I had myself a little movie night.

The Descent, Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, and the new Omen movie.

The Descent, as far as I’m concerned, was rather lovely. The feel-good movie of whatever year that was, and great fun for the whole family. It really shows the true meaning of friendship, and how great adversity brings out the best in everyone.

Make sure you get the Unrated version, though — that is, if there’s an actual ‘rated’ version out there. The unrated version is, supposedly, the original cut with the original ending. The ‘original ending’ was removed from the American release because it was just too ‘hopeless and unhappy’, or something. I call bullshit. The original ending involves the daughter and a birthday cake. That’s not hopeless or unhappy!

Unfortunately for TCM: The Beginning, it had to follow The Descent. That wasn’t exactly the best thing for it. If I’d watched it first, I’d probably have been more interested in it and impressed by it. That’s not to say that I didn’t enjoy the movie — I did. I just wasn’t exactly impressed. It didn’t quite live up to the ‘banned just about everywhere on Earth’ standard of the original first movie, but it wasn’t the absolute worst sequel/prequel/whatever I’ve ever seen, either.

I guess it just seemed a little unnecessary. “Here’s where he came from, here’s why this happened, here’s what led to everything that happened in the original movie.” But it was relatively…true to the whole thing. Possibly because the original guy was involved…whatsisname…Tobe Hooper?

I don’t know. I guess maybe it would’ve been better if a little more of the gore had been ‘implied’ instead of actually onscreen. That which is left up to my imagination is going to be far worse than anything they can do onscreen, and all that….

Then, there was Omen 666 [or so it says on the DVD]. All I can really say is that it’s far less boring, and far prettier to look at, than the original.

…and now, there’s nothing else left to watch, unless I want to watch these damned Bond films again….

Go on, say something....