Monday, 08 May, 2006 07:52:43
07:52:43 entity_of_pure_hate*
07:52:43 blackheartedprofit*
07:52:44 flutterby442003: ty and wb to you lol
07:52:49 blackheartedprofit*
07:52:51 penguin_fly_in_canada*
07:52:55 tofu_thief*
07:52:57 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: Wow. I haven’t seen an Unexpected 114 in a while.
07:52:58 durtyolman2: hi mama, yeah, the whole room crashed again
07:53:00 flutterby442003: mama
07:53:07 tofu_thief: hehe 114 death
07:53:07 osirian_mccloud*
07:53:08 mama_pajama_1: shalom durty and flutter
07:53:10 flutterby442003: yes it did
07:53:14 mama_pajama_1: well I was in room 5 and it’s still down
07:53:16 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: I couldn’t get in with the other name, though.
07:53:18 tofu_thief: hiya mama
07:53:26 eymsohi*
07:53:27 osirian_mccloud: OMFG!
07:53:34 mama_pajama_1: and it sent me to a room called Providence, then Survivor of all damn things!!!
07:53:36 mama_pajama_1: and then HERE
07:53:42 mama_pajama_1: every time I’ve clicked on room 5
07:53:44 babycattt*
07:53:45 flutterby442003: wb osi & eym
07:53:48 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: mama: TV Show rooms.
07:53:51 osirian_mccloud:
07:53:53 spy_geo*
07:53:53 cat_zizo2000*
07:53:56 mama_pajama_1:
07:53:57 shariasl_85*
07:53:59 ngoc_linh966*
07:54:01 nikkimoods2001*
07:54:03 tekaphor: clearly big brother reset the room ‘coz the topic was pot
07:54:05 mama_pajama_1: I’ve never gone to that area of yahoo
07:54:05 tofu_thief: wb flutteriena
07:54:05 durtyolman2: I so love being dumped into a tv show chat room
07:54:06 el_shaddai_praises_me*
07:54:06 pkw2099*
07:54:09 nikkimoods2001: damn updates
07:54:11 mama_pajama_1: of all the places it would take me
07:54:15 osirian_mccloud:
07:54:15 eymsohi: ahhhh stop!
07:54:17 osirian_mccloud:
07:54:18 sanju_25ghy*
07:54:26 flutterby442003: brb
07:54:28 tofu_thief: durty it’s the new tv advertisement strategy
07:54:31 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: I wonder what that other video mom sent me was….
07:54:31 eymsohi: oops whehe t f
07:54:32 reeleess*
07:54:37 durtyolman2: lol tofu, could be
07:54:38 nikkimoods2001:
07:54:39 cyjay4all*
07:54:44 osirian_mccloud: still loading Moon
07:54:45 humor.spice*
07:54:49 eymsohi: ty
07:54:51 mama_pajama_1: ohhhhhhhh I like that tiger avatar eymsohi!
07:54:54 durtyolman2: lol baron
07:55:02 nikkimoods2001: mama
07:55:03 ossamasaso*
07:55:06 tofu_thief* prays to the disney fairy that one day osi will have broadband
07:55:07 eymsohi: my bar says this is rm 6?
07:55:20 eymsohi: 23?
07:55:20 medo_rezk_2010*
07:55:22 david521598*
07:55:25 osirian_mccloud: LOLOL
07:55:39 nikkimoods2001: jerkins OSI
07:55:39 o9zeta9: osi………..QUIET YOU
07:55:39 eymsohi: ty mama
07:55:40 shaggyhairhippie*
07:56:06 tofu_thief: i’m not surprised anymore. it’s called the 7am flush.
07:56:11 nikkimoods2001: lol AM
07:56:14 osirian_mccloud:
07:56:16 adham_dora: i want a software enginiar
07:56:20 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: So, this is what happens when mom has high speed internet and decent video capability.
07:56:23 durtyolman2: I think it was ebcause I dissed the scifi netwrok
07:56:23 nikkimoods2001:
07:56:24 eymsohi: 1?
07:56:28 hellow_has*
07:56:36 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: durty: what’d you say about SciFi?
07:56:41 ossamasaso*
07:56:42 blackheartedprofit: she sends you porn?, hunter
07:56:50 tofu_thief: you and every cable subscriber, durty
07:56:58 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: black: porn is lame. Videos of giant factory fires aren’t.
07:57:01 el_shaddai_praises_me: hows this
07:57:03 durtyolman2: entity, that theyshould have a movie about mutaded crocks in those waterways
07:57:24 o9zeta9: I SEE we have a sick little person in the room
07:57:24 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: durty: I think they did.
07:57:28 david521598*
07:57:30 cindy_zoe_annie*
07:57:38 blackheartedprofit: personally i’d rather watch porn than a big fire
07:57:40 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: durty: It’s Hunter, by the way.
07:57:46 tofu_thief: if it wasn’t for twilight zone I’d ban it from my coaxial
07:57:58 david521598*
07:58:02 nikkimoods2001: come back osi I was enjoying your conversation dammit
07:58:03 david521598*
07:58:06 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: tofu: oh, they had an entertaining marathon for their Sunday Suckfest, yesterday.
07:58:09 el_shaddai_praises_me: black when i make a porno …..many women heat up
07:58:13 nikkimoods2001: their ya are
07:58:13 o9zeta9: Porn [x] Video Of Giant Fire [ ]
07:58:24 cennet_akba*
07:58:32 nikkimoods2001: El is your cock worn out?
07:58:33 flutterby442003: lol vegas goos avitar
07:58:39 tekaphor: ive never seen a camp fire porn
07:58:40 adham_dora: I want a computer engineerI want a computer engineer to chat with him
07:58:42 GATOCHKACHA: heil the gauls
07:58:42 cennet_akba: hello
07:58:47 tofu_thief: cool. probably better than what I watched. “the 180 lb tumor”
07:58:50 el_shaddai_praises_me: nikki go check out my profile
07:58:52 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: Right. I’m sick, because my mind isn’t always all about watching other people fuck.
07:58:53 nikkimoods2001: Gato
07:58:53 GATOCHKACHA: flutter
07:58:54 philomenalukas*
07:58:56 flutterby442003: gato
07:58:59 nikkimoods2001: ok El brb
07:59:00 GATOCHKACHA: nikki
07:59:05 GATOCHKACHA: el
07:59:06 eymsohi: he plugs in
07:59:07 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: tofu: Discovery Health = cool.
07:59:07 GATOCHKACHA: tofu
07:59:09 el_shaddai_praises_me: gato
07:59:12 nikkimoods2001: Gato
07:59:18 o9zeta9: entity, oh, who said i was talking about you? you just assumed .
07:59:19 GATOCHKACHA: arctic monkey
07:59:25 philomenalukas: …..prasie
07:59:28 durtyolman2: lol hunter
07:59:30 GATOCHKACHA: zeta
07:59:31 tofu_thief: they should just call it “the freakshow channel”
07:59:32 el_shaddai_praises_me: phil
07:59:32 o9zeta9: you assumed correctly entity for you are indeed SICKO
07:59:34 quwicken*
07:59:34 o9zeta9: gato
07:59:38 nikkimoods2001: o9 you already know I am thinking about you
07:59:49 the_jenfidel*
07:59:50 o9zeta9: nikki, you cock tease you !
07:59:50 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: o9zeta9: you’re an insipid little twat with no imagination of your own. Of course you were talking about me when you made those two comments right next to each other.
07:59:53 cennet_akba: ım monkey
07:59:58 tofu_thief: hi jen
07:59:59 eymsohi: gato
08:00:00 the_jenfidel*
08:00:00 the_jenfidel*
08:00:03 GATOCHKACHA: hulloo akba
08:00:05 o9zeta9: entity, nope, you just assumed i was talking about you
08:00:11 GATOCHKACHA: jentle
08:00:12 the_jenfidel: yahoo
08:00:13 qszm1980*
08:00:18 anu_world458*
08:00:18 wazup_yalooz*
08:00:19 nikkimoods2001: damn El I have had that man before
08:00:20 the_jenfidel: hi gato
08:00:20 cennet_akba: hi
08:00:20 nikkimoods2001: In my dreams!
08:00:23 tofu_thief* says “hi jen ” in a very deja vu way
08:00:30 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: Not just insipid, but *stupid* too.
08:00:31 flutterby442003: wb jen
08:00:33 the_jenfidel: hi savarin
08:00:36 cennet_akba: ım sex cam lol
08:00:37 reality_bitesback*
08:00:42 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: Of course, I already knew these things….
08:00:45 quwicken*
08:00:47 GATOCHKACHA: ho savarin
08:00:48 the_jenfidel: ty flutter
08:00:52 medo_rezk_2010: هاااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااى
08:00:54 durtyolman2: hunter, yeah, I didn’t realize it was you at first, butthen checked the profile
08:00:55 sanju_25ghy*
08:00:56 flutterby442003: yw hon
08:00:58 tofu_thief: you a ho gato!!!!
08:01:00 tofu_thief:
08:01:03 el_shaddai_praises_me: flys to nikki
08:01:03 tekaphor: insipid lipid could be a band name
08:01:05 nikkimoods2001: sav’
08:01:13 durtyolman2: I usually don’t out peopel when they use a different name in the room
08:01:13 GATOCHKACHA: ??
08:01:14 tofu_thief: hi nikki!!
08:01:18 eymsohi: mine crashed too jen bout 5 mins ago
08:01:21 nikkimoods2001: <
08:01:35 eymsohi: count went down into the 20’s
08:01:41 flutterby442003: eym mine crashed about the same time
08:01:41 the_jenfidel: mine did too
08:01:45 the_jenfidel: 33
08:01:45 opiate_mu*
08:01:48 mongrellllllll*
08:01:48 o9zeta9: entity, and you’re a psycho if you want to see a devestating, deadly fire instead of harmless porn
08:01:55 tofu_thief: 35 I win again. take off your top.
08:01:55 cennet_akba: ım name sinem
08:01:57 the_jenfidel: 35
08:01:57 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: durty: I’m not hiding. My other name just got all ‘tarded when the room died like that. It’s probably back now, though. I think I might rather be on that name. Then zetard has to keep up his fake ignore.
08:01:58 flutterby442003: hell eym mine went to 1 lol
08:02:00 the_jenfidel: nope tie
08:02:08 asgarali_18*
08:02:10 durtyolman2: lol hunter
08:02:14 tofu_thief: 36. OFF WITH THE TOP
08:02:18 flutterby442003: i have 38
08:02:18 the_jenfidel: 36
08:02:19 nikkimoods2001: mine did to but it was for an update
08:02:21 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: o9zeta9: you’re making quite a few more assumptions than I am, assuming that the fire was deadly.
08:02:25 the_jenfidel: look at flutter
08:02:26 tekaphor: fires can look interesting, usually while there though
08:02:30 the_jenfidel: tell him to get naked
08:02:34 o9zeta9: entity, ah so you have another name you use but this is your hiding name that you just admitted to lol
08:02:35 osirian_mccloud: nods
08:02:42 heathersraynebow: *** medo_rezk_2010 will be ignored.
08:02:45 nikkimoods2001: medo get some language lessons >>IS that all you can say in american
08:02:48 o9zeta9: entity, imagine that, even under a name that i dont know you of and you’re still an idiot, LOL
08:02:49 heathersraynebow: it was an idiot with a mic
08:02:50 flutterby442003: oh eym get nakkkkked now
08:02:50 medo_rezk_2010: الوووووووووووووووووووو
08:02:55 nikkimoods2001: we like to say eat shit and fuck you
08:02:59 medo_rezk_2010:
08:03:03 GATOCHKACHA: o siii
08:03:06 durtyolman2: zeta, stop being a retard
08:03:08 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: o9zeta9: my god, you’re fucking retarded. If I were hiding, would I be using my name as my name on this profile? Would I be admitting that I had this name and another name? Gorsh golly gee, no.
08:03:09 nikkimoods2001: or donot fuck me suck me and we will both fell better
08:03:09 eymsohi: they always dump the idiots in here when it crashes
08:03:09 tia_oi_co_ay_hong_yeu_con_kia*
08:03:10 o9zeta9: i can spot an idiot a mile away or after one text sentence, like entity
08:03:13 osirian_mccloud: Gat
08:03:14 eymsohi: 37
08:03:19 the_jenfidel: thats right nikki…i like fuck off and die myself
08:03:19 tia_oi_co_ay_hong_yeu_con_kia: hi
08:03:22 the_jenfidel: 36
08:03:25 o9zeta9: entity, you’re just pissed because i busted you
08:03:29 nikkimoods2001: right on bunny
08:03:31 nikkimoods2001: kins
08:03:32 flutterby442003: 38
08:03:39 durtyolman2: <== cans zeta again
08:03:44 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: o9zeta9: you busted me? Really? Was that before or after I told durty who I was?
08:03:45 blackheartedprofit: busta hymen
08:03:49 o9zeta9: durty, if you ever said anything that was other than pointless, i’d be sad by your iggy, LOL
08:03:49 nikkimoods2001: lol artic
08:03:53 durtyolman2: lol hunter
08:03:56 o9zeta9: entity, busted.
08:04:08 eymsohi: already am
08:04:10 el_shaddai_praises_me: asian women call me …..u fuk me long
08:04:17 tofu_thief* still thinks durty is really lolitarosepetal
08:04:22 osirian_mccloud: eeeyiP
08:04:32 flutterby442003: prove it eym lol
08:04:33 eymsohi: 37
08:04:34 osirian_mccloud: from an alternate location*
08:04:48 el_shaddai_praises_me: still tring to figure that out and why they take all their clothes off
08:04:50 eymsohi: 145,584,234,567
08:04:51 osirian_mccloud: neatO isn’t it
08:04:58 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: o9zeta9: how does it feel, to be slower than blackheartedprofit?
08:04:59 flutterby442003: lol eym
08:05:05 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: “07:56:42 blackheartedprofit: she sends you porn?, hunter”
08:05:16 o9zeta9: entity, even under an anonymous name i STILL was able to identify your stupid ass as the evil, sick, typically unintelligent, immoral pile of shit that you are
08:05:25 blackheartedprofit: i’m not sure how to take that, hunter
08:05:35 eymsohi: i have this old book
08:05:35 tofu_thief: wb gato
08:05:40 tofu_thief: you ho.
08:05:58 eymsohi: were not there yet osi
08:06:00 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: o9zeta9: this isn’t an ‘anonymous name’. And you were utterly incapable of identifying me. You still haven’t identified me by name. Why is that?
08:06:01 nikkimoods2001: dammit
08:06:06 eymsohi: its still happening
08:06:13 Entity_of_Pure_Hate* chuckles. “07:57:40 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: durty: It’s Hunter, by the way.”
08:06:15 o9zeta9: entity, you know what i enjoy about these little fights, you always lose and i get to watch you squirm with anger trying to one up me
08:06:15 osirian_mccloud: nods
08:06:25 o9zeta9:
08:06:39 nikkimoods2001:
08:06:41 el_shaddai_praises_me: you ho ….that applies to 3/4 the room
08:06:44 o9zeta9: and now you bore me, NEXT
08:06:46 o9zeta9: *** entity_of_pure_hate will be ignored for 7777 days.
08:06:48 sabbatai_sevi*
08:06:54 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: That’s right. Fake ignore.
08:06:55 shaggyhairhippie: lol
08:06:59 durtyolman2: hunter, not to mention your profile says you’re hunter, but of course you’re hiding because zeta wants to say so lol
08:07:04 srabella49*
08:07:05 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: durty: of course.
08:07:16 tofu_thief: hello! look at the avatars people!!! am I taking crazy pills???
08:07:17 eymsohi: $20 says i can shoot that parakeet from here.
08:07:17 the_jenfidel:
08:07:21 Entity_of_Pure_Hate: Nevermind that I didn’t change my font, my avatar, or anything.
08:07:22 o9zeta9: entity came into the room with an entirely different name JUST to ge my attention and it didnt pay off for him anyway