Lucky me….

This is one of those good-news-bad-news sorts of things. The good news is that the server was down for a while, so I had a lovely excuse for not doing a damned thing.

The bad news? I didn’t get anything done. Also, my DVR is broken.

I noticed that it was broken just a little bit ago, when I thought ‘gee, I wonder what’s going to be recording this week?’ and saw that nothing was. Not even Nightmares & Dreamscapes, which really should be recording, because I told it to….

But wait, where’s my series recording? Where are any of them? Gone, that’s where. Along with Battleground, Crouch End, and Desperation.

I guess maybe they’ve all gone off to Crouch End, or something, to be with the Goat with a Thousand Young.


So, that’s irritating. So I call comcast, because I am righteously…chafed, or something, and I got one of those rare things — a good customer service person, which makes me think ‘gee, maybe I should’ve tried recording things before I called in.’ After a chat about what HD channels we’re going to be getting this year [20 new ones by the end of the year, potentially including National Geographic HD and TNT HD], and why the house phone is totally pointless, but she was supposed to let me know about Digital Voice anyway, I hang up and fuck around with the DVR.

Except it’s not a DVR anymore. It’s a…something else that doesn’t understand that it’s a dual channel DVR, and instead thinks that I don’t have DVR service, and require a VCR.

So, on the phone again, where I find out that there’s a rather massively stupid wait for a service call, and that I should probably just take the damned thing into the billpay/service outlet thingie and exchange it all by myself there [for no charge, according to the phone-person I spoke to this time].

So, bleh.

In other, more random news, I seem to be one of those lucky people that happen to be in a relationship with someone who occasionally thinks about…whatever word would go here. Gremlin not only recently gave me the most wonderfully yummy brown potato chip ever, but he also bought me a puzzle, and a thing of chai.

I wasn’t quite awake, but I think the puzzle is a thousand pieces, and has kittens on it, which is why Gremlin bought it for me.

I should probably get ready for another day of irritating power outages. Thanks, all you AC-loving bastards. Thanks a lot.

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