Trauma Center: Under the Knife

My most recent bit of orange-enveloped goodness showed up the other day, and taught me why renting was so much better than actually buying. Thanks to renting, this game is now sitting out in my mailbox, waiting for the mailman to come and take it away so I can get another game instead.

I was really expecting to like Trauma Center, because, hey, surgery and stuff, but I guess I was expecting it to be a little bit more than a slightly newer version of that Frog Dissection game my school had for the super-ancient Windows PCs they had, except Frog Dissection came on one of those big old floppy things, and didn’t have a bunch of really excitable anime people pretending to be medical staff.

Also, you actually had to move your little knife thing cut. I remember the frog dissection thing, all you did was click and it’d just sorta…become the next image. Really bad graphics, too. Old Super Mario Quality.


I wasn’t a big fan of the game. I thought I’d start to like it when Nurse TalksALot finally shut up and let me do things, but the game just got worse. Eventually, Nurse TalksALot gets replaced by Nurse AnimeStereotypeWithHair#4, and, well….

The game isn’t that difficult, unless you count not having a staff of Surgical Slaves to do all the menial tasks like ‘managing vitals’ and ‘suction’ as ‘making things difficult’. If I were really doing any of these operations, I’d expect Nurse Lots of Hair over there to 1. shut up, 2. Not be quite so free-flowing hair-having in my OR, and 3. do her job instead of telling me how to do mine.

Maybe I’m being too picky, but I just didn’t like it. It had absolutely no replay value [for me, anyway], and I just didn’t care if I saved these people. Actually, I pretty much just wanted to take my scalpel and my magic green healing goo and perform nasty experiments on the obnoxious dramaqueens that kept showing up on the top screen.

Oh good, my DS is charged. It’s Animal Crossing time!

Go on, say something....