I got the SuperMediaStore stuff today, and the collectors edition guide. That’s about it.
I took pictures, but my head hurts, so I’m not going to bother doing much with them right now. Also, probably pointless and dull.
I’m looking into a few updatey-type-things that might make this place a little easier to navigate, since expecting people to click on the individual post title, then the navigation links at the bottom is probably just way too much. Also, maybe a ‘recently commented’ sort of thing, too, since I seem to be getting comments on Peter Popoff posts and that Littersweep thing.
I’m also considering modifying another theme for the gallery and trying to work with that instead of switching over to an entirely other gallery.
More on all that later, maybe after my head doesn’t hurt. Or maybe after I get the stuff from my parents, which might not be at all this year, if it keeps up with this snow-every-few-days-shit.
Yeah. There’s supposed to be more snow, but it might be little or it might be big. No idea.