Lego Star Wars, Big Brain Academy, and Animal Crossing: Wild World.

So…I’ve been playing some games recently — more than usual. Normally, I don’t really play games, because most of them don’t hold my interest for very long. This week’s been weird, though.

We got the first Lego Star Wars through GameFly, discovered that it’s a two-player cooperative type game, and spent a day playing through it — right up to the Darth Vader level [the last level, probably]. Stupid lava jumpy falley-away shit.

It’s really fun, though, except for that last level, and the podrace one. Wow, did the podrace suck. It’s a short game, though, and I’m not sure what the replay value would be, so renting it is probably a good idea for most people.

The rest of my time since, well, Tuesady, has been spent going between Big Brain Academy and Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Big Brain Academy is just a great game. It could be better, but not by much. There are five different gropuings of puzzles you can do: Think, Memorize, Anallyze, Compute, and Identify. They’re all timed, which is the crappy part. I’d really like to just have an untimed run through all the puzzles under the ‘Get in Shape’ game.

I’m a little lost on what else to say about it right now, meh.

Animal Crossing…well, I was warned about it. It’s somewhat addictive, and a hell of a lot better on the DS than on the GameCube. The TouchScreen really does a great deal for the gameplay — like, being able to drag your stylus along the ground, and having your character follow it [instead of using the D-pad].

I’ve been playing since Wednesday, and I’ve already paid off my mortgage, ‘upgraded’ the size of my house [which is supposed to be done today], gotten a shovel, a fishing rod, and a bug-catching net, and…well…it’s just fun. There’s this Legend of Zelda without the Saving the Princess aspect.

…and there’s not much I can do with it today, because the store in the game is closed for remodeling.

Oh well. I think I’d recommend it. I know I’d recommend Big Brain Academy — it’s an absolutely wonderful game concept. Both games are making me love the new touch-screen concept. Touch screens make for some entertaining gameplay options.

I can’t wait to try out the New Super Mario Bros. and Trauma Center, both of which are in my GameFly queue.

I haven’t got the attention span for this….

Go on, say something....