I was just thinking….

And I thought I should share, I guess. I was thinking about how horribly stupid and childish most people are. How — no matter how old they are — they seem to be at least partially stuck at some point before highschool graduation. You know what I mean, with the stupid social games and the bullshit and the fucking attitude….

You can see it on some messageboards — especially the large ones. Someone comes up with something, starts a thread. It gets going, and suddenly someone starts screaming about how someone else is hijacking an idea, and how everyone needs to just slow down, because it’s only been a weekend, and if you don’t we’re gonna lock the thread, or something. As if a weekend and a month aren’t somewhat similar these days.

Things move fast now. Perhaps mental age needs to catch up, or something.

And threats of using moderating power are pretty much why some people shouldn’t be given that power. Because they don’t fucking know how to use it. Instead, they crawl around the boards and lock posts that haven’t even been posted to in months.

In a chat setting, sometimes they’ll kick everyone out of the room. From what I understand, that tends to happen in places like MSN. In Yahoo, the worst I ever saw was some fucking loser filling a room with bots.

Back then, all we had to do was make a new room. Can’t really do that now, but…oh well.

Somehow, these thoughts led me back to this fucking retard. They’ve gone through about fifty site design changes since I first called them idiots, and this most recent version is claiming 6,000+ members.

Shouldn’t they be getting more comments than, say, me?

‘They’ always did lie about their numbers, though. I guess that’s why stupidity and childishness made me think of them.

Sometimes I get the feeling that I might be happier if most of the people I encountered were on an autopsy table.

They might smell better, and they’d certainly sound smarter….

…and at least they’d act their fucking age.

0 thoughts on “I was just thinking….

  1. Hunter as you know I live BOTH in Canada and in Ontario. the C.A.S. is not a very good system, BUT it’s not selling children. Most children who enter C.A.S. STAY in Ontario. Only on rare occasions they move them to other Provinces.

    The C.A.S. tries to find the closest family member WHO can and are willing to take in children IF NEEDED. Foster parents are used and their quality very. While some are great ( I have had many friend that when through C.A.S.) others are not. Intrusting side note the bad ones almost without exceptions where Fundies (my friends have told me of JW’s Foster Parents, taking their X-mas money and spending it for “Love presents” for there OWN children). This is just one of the stories I have been told. Where some who have also spent much more of there own moneys on their foster children that where VERY damaged from there families.

    So like everyone they are mixed bag. Some are AWSOME. where as OTHERS should not even have children themselves.

  2. Odd…. you should say those things. My gaming clan consists of over 300 members. We are just one of the many clans that make up H.A.C.A.S. Okay yes Bizzi and his crew can be a bit much but for what they are fighting for is a very worthy cause… But I don’t suppose a heartless cow like yourself even knows what they are trying to accomplishing due to your own arrogance and self loathing… To bad… but then again… most of us around the world have not come to expect much else from Americans… Sorry to hear that your dollar is not worth shit anymore and your just about hated by everyone on the planet tough break… But if everyone in the USA thinks like you do that explains much.

    What I think you need to do is pull your over caffeinated head out of your ass. Go outside and join the real world. Maybe go and get some new cloths and and some plastic surgery to help with that face of yours so you don’t have to go threw life being so fucking miserable from looking in the mirror everyday…. Maybe go to rehab for awhile…

    Seriously… get some help….

    I know nothing I say means anything to you. Your brain does not work that way.. you are the “Evilcoffeechchick” you name says it all.
    I cam across this site researching crack cocaine and the effect on children….. pretty funny your picture came up and a link to your site.

    it was the funnest thing I seen all week… next to getting brutally fragged by some chick named… “AViginakilledyou”
    Nice site you got here. I think it would be more interesting if you weren’t such a cow. And maybe just maybe tried switching to decaf.

  3. ((((I think your board is busted) Or maybe it’s so old I just don’t understand how it works. or was this the only thing you and your boyfeind were able to set up? )))

    Odd…. you should say those things. My gaming clan consists of over 300 members. We are just one of the many clans that make up H.A.C.A.S. Okay yes Bizzi and his crew can be a bit much but for what they are fighting for is a very worthy cause… But I don’t suppose a heartless cow like yourself even knows what they are trying to accomplishing due to your own arrogance and self loathing… To bad… but then again… most of us around the world have not come to expect much else from Americans… Sorry to hear that your dollar is not worth shit anymore and your just about hated by everyone on the planet tough break… But if everyone in the USA thinks like you do that explains much.

    What I think you need to do is pull your over caffeinated head out of your ass. Go outside and join the real world. Maybe go and get some new cloths and and some plastic surgery to help with that face of yours so you don’t have to go threw life being so fucking miserable from looking in the mirror everyday…. Maybe go to rehab for awhile…

    Seriously… get some help….

    I know nothing I say means anything to you. Your brain does not work that way.. you are the “Evilcoffeechchick” you name says it all.
    I cam across this site researching crack cocaine and the effect on children….. pretty funny your picture came up and a link to your site.

    it was the funnest thing I seen all week… next to getting brutally fragged by some chick named… “AViginakilledyou”
    Nice site you got here. I think it would be more interesting if you weren’t such a cow. And maybe just maybe tried switching to decaf.

  4. Why do you pretent to know about foster care did you live in foster care or do you just believe what everyone tells you?
    Anyways I am outt of here I can feel my I.Q desolving the more time I spend here.

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