Then something more important came up….

I’ve been…busy. That’s why it took a bit to get that last post up, and that’s why there was a bit of no-new-postishness.

Partly, I’ve been overworking myself on a couple of websites that aren’t even online yet, and none of them are actually mine. I’ve also been playing with my graphics tablet, and Photoshop, and Flash, and these Corel things I just got ‘hold of, finally.

And then there was this headache….

I finally updated the Gallery, though. I added an option that allows me to put a link in the Image Details if there happen to be products with that image on it over at Wasted. And I put a few more pictures up.

Perhaps I’ll add some random thumbnails to this post once I figure out what part of the code makes them want to include a full paragraph break after each one….

Oh yeah, and: UPS. Will they or won’t they — time will tell. I’ve got more shit coming from newegg, due tomorrow. I’m betting there will be some AMAZING TRAIN DELAY….

Go on, say something....