…is that if you don’t end up getting copied, you end up getting C&Ded.
That’s what happened to Zombie: eat flesh.
Not the copying thing, although there used to be several versions of it in other stores. The C&D thing.
That’s pretty damned special, I think. Sad, because it was selling, and now it’s gone, but really very special. Because someone noticed, was terribly upset, and flexed their mighty, mighty American Legal Muscle to make it stop.
…which is one of the reasons why I don’t have more stuff over there on Wasted [the others mostly have to do with Gremlin being way too busy with some Civ game, and anything I do being completely not worth the time]. I, personally, don’t want to go through the ordeal of having someone accuse me of stealing from or infringing upon someone else with whatever it is I made. Even if it is a framed print of some crappy picture I took. I keep thinking someone’s going to launch the great-and-mighty C&D nuke at me, and be all ‘HA HA! THAT’S MINE! YOU STOLE IT!’
And then I’ll have to prove that I didn’t. Because I’m, what, guilty until proven innocent? I don’t know. I don’t really get it. I didn’t do something, and I have to show that I didn’t do it because someone claimed I did. It’s a lot like that thing that happened at Safeway, and that bugs me. A lot.
Oh well.