People are stupid.

Ever since I got the iPod, I’ve been subjected to new levels of stupidity. For example:


No. You suck. You, in your infinite stupidity and terrible laziness, didn’t bother setting up iTunes [because you, of course, are using iTunes] to not autosynch.

It could also be that you fucked up an update. That can happen, especially if you click ‘restore’ instead of ‘update’.

And I shouldn’t have to mention that your dropping the fucking thing into the toilet is not an ‘iPod sucks’ problem, but an ‘operator is an idiot’ problem….

You can’t put mp3s on an iPod! Ha ha! Loser!

Again, stupid. Yes, you can. You can’t put .ogg on an iPod, but that’s okay, because you can put mp3s on an iPod. And I haven’t run into a single thing about not being able to do it because I’m not trying to put the CD physically into the iPod.

Also, learn to read, then read a little about the iPod. And try to avoid the pages where people are saying things like OMG MY SISTER FILLED IT WITH STUPID PLAYLISTS HELP ME!

You can’t get things off an iPod. It’s useless.

No, it’s not useless. It’s an mp3 player, not a portable harddrive. If you want a portable drive, buy a portable drive, dumbass.

Also, yes, you can get things off an iPod. You can also use the iPod as a drive. This goes back partly to manually updating instead of autosynching. It also goes back to BEING SMART.

So, what have we learned? iPods take mp3s [and it’s not hard to make those], and you can get the mp3s off them if you’re smart enough to look for ways, and all you have to do is not have it auto-synch to keep from losing your files in the most common way…and, if you do lose your files, you have no excuse for not having them backed up somewhere.

Stupidity is not an excuse.

Go on, say something....