WordPress 2.1 “Ella” has just been released [like, todayish, not quite sure when]. I’ve been playing with it over where the shoggoths live to serve me in my website-constructing-attempts, but I’m not sure I want to just go ahead and upgrade it here yet.
Because some of my plugins might not work with it. I assume that this version of WordPress will be okay for a few more weeks while they roll out the new plugin versions…and perhaps document that nifty autosave feature they’re talking about [does it only work in a browser I’m not using, or something?]
So far, it’s not that bad, though. My theme doesn’t break, and my swaginator plugin doesn’t break [which is good, because nobody supports that anymore].
More on that later, when I know more about it [and possibly, when I’ve upgraded here]. For now, there’s a computer to finish rebuilding and a pizza on its way, some Black Adder to watch, and other stuff.