Thanks, Comcast Customer Service Lady.

My DVR was erased again. This is badness, but of a different degree than last time, where I actually hung up on Ms. Meaningless Scripted Apology.

This time, someone said they were sorry like they meant it.

This time, I got someone who understood the pain and the horror that is losing multiple episodes of some very important prime-time television, because she [said that she] watched the same shows.

She advised me to go in and trade in my DVR for another one, and said that she was putting a note in my account that, if they’re available, I should be given the new box with the larger drive.

She also gave me a credit for the equivalent of an entire month’s DVR box ‘lease’ fee. Because, as she said, there was nothing else she could do. I think that, if she could’ve, she’d have put the shows back.

It’s like a bandaid over a sucking chest wound, but at least it doesn’t sting as much. Because it was one of those magical mommy-bandaids.

If I get this new, bigger box that might be even better.

The worst thing about this entire experience — other than the missing episodes, I mean — is that I know have this shining example of customer service to hold things up against. I just wish this sort of thing happened more often, and that more companies struggled to outdo themselves in the servicing of the customer properly in the rare instance when things when horribly wrong.

Or, to put it in more easily comprehended terms: I wish they’d take me out on a lovely date and properly seduce me instead of putting rohypnol in my drink and stealing my donatable organs after savagely raping whatever ostomy they’ve decided to give me.

Believe it or not, I’m really sick of waking up in that tub of ice with a phone. The least they could do is make sure the battery is charged, and that I’m not somehow roaming….

Go on, say something....