies — they’re about the survivors faced with the end of the world. That’s not a new concept, when it comes to Stephen King.
There’s no hand of god at the sort-of-end of this one, though.
It’s a very short book. It took me less than twelve hours to read it.
And nothing really gets explained. There’s this thing, ‘the Pulse’, from cellphones, and it’s supposed to reset the brain — like a computer reformat. But the signal has a virus and it’s degrading. Nobody ever explains where the signal came from, though. Terrorists are, of course, brought up many times, but that’s really as close as it ever gets.
I do kind of think there’s a clue in the almost-language that the not-zombies speak. It reminds me a lot of Desperation and The Regulators. That’s probably just me looking for ties where there might not be any, though….
In spite of the shortness and the…wrongness of that initial expectation, Cell was not a bad book. And I suppose if you’re the sort of person who thinks that 28 Days Later had zombies in it, then this one counts, too.
And, hey, I don’t think they even run….
LMAO!! Well first off thank you for saying what I’ve been thinking since I heard of his trial in ’05. It’s nice that I actually came across this now. I was googling his name for a friend. When most of what I’ve pulled up in the past is ppl talking down on him for porn. They couldn’t except that he too can be seen as a good person and not be labeled as a dirty perv for being successful in an undying industry…. Who happens to be generouse towards kids, that grow into adults that may or may not one day contribute to the endless cycle we call life o.O
Here’s a lil know fact one of the oldest jobs thats is still very prosperous and active also not going anywhere is…. Prostitution!! O.o.
Now which is worse and which one would you rather support. I don’t know about you but my moneies on the safer industry and I mean SAFER.
So I personally met Eddie when I was 8 and he made a big impact on me, but it wasnt via ‘Eddie’s kids’…. It wasn’t the ‘PornoKing of Co.’ that i met either. He was personaly kind and caring to me. It wasn’t till I was an adult that I actually found out what he did… When I did it didn’t change my thoughts of him. He is human too. And if you can’t join them beat them!!
And to that I end with this: Hello People!! Pornography is one of the highest grossing industries in this nation! In my oppinion it aint cheating if it aint personal and it aint personal if its a motion picture And it’s also guaranteed STD FREE
Ok so this was my first comment on ANYTHING like ever! And i swore it was commenting on this article;
….. Very confused and don’t know how to take it down