There used to be user rooms on Yahoo. I’m sure many people are sorry that they’re gone, but that’s hardly an excuse for people to use the fact that someone might’ve come from a user-room as a way to ‘win an argument’, by deciding that they are somehow all of the same mind, or pedophiles, or something….
I suppose that doesn’t have much to do with this. Except the ‘AvC’ thing is used in the transcript I’m about to post. And I wasn’t gonna post this — I really wasn’t…until I found this:
The_Black_Knight_of_Avalon: Then again, I’m not the idiot who saves transcripts just to put quotes out-of-context on a self-important forum.
And then I discovered what a gigantic fucking hypocrite Black_Knight was [stupidly paranoid, too, but that’s beside the point].
So, I decided that it was just about time that I got myself on this guy’s ignore — since it’s the in thing to do, and since it seems to get them to pay far more attention to me than people they don’t have on ignore.
Maybe the next time he gets banned, I’ll end up on his list of ‘likely suspects’. Maybe. It’s not like his list of five suspects even makes sense when compared to his initial comments, like:
Ever since Yahell tore down the User Rooms, the self-important jackasses over at have been playing Schutzstaffel in Religion:1. They can pat themselves on the back: The greatest achievement they’ll ever accomplish is driving me away from Blahoo Chat while causing mommy’s energy bills to increase. I mean, it takes someone with no real ambition to actually drive someone away from a chatroom!
Okay. I don’t actually care that much. I’m just not sure why it was this time, of all the times I’ve done just about the same thing, that got me ignored. But it was funny….
Before I get into this, I should probably mention that the board I link to is run by a person I don’t have problems with. I suppose the mere linking to it could cause issues with other people, but I’d really rather not be the direct cause of these issues. I mean, in the sense that I’ve caused a bunch of people to go and register and troll, so don’t do it, okay? Not that chat problems really matter that much to me; I just don’t see the point. Let’s not pull a SomethingAwful here….
Here’s the transcript:
06:03:51 brngreenback: chris, what are you on?
06:03:52 jamesjesse9* [arrives] Male 24 from Rolla alias Jam
06:03:57 durtyolman2: suicy, some of them would make great shots, just thinking about ones I’ve seen
06:04:01 brngreenback: hey, that fits in with the mushrooms conversation
06:04:04 suicyde_alley: oh and Poop…I take pictures of poop…I have deer, elk, bear, & cyote.
06:04:15 carlloggins: ignorance is bliss untill you find out that your wife had four abortions before you married her
06:04:17 chris19c84: baron, why
06:04:19 jamesjesse9* [leaves the room]
06:04:21 suicyde_alley: and slugs.
06:04:22 durtyolman2: lol suicy
06:04:23 psychosis2_2000* [arrives] Male 50 from north east england
06:04:29 domine_es_fimus: “I take pictures of poop” – suicyde_alley, 19-3-06
06:04:30 bouncy_shereberry:
06:04:32 carlloggins: knowledge does bring sorrow
06:04:34 brngreenback: chris, I dunno, basic human curiousity
06:04:34 suicyde_alley: Did you know slugs eat mushrooms?
06:04:36 durtyolman2: I like getting bugs on flowers
06:04:38 bouncy_shereberry: did that happen to u carl?
06:04:45 durtyolman2: suicy, no I didn’t
06:04:49 carlloggins: the more you know about the world….the more you are ‘pessimistic
06:04:49 chris19c84: sorry its just what i think
06:04:53 chris19c84: lol
06:04:53 suicyde_alley: I have some of a dragonfly that flew in the tent.
06:05:00 suicyde_alley: and wouldn’t leave.
06:05:05 meanassprick: see, I could say that anyone with an IQ of 170 could understand what I am saying, then everyone who understands me will get the impression that they are smater than they thought… or I could say that anyone with a room tempature IQ could understand me, then anyone who understands me gets the impression that they are stewpid see how easy it is to make a river runu the way you want it to online.
06:05:10 domine_es_fimus: can they eat poisonous ones, alley?
06:05:12 clayton60* [leaves the room]
06:05:13 carlloggins: boucncy….what?
06:05:14 bouncy_shereberry: smater?
06:05:14 suicyde_alley: and chipmunks….they are cool to photo.
06:05:23 durtyolman2: I bet
06:05:27 brngreenback: chris, it’s alright, just that I have no way of making sense of that sentence; I’m trying to figure out what you meant, and realized I’m just not gonna be able to do it
06:05:31 carlloggins: bouncy…..most of the women i know, have aborted
06:05:33 brngreenback: not if I stare at it all day
06:05:33 bouncy_shereberry: u shouldnt denigrate anyones smarts when u cant spell smarter
06:05:42 carlloggins: bouncy….most of them
06:05:43 durtyolman2: lol bouncy
06:05:43 tekaphor: whats bush’s IQ?
06:05:44 carlloggins: not all
06:05:48 meanassprick: go tell that to Einstein
06:05:52 Black_Knight_Albion: bouncy: You mean like people who can’t spell “you” correctly?
06:05:57 meanassprick: he kouldnt spell
06:05:57 domine_es_fimus: tekaphor: i heard it was under 100
06:06:01 chris19c84: baron
06:06:02 bouncy_shereberry: but i can spell you
06:06:10 Black_Knight_Albion: tek: Somewhere between “room temperature” and “summer of love.”
06:06:12 bouncy_shereberry: i just used an abbreviation
06:06:13 brngreenback: I’m here
06:06:14 carlloggins: you cant never get fired as a thief
06:06:15 suicyde_alley: The burn decades ago left huge logs behind and you can see where they are burnt….these are great to photo, lots of little creatures and things on them.
06:06:17 chris19c84: then ill break it down
06:06:19 Black_Knight_Albion: bouncy: Then why just the letter “u” earlier?
06:06:20 brngreenback: thanks
06:06:23 carlloggins: you can never get fired as a whore
06:06:24 bouncy_shereberry: like i said
06:06:25 durtyolman2: afk, hear my kid about
06:06:26 naturereligion* [arrives] Male 32 from Greece
06:06:27 bouncy_shereberry: an abbreviaition
06:06:30 suicyde_alley: k
06:06:30 Black_Knight_Albion: bouncy: Abbreviations for words only make you look stupid in here.
06:06:42 naturereligion* [leaves the room]
06:06:43 carlloggins: you can never get fired as a gop president with a gop majoriity in congress
06:06:44 meanassprick: faraday had a grade school education and he discoverd electricity. so I really don’t see what you have to gain by pointing out what it is you think I should have.
06:06:53 bouncy_shereberry: oh and albion,that would be the most awful thing in the world wouldnt it
06:07:04 domine_es_fimus: “Black_Knight_Albion: bouncy: Abbreviations for words only make you look stupid in here.” ” Black_Knight_Albion: MP + BB room”
06:07:06 brngreenback: heh
06:07:12 bouncy_shereberry: domine
06:07:13 Black_Knight_Albion: bouncy: To be thought of as a retard? You would know.
06:07:17 carlloggins: lolo…….huh?
06:07:19 carlloggins: slow down
06:07:22 bouncy_shereberry: ty domine
06:07:23 carlloggins: i will not leave
06:07:25 chris19c84: our rationality gives us emotions
06:07:26 bogdannisvib* [arrives]
06:07:26 Black_Knight_Albion: Do NOT feed the trolls Giving trolls attention is feeding them. domine_es_fimus is a troll. Everyone is better off just ignoring it. Failure to do so may be hazardous to your mental health. This has been a Black Knight Public Service announcement.
06:07:44 bouncy_shereberry: albion is there a reason i should care what someone who writes bb room thinks of me?
06:07:44 diu6007* [arrives] alias rassel
06:07:54 Black_Knight_Albion: I’ve had that one on ignore for several months. Ranting about how the “white man” is superior to humanity or some shit.
06:07:55 chris19c84: our emotions gives us judgment
06:08:00 diu6007* [leaves the room]
06:08:07 domine_es_fimus: white people aren’t human?
06:08:09 chris19c84: and visa versa
06:08:09 carlloggins: lolo..i knew a woman named lolo
06:08:14 suicyde_alley: Black? What if you’re already a mental case…will it negate it?
06:08:15 brngreenback: I’ve been following along, and domine has been weilding words like sabers the whole time
06:08:16 Black_Knight_Albion: bouncy: That was the most unintelligable thing I’ve read in here in a while.
06:08:19 carlloggins: lolo….you never met lol
06:08:20 carlloggins: lol
06:08:24 Black_Knight_Albion: buzzes bouncy_shereberry on “Spot the Loony” and promptly ignores it
06:08:25 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Did rye just get confused with fast?
06:08:26 bouncy_shereberry: just answer it black
06:08:27 carlloggins: lolo was a sex machine
06:08:30 pqu_slo* [arrives]
06:08:32 bouncy_shereberry: u used abbreviaitions
06:08:32 carlloggins: boy oh boy
06:08:34 chris19c84: hey baron
06:08:35 psychosis2_2000* [leaves the room]
06:08:38 Black_Knight_Albion: hunter: You mean they’re not the same?
06:08:40 bouncy_shereberry: now why should i care what U think
06:08:44 suicyde_alley: Nope
06:08:45 domine_es_fimus: hunter: hahaha!
06:08:46 carlloggins: lolo….i am not defaming woman
06:08:48 brngreenback: yeah?
06:08:50 chris19c84: our emotions gives us judgment
06:08:50 carlloggins: lolo..this is chat
06:08:53 carlloggins: sheeeesh
06:08:58 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: I need a moment to get over this.
06:09:01 carlloggins: lolo…..this is a chatroom
06:09:06 suicyde_alley: lol Hunter
06:09:09 carlloggins: lolo…again….this is a chat room
06:09:19 abdo_online30* [arrives]
06:09:19 carlloggins: chatroom……share opinions
06:09:20 chris19c84: ok wait
06:09:21 Black_Knight_Albion: Next you’re going to tell me that john1572002 wasn’t an alternate alias of moses737.
06:09:26 carlloggins: lolo…this is not reality
06:09:27 bouncy_shereberry: god,thats an awful shirt
06:09:30 bogdannisvib* [leaves the room]
06:09:33 carlloggins: lolo…do not be mistaken
06:09:36 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Okay. No. They’re not the same. I’ve never seen that screenname, so no, I’m not going to tell you that.
06:09:37 chris19c84: our rationality gives us emotions
06:09:43 chris19c84: our emotions gives us judgment
06:09:47 chris19c84: and visa versa
06:09:48 carlloggins: lolo….defame who/
06:09:52 amro_shht* [arrives] alias momo 80
06:09:52 chris19c84: there
06:09:56 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: I’m only going to tell you what I know. Rye =/= Fast.
06:10:01 carlloggins: lolo…..most of the roomies in this room are using aliases
06:10:05 carlloggins: lolo….chill out
06:10:07 svd_17: lolo u can file a suit if u want to
06:10:11 abdo_online30: انا عاوز اتعرف على بنت حلوة
06:10:12 domine_es_fimus: wait wait wait, so he thinks that fast is a christian troll?
06:10:22 brngreenback: guess so
06:10:23 Black_Knight_Albion: hunter: rye = troll. It’s so simple even Forrest Gump should be able to comprehend.
06:10:23 carlloggins: lolo…who is being defamed?
06:10:25 philcanessy* [arrives]
06:10:27 chris19c84: even judging is good
06:10:28 suicyde_alley: There is no way Rye is Fast.
06:10:29 carlloggins: alias man?
06:10:29 silverhairedbear* [arrives] Male 60 from parkersburg/marietta area
06:10:30 bouncy_shereberry: svd tu bolo hindi?
06:10:34 amro_shht* [arrives] alias momo 80
06:10:39 carlloggins: do not defame my screenname?
06:10:40 abdo_online30* [leaves the room]
06:10:43 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: And you feel the need to attempt to insult me because…?
06:10:45 domine_es_fimus: Rar, Bush and JEWS and such
06:10:46 carlloggins: lolo…chill out already
06:10:55 Black_Knight_Albion: . o 0 ( Who let the trolls out? *who, who?* )
06:10:56 domine_es_fimus: JEWS!!!!
06:11:00 steudent* [leaves the room]
06:11:09 svd_17: kyaa jan na chahte ho aap ?
06:11:12 svd_17: bouncy ?
06:11:13 chocolateguy_cu* [arrives]
06:11:16 bouncy_shereberry: yr mum albion when she gave birth
06:11:16 Black_Knight_Albion: hunter: That was an insult? I was just making a statement.
06:11:25 Black_Knight_Albion: If you feel insulted, you know where the ignore feature is.
06:11:32 svd_17: albion ?whats that bouncy ?
06:11:39 chris19c84: baron, ever heard of positive judgement
06:11:42 bouncy_shereberry: albion really should consider chatting without a pic
06:11:56 bouncy_shereberry: coz thats awful
06:12:01 bouncy_shereberry: right
06:12:01 chris19c84: happiness?
06:12:03 bouncy_shereberry: gtg bye
06:12:04 meanassprick: beh, emotions are indicaters and are easily misinterpited. take a heart patient. its common for heart patients to become melencoly sp ck !:M because* of the hearts conditions. remember why tears are expressed.. pressure on the heart
06:12:06 bouncy_shereberry* [leaves the room]
06:12:06 domine_es_fimus: albion is al old school name for britain.
06:12:08 meanassprick: BRB
06:12:13 domine_es_fimus: al = an*
06:12:41 Hunter_the_CrazyChick* sees the selective reading.
06:12:42 chocolateguy_cu* [leaves the room]
06:12:43 Black_Knight_Albion: *** amro_shht has been auto-ignored. (Spam)
06:12:44 and_he_flew* [arrives] Male 18 from Konoha alias Neji-kun
06:12:48 silverhairedbear: doug you gotta add to that—have a beer keg instead of a baptismal font
*** amro_shht will be ignored for 9999 days.
06:12:55 chris19c84: this is how it is emotions= rationality= judging= rationality= emotions
06:13:00 chris19c84: ok
06:13:07 chris19c84: you got it
06:13:13 svd_17: no bouncy
06:13:22 Black_Knight_Albion: *sees nothing but a bunch of A vs. C drama trying to seep into the Sacred Room of Debauchery
06:13:34 domine_es_fimus: that you started, since you’re an idiot.
06:13:55 brngreenback: Troll. n (tro*l): 1.)Someone that does not get along with Black_Knight_Albion 2.)Someone that comes up with cool stuff to say
06:13:56 abhirajnew4* [arrives] Male alias Abhi
06:13:57 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Oh dearie me. AvC drama. Yes, let’s dredge up the territorial pissmatch, because it hasn’t been done in days, and that’s really the best way to get into something.
06:13:58 nuthanmattrang_mt* [arrives]
06:14:01 chris19c84: hi casey
06:14:03 domine_es_fimus: omg being corrected is like so avc drama, maan
06:14:22 brngreenback: Ahh, but I’ll go back to the peanut gallery
06:14:30 silverhairedbear* [leaves the room]
06:14:33 Black_Knight_Albion: hunter: Hey, why not? Every time rye says something stupid, stupid people jump on the bandwagon.
06:14:39 Black_Knight_Albion: It’s like Moses with his demon spiders.
06:14:41 hollowman0101* [arrives]
06:14:48 domine_es_fimus: it’s EXACTLY like that
06:14:48 Black_Knight_Albion: The stupid shit gets old after a while.
06:14:50 domine_es_fimus: EXACTLY
06:14:52 chris19c84: hows that religion
06:15:08 suicyde_alley: Moses is just plain weird.
06:15:11 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Funny. It seems we don’t share opinions. If you have a problem with that, well…you know what to do.
06:15:12 hollowman0101: hai anyone there for me
06:15:13 philcanessy* [leaves the room]
06:15:24 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: *share the same opinions.
06:15:25 domine_es_fimus: (lines 1 to 2) The_Black_Knight_of_Myst: “Theory of evolution?” The_Black_Knight_of_Myst: Since when was evolution a theory again?
06:15:26 traci_0w57h* [arrives] Female 18 from Bridgeport, CT alias ~*~ mami ~*~
06:15:32 lc12152002* [arrives]
06:15:34 fit2btied9* [arrives] from la alias fit
06:15:35 Black_Knight_Albion: hunter: I’m not sharing an opinion here, I’m just stating a fact.
06:15:45 durtyolman2: brb, fixing door knobs
06:15:50 suicyde_alley: lol
06:15:52 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: …funny definition of fact you’ve got there.
06:15:53 domine_es_fimus: (lines 1 to 2) The_Black_Knight_of_Myst: niall: Once a theory is proven it becomes a fact. The_Black_Knight_of_Myst: niall: You mean like how you think gravity’s a theory?
06:15:54 fit2btied9: paul
06:15:55 lc12152002* [leaves the room]
06:15:59 chaigianghothattinh: doi
06:16:04 Black_Knight_Albion: fact *noun* Something that can be proven.
06:16:10 domine_es_fimus: wow yeah, I sure am known for saying stupid shit
06:16:12 abhirajnew4* [leaves the room]
06:16:16 hollowman0101* [leaves the room]
06:16:17 Black_Knight_Albion: Yeah, very funny definition.
06:16:21 chaigianghothattinh: chao nhe
06:16:23 naturereligion* [arrives] Male 32 from Greece
06:16:31 pqu_slo* [leaves the room]
06:16:52 svd_17: what is a noun ?
06:16:52 chris19c84* [leaves the room]
06:16:54 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: …which really doesn’t seem to go along with the things you’re calling facts.
06:16:59 carlloggins: except the stones
06:17:03 naturereligion* [leaves the room]
06:17:08 Black_Knight_Albion: svd: A word that defines a person, a place, or a thing.
06:17:10 chaigianghothattinh* [leaves the room]
06:17:11 svd_17: i always ran from grammer classes
06:17:11 aammaa55* [arrives] alias aammaa55
06:17:19 domine_es_fimus: “The_Black_Knight_of_Myst: sam: I’ll cede the existence of manic-depressive disorder, but ADHD is just…unbelievable.”
06:17:20 carlloggins: even the osmonds broke up..but not the stones
06:17:36 Black_Knight_Albion: hunter: “Which doesn’t seem to go along with bullshit everyone else is spouting” is more like it.
06:17:43 suicyde_alley: A noun is a person, place or thing………*remembers Schoolhouse Rock.
06:17:53 Black_Knight_Albion: Bloody ‘ell…a room full of Grains gets shut down and we’re stuck with mostly trolls.
06:18:01 domine_es_fimus: noun = name, pronoun = substitute for a name
06:18:09 tekaphor: lol @ the thought of a room “full of grains”
06:18:21 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Again, your opinion. Notice how I didn’t post that. If that was exactly what I’d meant — and likely if that’s what was going on — I’d have said it. But it doesn’t appear to be that way.
06:18:26 Black_Knight_Albion: tek: SHUT UP YOU IGNORANT SHIT OR I’LL REPORT YOU!!!
06:18:40 tekaphor: haha BK
06:18:41 Black_Knight_Albion: hunter: To-may-to, to-mah-to
06:18:43 carlloggins: pronoun = noun that gets paid for denoting
06:18:45 suicyde_alley: To whom? YahooPolice?
06:19:04 domine_es_fimus: bk actually did get reported to someone and lost his other yahoo name
06:19:08 svd_17: what is an adjective ?
06:19:11 Black_Knight_Albion: tek: Was that Grain or Iamsolite?
06:19:16 ginxyz2000* [arrives] Male 35 from West Coast
06:19:17 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: “Sky is green.” “No, sky is blue.” = current situation =/= silly phonetic spelling of different ways of saying tomato.
06:19:18 domine_es_fimus: which is pretty funny. apparently i’m a “prime suspect”
06:19:20 Black_Knight_Albion: svd:
06:19:27 svd_17: thanks black
06:19:29 suicyde_alley: Really?…hmmm…didn’t know there was such a thing.
06:19:46 tekaphor: BK — dunno, grain usually calls me ignorant slut, so maybe ignorant shit is a crone TM
06:19:48 Black_Knight_Albion: Wow, hunter is going off on a tangent. Who’d’ve thunk it?
06:19:52 ginxyz2000: Well that was a rousing round of ‘Did Jesus Exist?’ over in Room 3
06:19:54 domine_es_fimus: yes, I don’t know how you’d go about it.
06:19:55 carlloggins: adjective = ejaculate advertisment
06:20:05 Black_Knight_Albion: tek: SHUT UP YOU IGNORANT SLUT OR I’LL REPORT YOU!!!
06:20:19 tekaphor: BK — thats more like it
06:20:19 suicyde_alley: Me either but I’m sure there’s a link somewhere.
06:20:21 Black_Knight_Albion: Oh right…it’s Sunday. All of the loonies are out today.
06:20:22 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Black_Knight_Albion: who’s the one that said this? 06:18:41 Black_Knight_Albion: hunter: To-may-to, to-mah-to Or, for that matter, this: 06:13:22 Black_Knight_Albion: *sees nothing but a bunch of A vs. C drama trying to seep into the Sacred Room of Debauchery
06:20:30 carlloggins: adjective = gravy
06:20:37 aammaa55* [leaves the room]
06:20:37 domine_es_fimus: did jesus exist? sure. did he do magic tricks? no, don’t be silly
06:20:37 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Oops.
06:20:38 carlloggins: noun =- meat
06:20:41 fit2btied9* [leaves the room]
06:20:47 Black_Knight_Albion: hunter: And now you’re finally repeating facts. Let’s see if you can observe one fact for yourself now.
06:20:50 Black_Knight_Albion: buzzes Hunter_the_CrazyChick on “Spot the Loony” and promptly ignores it
06:20:53 carlloggins: pronoun = boneless meat
06:20:54 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: HA! I WIN!
06:21:08 ginxyz2000: Personally, I’m not so convinced of a historical Jesus.
06:21:10 emarew* [leaves the room]
06:21:10 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Fucking took long enough.
06:21:11 domine_es_fimus: hunter used evidence, and nothing pisses bk off more than evidence
06:21:12 brngreenback: The room’s burning
06:21:12 Black_Knight_Albion: tek: Let me know if Hunter’s still talking to me or if at least one troll found a clue.
06:21:14 suicyde_alley: No adjective is ‘brown’ gravy…gravy is the noun.
06:21:24 carlloggins: adjective = gravy
06:21:29 carlloggins: noun = meat
06:21:36 domine_es_fimus: carlloggins is just a dick, alley.
06:21:39 suicyde_alley: Pronoun “I” have boneless meat.
06:21:47 carlloggins: domine….you do not like dick?
06:21:54 Black_Knight_Albion: carl: Actually, “gravy” is a thing you put on “meat,” therefore “gravy” is a noun.
06:21:59 domine_es_fimus: not when they’re anthropomorphised, no.
06:22:02 Hunter_the_CrazyChick: Now I’ll share the GREAT and UNSPEAKABLE HONOUR of being in his emote, and on his list of people who made his name get banned and…stuff.
06:22:04 techno_rules_all:
06:22:06 Hunter_the_CrazyChick* wanders off laughing.
Now, I suppose I should get back to doing whatever it is I do to run up my mother’s electricity bill — an amazing trick that involves a 1700 mile long extension cord.
BK is an idiot. He will say something extremely stupid and then quickly ignore the person who points it out and gloat about how he vanquished a “troll” or “fundie” even if said person doesn’t fit those descriptions at all. He just sits in chat waiting for someone to do something like use “u” instead of “you” so he can pounce of them and pretend he is intellectually superior. And YES he is indeed a hypocrite. I have 3 rants demonstrating all of this on my old blog: