Wasting my time….

I meant to actually work on some websites today, but…well, you can guess how that turned out. I got some on-paper work done, but the instant I went back to the computer, I decided to play with Photoshop instead.

I’ve been doing easy and pointless things to some of the pictures I’ve taken, and feeling a great sense of coolness about how wonderfully skilled I must be to know which buttons to press and which sliders to fuck with…even though I really have no clue what I’m doing.

I may upload some of these things, and post them. I may also see if I can’t get them put on a few things for purchasing, because everyone totally wants the cool shit I’ve made.

Sure they do….

Everyone wants pictures of trees that would just be ordinary pictures of trees, if it weren’t for the amazing colour replacement I’ve done with some easy slider, and damn does it ever look artistic when I take away all the colours. I mean, WOW.

I better be careful. I might start taking this seriously….

Go on, say something....