I thought so.

“We takes it down! We forgets about it, but you isn’t be letting us! We is so much teh funnies! OMG!”

Trainwrecks Refugee Camp

Sorry about that. It happens when stupidity comes to my attention.

See, apparently someone did this in an attempt to…I don’t actually know. But they did it. And Heaven Nose, who cannot survive without Trainwrecks, created their own almost-exactly-like-it site. And they’re probably most of the anon/non-blogger commenters there, too.

The internet trolls are all starting to look the same to me, now. In fact, this seems like a wonderful time for this image:

Thank you, macrochan. Thank you for making it so that this is all I can think of when someone trolls in front of me. It beats the hell out of the John Bruce [Jack] Thompson-as-Barry Bostwick-in-RHPS I was left with when Law&Order had Barry in that JackThompsonishLawyer Role.

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