I have RANDOM!

In an effort to look like I’m actually doing something, I finally got around to adding the random quotes aspect I’ve been wanting for a while. See it, up there under the stupid banner-shaped text-image thing I’ve been using for three million years? Yeah, I’ll do something about that when I actually give a shit.

I don’t give a shit because I have fucking RANDOM!

Also, it’s really fucking great random. It’s a plugin from ZombieRobot.com, and it’s just great. It has some funny messages, and…stuff. And it’s got a nice little interface through the dashboard, and stores the quotey-crap in the database.

It also adds three quotes, to, y’know, get you started. So I left those in, just because….

I shall be adding more quotes. Maybe I’ll include some of those strange search terms I’ve seen. I really don’t know.


Go on, say something....