What? Another Silent Hill movie?

…I guess I forgot to pay attention. Oops.

There was an article in December about the movie being not just confirmed, but ‘well underway’.

I’d better be careful here, since you’re not allowed to copy anything, and giving credit is just confessing to the horrible crime of intellectual property theft. That could get me hung….


Gans, the Antibes-born director of the first Silent Hill movie, has revealed that a second SH film is on the way and that it will correct the mistakes of the first.

I wonder what he thinks the mistakes of the first one are.

Gans added that he may not have time to take on the project himself, due to his commitments on the adaptation of another video game project, Onimusha.

This sounds like a bad idea. Not the Onimusha thing, the passing it off to someone else thing. It could end up in the hands of someone that’ll do to it what was done to some of those other videogame movies out there.

He also revealed that he was planning a special two-disc collector’s-edition DVD of the original Silent Hill, but that would be a long time coming, possibly not for two and a half to three years, and that he intends to start work on it only after finishing up Onimusha.

How ’bout now, please? We could all be dead in two to three years!

0 thoughts on “What? Another Silent Hill movie?

  1. Ugh, handing it to someone else is soooo fucking risky, it’s basically asking for a total fucking failure. Unless he actually gets to pick someone who he thinks is competent and could actually do it well. Somehow I think he could find the right person. But yeah, I really wanted him to do it, he did a very good job with the first. Here’s to hoping the second won’t suck too much..

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