Well, sorta.
Dreamhost, our wonderful, wonderful hosting company have decided to give us a youtubey sort of option, where we can upload videos and they’ll compress them and stuff, and send me the code so I can put it on my site. Well, not actually me, but I can work around that.
There’s a special plugin for WordPress, too. Unfortunately, the little clicky-tab that’s supposed to insert the quick tags is not working for me at all. Not on this site, anyway. When I oneclick a new installation, it works all fine-and-dandy, though. So, I’m a little peeved, but I think I’ll try to work around it so I can avoid having to do a fresh installation of my site. That would suck a bit.
Also unfortunately, the compression makes the video look icky and, well, compressed, because it’s fast and it becomes of the tiny. Probably not entirely Dreamhost’s fault, because the video from my camera started out at 640xLousy.
For my first video, here’s a little bit of the canadian geese we ran into on the way to the store today.
It’s a real pity I kept getting interrupted about senseos and cameras, because this could’ve been a way better post….
Pre-posting-update [so, not really an update at all]: after a full delete and reinstallation of WordPress through Dreamhost’s OneClick, the video plugin works. Unfortunately, I don’t think I actually needed to do all that. See, it was my list manager plugin that was causing it to not work, so…meh. No more list manager for me. I guess I’ll be doing lists by hand so I can get around all that messy video code.
Let me know if something doesn’t work, because if something doesn’t work, I probably forgot to upload something….
In relation to the subject matter of the video, the other day I drove the 21 from Aurora mall to Cold Springs, which is the far western reach of Alameda, foothills territory. Entire herd of deer in town. No food in the higher elevations is my guess, meaning we’re about due for another cop to shoot a mountain lion before animal control show up. :|