I decided to have a little computer adventure tonight, and try out linux.
Remember the laptop with the missing tab key? I don’t really care that much about it, so, after a few minutes of talking with Sam [a R:1 chatter], I decided to go for it.
I went to http://www.ubuntu.com/ and, after a bit of reading, I downloaded the basic version.
It was kinda weird, at first — downloading a perfectly legal .iso from a website and all that, but now I’m not entirely sure what the big deal is. It’s just an operating system. It’s not quite as user-friendly and happy-happy-plug-and-play as Windows [which means it’s going to take some work getting my USB wireless adapter to work], but it’s…nothing, really.
Maybe I’m just not impressed by the oh-so-amazing l337ness of it all because I’m using Ubuntu, and it’s slightly easier than certain other versions? I’m not exactly looking at something that makes DOS look easy, here….
Maybe that’s it. I’m not intimidated because I remember using DOS.
I’m actually posting this from the laptop, through Firefox. The Ubuntu CD installed it automatically, I guess. I’m not impressed by Firefox, either. I’ll use it, but I prefer Opera.
Don’t worry. I have no plans to suddenly turn into some raving Open Source preacher. I happen to be cool with Windows. I mostly just wanted to see if this would make my laptop a little more stable.
So far? It has.