b_radmetropolis almost deserves his own category in the idiot archive.

If it weren’t such a large, ‘main-archive’ worthy mess, he probably would. Unfortunately, this is only a small piece of his idiocy.

A little background:

b_rad is one of those fruity-fonted chatters from Religion:1. Aside from being a raving racist, he’s got the typical delusional-troll view of female chatters. Specifically: “They might be men, but oh, they still want me.” He goes from flat broke to wealthy Alaskan land-baron in the length of time it takes for his last confession of brokeness to scroll out of sight. Sometimes, he claims to be an artist.

His current mania — or, well, I should say his mania just before his current mania — was the idea that the Earth was hollow. His actual current mania is that he’s going to sue Gremlin because aunk_van_ra posted this on the board.

Did I mention he’s also a copyright lawyer? And, when he’s not too busy being an e-psychic and curing cancer, he’s a part of homeland security who ‘draws up the papers’ to have people arrested for treason?

Yeah, I know. Boring delusional troll.

So, he’s going to sue. Sometime after he kills Gremlin — no, wait, he’s just going to break some fingers! But maybe only after he spends a few years in chat talking about me and how much my life must suck because Wasted, Inc. doesn’t exist, and we’re really all just a bunch of potheads anyway. And messageboard posts are ‘publishing in book form’, and giving credit just makes you ten times more guilty.

So, these are all his own original ideas. Or so he says. Let’s see, where was that?

Oh, yeah:

02.40.03 b_radmetropolis: actually there are about five major observations in there which can be found NO WHERE ELSE

So, let’s see about that….

4:49:58 AM b_radmetropolis: well all scientists would agree that Sheer waves do not pass through the outer core and lower mantle

Taken from an image caption on usgs.gov:

Figure 2. Cross section of the whole Earth, showing the complexity of paths of earthquake waves. The paths curve because the different rock types found at different depths change the speed at which the waves travel. Solid lines marked P are compressional waves; dashed lines marked S are shear waves. S waves do not travel through the core but may be converted to compressional waves (marked K) on entering the core (PKP, SKS). Waves may be reflected at the surface (PP, PPP, SS).

So, his quote is simply a misunderstanding of current information…and an inability to spell. Not that it really counts as an original observation, as it’s an attempt at mindreading. From now on, I’ll probably just disregard ‘all scientists’ comments as utter bullshit.

4:50:37 AM b_radmetropolis: all scientists would agree that compression waves(earth quake waves) shake the shell of the earth but have no effect on the centeral core

He’s going to make my job easy, isn’t he? ‘All scientists’ again. Too bad.

4:50:57 AM b_radmetropolis: the central core is marked by a sharp rise in pressue

There’s so much out there about the pressure in the core that it’s hard to pick a link.


There. That should work.

4:51:17 AM b_radmetropolis: but it doesnt react like a solid to P waves

I get the feeling that this article about the ‘mush zone’ is what he’s misunderstanding. Not original.

4:51:45 AM b_radmetropolis: sojourner they have been led astray
4:51:54 AM b_radmetropolis: by newtons unproven postulation

Not relevant, although, knowing b_rad, he’d probably say that this line was the most important part of the ‘book’ he was going to publish.

Pretending he can read, this idea probably came from something like this page, which has the words “unproven,” “postulate,” and “Newton” all in the same sentence.

4:52:00 AM b_radmetropolis: you cannot date rocks
4:52:03 AM b_radmetropolis: only in theory

I could give you thousands of instances of chatters saying this in creationism vs. evolution arguments. Not original.

4:52:36 AM b_radmetropolis: they have mistaken the hollow interior of LIQUID,

Someone out there put a lot more thought into this than b_rad. Like this guy at hollowplanets.com.

4:52:54 AM b_radmetropolis: the evidence could mean either liquid of atmosphere

See above. Restatement. Not original.

4:53:08 AM b_radmetropolis: they assume it must be liquid because of newton’s unproven postulate

Lather, rinse, repeat….

4:54:04 AM b_radmetropolis: you can take the evidence that says the inside is liquid and make the same exact case for atmosphere

I should’ve read ahead and grouped all these together, because this is still him restating the same unoriginal bullshit.

4:54:15 AM b_radmetropolis: infact the evidence better supports atmosphere than liquid

Gosh, isn’t it fun to beat a dead horse?

4:54:29 AM b_radmetropolis: because the waves just act like they stop moving through solid stuff
4:54:35 AM b_radmetropolis: so they assume high pressue liquid
4:54:42 AM b_radmetropolis: it is merely assumed
4:55:06 AM b_radmetropolis: i say it is no liquid, the waves drop off because they hit AIR
4:55:27 AM b_radmetropolis: I am saying they have misread the DATA

And now that we’ve discovered that the planet isn’t hollow by beating that dead horse straight through to China….

4:55:55 AM b_radmetropolis: they have identified a centeral mysterious core that seems fixed to the gravitational feild of the SUN

“They have identified.” Unless this book is a work of fiction, I’m not counting this at all.

4:56:21 AM b_radmetropolis: we know there is a something at the center that is somehow disconnected but by feild related to the outer shell crust

“We all know.” E-psychic bullshit. Also, not an original observation.

4:56:36 AM b_radmetropolis: that alone proves it is hollow

That ‘we all know’ about the things inside something proves it’s hollow. Okay. Still doesn’t count.

4:57:18 AM b_radmetropolis: all scientists will admit the earth rings and reverberates like a BELL
4:57:27 AM b_radmetropolis: fill a bell with cement and try to ring it
4:57:50 AM b_radmetropolis: the bell nature of the earth mocks in the face of a liquid or solid interior

Again with the ‘all’ shit. Also, ‘rings like a bell’ is a simile. A figure of speech.

4:58:26 AM b_radmetropolis: the hangup is newton’s unproven theory which so many psuedo scientists believe has been long proven true

Oh. Found some more of that horse, did you?

4:58:57 AM b_radmetropolis: fill a bell with water , or glue or honey , try to ring it
4:59:08 AM b_radmetropolis: a bell will only ring if it is hollow

If I tap it from the side, which is a lot like ringing it, it still makes a sound.

4:59:18 AM b_radmetropolis: that is physics 101

I hope I get to see the day where b_rad claims ‘physics 101’ is one of his ‘at least five original’ whatevers.

4:59:25 AM b_radmetropolis: common sense 101

Likewise. See above.

4:59:58 AM b_radmetropolis: the exploration of the earth interior has been stalled because they have run into so many paradoxes

Well, let’s see. There’s that one exploration looking for the hole in the arctic that stalled because the guy running it died. And then there’s the one that wants to send a probe in, but I guess there might be a problem getting the hole deep enough. Or something.

No, wait. It had to do with making a probe that could stand it. For a minute, I thought I’d lost this article, but I found it again.

So much for originality there.

5:00:28 AM b_radmetropolis: you cannot find the true nature of the center of the earth by following the familier path and leaning on newton’s unproven postulation

That’s not even an original misspelling….

5:04:22 AM b_radmetropolis: awk you only prove your low intelligence by mocking solid scientific speculation

Nothing here, either. I’m running out of stuff that could potentially be one of his ‘original’ whatevers….

5:04:58 AM b_radmetropolis: you only show your not a thinker but a follower of other thinkers who you dont even bother to discover the methods by which they employ
5:05:01 AM b_radmetropolis: you only prove your a simpleton mascarading as a thinker
5:05:59 AM b_radmetropolis: the only things sojourner, awk , and ando have shown to refute me is mocking smart moths that claim my opinion isnt popular
5:06:18 AM b_radmetropolis: they jhavent been able not one of them, to present any actual well known evidence to refute a hollow earth
5:06:32 AM b_radmetropolis: these morons believe newton proved a link between mas and gravity
b_radmetropolis: these guys are not serious explorers but hacks and web rats…. NEXT

And he can’t even get an original chat line. He stole that from zeta, who stole that from some other chatter, who stole that from someone else, who stole it from Swyndle.

At least we know what the ‘unproven postulate theory’ is. Gravity.

5:21:02 AM b_radmetropolis: how many thinks grow on this earth that echo a center ruling ‘nut’ and the outer shell formed around and on behalf of the central nut

Use of earlier concept with new words and added-on ‘growth’ thing. Not original.

5:21:50 AM b_radmetropolis: the moon appears to be an artifical hard metal shell with ability to manuveur and reset itself in orbit..in other words. ..
5:21:58 AM b_radmetropolis: the moon is a space shit someone built

Later, he corrects this typo, and calls it a ‘ship’.

And that? So insanely not original.

5:22:21 AM b_radmetropolis: but it is possible they used the central star method to form the hard shell

I suspect the last two links in the ‘not original’ sentence covers this.

5:22:46 AM b_radmetropolis: tek the moon rings like a bell too

Yeah. Sure. That’s original.

For the impaired, that was sarcasm.

5:22:59 AM b_radmetropolis: the moon is hollow and the heavy metals are all over thre SURFACE

I already linked to this, but I’ll do it again.

5:23:20 AM b_radmetropolis: and the moon defys newtons speculation about gravity if it is a natural formation

I wouldn’t be surprised if b_rad got this particular ‘original observation’ from something like this little trick.

5:23:48 AM b_radmetropolis: the moon simply is not where it is supposed to be based on the unproven theory of Newton

Oh. Right. That whole creationism thing. Sorry. Not original.

5:24:36 AM b_radmetropolis: gold at the surface of the earth proves the center of gravity is not too far below the crust

This thing at sacred-texts.com contains a line about an outer plate of gold. That’s good enough, I think.

5:24:58 AM b_radmetropolis: the center of gravity is in the shape of a shell around the core
5:25:19 AM b_radmetropolis: the crust is material collected onto the gravity ring

Unlike last time, I’m going to get to this one the next time he restates it….

b_radmetropolis: the earth is a water bubble with a residual crust
b_radmetropolis: see water bubbles forming in space
b_radmetropolis: this effect defys known universal evolutionary theory

Not exactly original, as I’ve seen more than one page I’ve linked to already mention ‘soap bubble’ and ‘water bubble’…

b_radmetropolis: imagine an earth the size of our solar sysetm (i have it’s called a Dison’s Sphere -A.H.)
b_radmetropolis: LOTS of real estate
b_radmetropolis: absolutly theoretically possible
b_radmetropolis: an earth the size of the SOLAR SYSTEM

Oh. I get it. He went to the wikipedia article about Hollow Earth stuff and looked at the pictures!

b_radmetropolis: i only started to consider a hollow earth when i set out to find evidence against it, and only found all data supports it in theory
b_radmetropolis: then i started to consider it and kept looking, and everything i found supported the hollow earth
b_radmetropolis: and not just a messy hollow earth but an inverted world
b_radmetropolis: with a tiny central sun

b_radmetropolis: by the way i meant the moon is a space SHIP not shit incase you retards didnt make the connection it was a typo

I already covered this.

b_radmetropolis: out in space we see everywhere little stars with some sort of spherical feild catching dust or other matter around it
b_radmetropolis: this ring around these little central stars HAVE GOT TO BE THE SOURCE OF GRAVITY
b_radmetropolis: the matter collects on them
b_radmetropolis: der
b_radmetropolis: the matter doesnt fall onto the central stars
b_radmetropolis: it falls into a uniform spherical feild just around the central star
b_radmetropolis: it is easy to theorize the earth was compiled in a similar way
b_radmetropolis: supported STRONGLY by the discovery of the unique central core , the lighter than the shell interior, and the heavier outer shell which infact rings(vibrates) like a bell
b_radmetropolis: b_rad is a fromitable thinker, you retardos are going to have to rise up alot earlier in the morning , from the time you were toddlers(so too late) to catch up with b_rad
b_radmetropolis: formatable

Someone posted this back in 2005. And I don’t think it was him, because they worded it in a far more rational and coherent way. Also, they speel gud.

What does that leave us with? Zero ‘original’ bullshit? Yeah, that’s about five, isn’t it?

I guess b_rad needs to go sue google for having an amazing time-machine search option that allows people from the past to steal his ideas.

Here, have a few other things I found with my incredible google powers:

United States Patent 1096102: The Hollow Earth Theory By: Mark Harp
Theosophy and the Hollow Earth
The UnMuseum – The Hollow Earth

Once I have the time, I’ll add a section to the Idiot Archive for this, complete with chat logs. They will be mildly edited for easier reading by removing the unnecessary bits — other conversations, people entering and leaving. That sort of thing.

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