Contraception and Dairy, they just go together.

Let’s start with a slight update on that dairy issue…or maybe some background?

Milk delivery still exists. The milkman isn’t a cheerful fucker who leaves you little glass bottles [and sometimes little nine-month timebombs, if I’m not confusing my stories here] anymore, but they do still exist.

We started getting milk delivered back when we lived Where it Rains INSIDE — one upside to the place, I guess. The company that delivers the milk also makes the milk. They have a bunch of local dairy farmers that produce the milk for them, actually, and that milk gets turned into some of their other products. They also have bread, eggs, cheese, and a couple of different kinds of juice. And buckets of cookie dough. Usually, I get a card on the last delivery day of each month for the next month, so I can leave it out in the milk box and let them know what I want, if what I want is different from the standing order.

They only deliver within a certain area, and there’s some super-spiffy stupid thing about it being antibiotic and hormone free. I guess that’s a big deal for some people.

So, it’s fresh and natural and stuff. And, occasionally, it’s cheaper than milk in the grocery stores. Also, it’s probably cheaper than comparable milk from grocery stores — and, since I’ve never seen milk in our local grocery store that claims to be all natural [and undiluted, fucking watery crap], I guess it would be cheaper, just based on gas prices….

Shortly after we moved, we started having problems with being overcharged for milk, and getting entirely the wrong sorts of milk — royal rich instead of regular, ‘the special cheap stuff with the star on the cap’ instead of regular. I complained a few dozen times through their email form, and eventually couldn’t get anything more done.

So, I had Gremlin call.

The deliveryman was fired.


Just recently, there was this whole thing where the fucker just didn’t fucking stop. And that was after he pulled that whole thing where he left me royal rich when I didn’t fucking ask for it….

If you’re curious, “Royal Rich” is just ‘overpriced milk that goes bad twice as quickly’.

After that, and the ‘not stopping’ thing, I had Gremlin call again. They said they were sorry, and that they’d drop off what we wanted the next morning.

They didn’t.

They also said we wouldn’t be charged.

We were.

Luckily, there was an excuse to call about that. See, on Monday — when I assume we’d gotten a new driver again — I not only put a little ‘1’ in the ‘gallon whole milk’ box, but I put a ‘1’ in the ‘eggs’ box, too.

This time, when they said they’d send the eggs out the next day, they actually did.

That’s something like improvement….

The day I got the eggs, I also got a call from the doctor-that-isn’t-mine letting me know that there was ‘good news’ for me. That call came in at seven, but I didn’t actually get it until around one, when I woke up to haul the trash can thing back up from the near-middle-of-the-street, where the trash people left it. I should really complain at them, but I don’t think they’re smart enough to care….

Lucky me, the ‘good news’ is that I get ‘The Ring’. But I still don’t know what the fuck is going on, so I assumed I’d get another call at some ungodly hour when I’d be wanting to sleep. Like, y’know, 7am.

I was right, and there was better news. Sorta.

The better news is that I don’t have to go in to learn about which hole and how and all that, so it’s actually being mailed to me.

The not so good news? I’m almost out of soda. That’s should explain everything.

Go on, say something....