The topic in the room when I looked in just a few minutes ago was ‘Harry Potter’, for some reason.
And, for some other reason, that led me to think ‘y’know, I bet there’s a petition to get that part where that one character dies changed in the movie’.
Google is being a bitch today, of course. It didn’t just give me the answer I wanted. Instead, I found a bunch of other stuff [including some Harry Potter mpreg fiction].
Petition to replace whoever’s playing Snape now with Samuel L Jackson. Or something.
Sirius and Dumbledore did not deserve to die, JK has gone too far. Which is sorta what I was looking for.
Snape is Evil. Why is this even a petition?
I think I’ll be adding a petitions section to this other project I’m working on. It has a lot to do with the sick, strange and stupid things fan do. And a little to do with mpreg….