You know, the weekend.
I still don’t have Twilight Princess or Nigel the Octopus, probably because the USPS is a lot like ‘useless’, and when combined with any other shipping company, it’s even worse. contacted me yesterday to let me know that I would not be getting MST3K volume 10 at all, because it’s gone the way of MST3K the Movie, so my collection has a gigantic gap in it where Godzilla vs. Megalon should be. I guess I’ll just have to order them the instant I hear they’re coming out, from now on.
Probably, I won’t be getting that book I wanted either.
At least my Netflix came today, because I watched all of the most recent season of Sleeper Cell last night. I suppose it’s likely that someone died and something blew up out there, so we’ll pretend that possibility is something like good news….